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  1. #21
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabella View Post
    No I'm not a new(er) player. I've played DDO since about 6 months or so after launch and spent many enjoyable hours doing it. I'm just not a *good* player (or never thought of myself that way until this HC) LOL
    Just keep in mind that while game time may have a correlation with game skill, it is by no means a causation.

  2. #22
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    I agree with the not entering a quest early, but that's more of a general "stick together" kind of rule more than anything.

    The rest I think are fluid, it's more important to just all be on the same page. Like...I was just running borderlands and we skipped the out of the way optionals, but did ones that were right there, because many people need low level gear/$$.

    Ironically we didn't stick around to link lootstuffs, just looted and ran. But on my other char, one guy in the party kept getting left behind after we looted/recalled. Not sure why but he was always last, and in 2 quests he had to fight off a hound on his own (luckily he was bulky). Could've been easily fixed if he had just asked people to wait to recall so he could (whatever the heck he was doing).
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  3. #23
    Community Member Nebless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    I find most "optionals" to be slow XP anyway - run around and around and around and get +5% of base - yay. Adding 25% of the time to a quest for +15% of the xp is not efficient; doing so and getting a Hound when you don't have to is tantamount to a deathwish.*
    I have to disagree on the 'no optionals' too.

    Just as a test I ran Stopping the Sahuagin last night on hard so lvl 2 quest with a lvl 2 character. Did ALL of the optional's ended up with 5 total, a +5%, couple +10's and +15's (in Durk's got a Secret one of the optionals gives +20%).

    BASE xp for the quest 648xp (number prior to adding in the optionals), what I got with the optionals and the first run bonus was 1,120xp. So almost double than if I would have skipped the optionals.

    It really doesn't add that much time and the xp you get from it makes it worth it. Also I'd argue that you're better off getting all the XP you can while on Korthos Island to be in a better spot when you move to the harder dungeons over in the Harbor and Marketplace.

    And if you're going to die, doing it at a low level on Korthos is better than at a higher level in the Marketplace.
    Aias Iceforge. Barbarian Ice Dwarf - Khyber

  4. #24
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    I have to disagree on the 'no optionals' too.

    Just as a test I ran Stopping the Sahuagin last night on hard so lvl 2 quest with a lvl 2 character. Did ALL of the optional's ended up with 5 total, a +5%, couple +10's and +15's...
    Um... there are no optionals in Stopping the Sahuagin. (And I just ran it to confirm.)


    There is "bonus xp" - which is something different - and can be gained simply by running the quest - kills, spotting secret doors, breakables (no bonus for the traps in that one) - but that's not "optionals", and that's not (necessarily) what I'm talking about.

    I'm talking about detours and delays that take time unnecessarily, add unnecessary fights with dangerous opponents, and (mostly) for low xp and/or low xp/time spent.

    Especially when those detours and delays invite Hounds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    So almost double than if I would have skipped the optionals.
    And did you get a Hound?

    If not, go for it. If you did, then (if you're a new(er) player) you're risking death. Even if it's a small +1% chance, you're going to run more than 100 quests, so (by the odds) you're following a plan to fail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    It really doesn't add that much time and the xp you get from it makes it worth it...
    Running the quest a second time on Hard gets much more xp, and takes far less time/xp. And no Hounds. Win/win/win.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    And if you're going to die...
    Um... the idea is to not die.

    If you can handle the Hounds, great, this advice is obviously not for you. But if you are having any trouble with them, then you don't want even a small risk of them, and any way to avoid them (by running quests quickly) is zero hounds and zero extra risk. And "no risk" is how you survive HC.

    If you're approaching this from the "gonna die anyway" perspective, then, yes, 100%, take your time, fulfill your prophecy, and haff fun dying at da cassul.

  5. #25
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This sort of thing^ encourages zerging and punishes co-operative play.
    I agree; this season zerg has been pushed to the absolute max and statics have been rewarded - yes, they removed the bard pike multibox issue; but made it extremely challenging for someone like me who solos a lot while i do guild stuff - i can't do both now

  6. #26
    Community Member Nebless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    There is "bonus xp" - which is something different - and can be gained simply by running the quest - kills, spotting secret doors, breakables (no bonus for the traps in that one) - but that's not "optionals", and that's not (necessarily) what I'm talking about.

    I'm talking about detours and delays that take time unnecessarily, add unnecessary fights with dangerous opponents, and (mostly) for low xp and/or low xp/time spent.
    OK, I'm (and others from other posts and chat) was using the term 'optionals' as a catch all for anything extra that's not required, which would be traps, breakables (many) etc.... where you're using it to only mean the extra bosses scattered about and I'll agree with those since they only give from 20 to 100xp.
    Aias Iceforge. Barbarian Ice Dwarf - Khyber

  7. #27
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    where you're using it to only mean the extra bosses scattered about and I'll agree with those since they only give from 20 to 100xp.
    To be clear, I'm using it as the term is used under listed "Objectives", and also re (unofficially) "optional chests", ones that are far off the main path. Of those, mini-bosses are only one possibility.

    For example, in Durk's Got a Secret, you get "bonus XP" from 29+ monsters killed (+10% bonus), breaking 32+ items (+8% Bonus), and disarming 1 trap (10% bonus) (there's only 1, the fire trap before the right-hand boss). You can get that +28% bonus by simply running the quest and killing/breaking what's in your way, no need to slow down or take any (noticeable) detours, easy.

    "Optionals", aka "Optional Objectives", include eliminating both trog henchmen, and slaying various named shaman/witchdoctors (which means checking the back of the area for same), or hunting Muck. That is the type of stuff I'm warning parties to avoid if they want to beat the Hound timer.

    Another, and perhaps the worst of the early examples, is Where There's Smoke. The side fights/chests and "saving the dogs" can easily double the time to run the quest (and increase the combat significantly) for +50% xp for the dogs +15%/rare named caster. Far slower, far more dangerous, and you are guaranteeing yourself a Hound. If that math appeals to anyone, don't let me stop you.

  8. #28
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    I agree; this season zerg has been pushed to the absolute max and statics have been rewarded - yes, they removed the bard pike multibox issue; but made it extremely challenging for someone like me who solos a lot while i do guild stuff - i can't do both now
    No they didnt remove the multibox issue unfortunately. They just made it a slightly more difficult, but only slightly. Its still very viable.

  9. #29
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    OK, I'm (and others from other posts and chat) was using the term 'optionals' as a catch all for anything extra that's not required, which would be traps, breakables (many) etc.... where you're using it to only mean the extra bosses scattered about and I'll agree with those since they only give from 20 to 100xp.
    I have never seen the term optionals (or opts) refer to anything other than optional objectives and chests in this game.

  10. #30
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    I have never seen the term optionals (or opts) refer to anything other than optional objectives and chests in this game.
    Nor I.

    (I think this comes from smaller guilds with one vocal member mis-using terms, and then others follow that lead, and since they "all" are misusing them the same, they think that's the correct usage. Seen similar before w/ other mis-used terms or mis-understood rules/concepts. Whatcha gonna do? <shrug>)

  11. #31
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    Default Party voice chat tip

    If you are using voice in a PUG and you are asking for something important (a heal, a specific buff, a item trade offer, etc.), try to remember to please identify yourself with your character name as, at least I, rarely know which voice represents which character.

    For example, instead of "Heal me!!!!" or "Give me the +billion ITEM OF DOOM" say "Heal <your toon name>" so i know which character to target/trade.

    Even if you have said your name before, it rarely hurts to communicate clearly which toon needs what so people don't have clarify with questions when time is tight & hounds biting!

    Obviously this does not apply in static groups with known player voices, PUGs with only 1 active voice user like the Star, or typed party chat.

  12. #32
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    Default Stay together, stay focused, AND be patient.

    Every group should stick together. Even if there is some slowdowns no deads should happen if the group sticks together. The other rule is "if members rush too much they play alone and will kill you, so leave the dungeon and let themselves die alone". Final rule is "avoid groups where members are not able to write 3 words together. They have too little patience and will die and kill everybody" : Stick together and be patient or die.

    My first dead in this season was at level 7 701 favor. I joined a group and the arti and warlocks were rushing not waiting to the other members. Since the beginning I knew that this was dangerous. They did not care. They were playing alone. Why post a lfm if you are just playing on your own? Do they want to kill people on purpose? Well I died to a trap. Arti told nothing. My fault too co'z I suspected it but I was sick that day and did not care. Trap raised some walls and mephits pushed me to fire trap. I healed but still died. So far this life was kinda good. People would play sometimes too fast, and it would make it really stressful but others were ok and would stick together without hurring so much so I only saw 4 persons dying in my groups and was not our fault; mostly they fell on traps by mistake or for not following the trapper path.

    Then I started a new character, same class and everything. The group I am in does not wait other players. So I leave it. Leader asks me if I am fine "Yes but you go too fast and I need to allocate points. Good luck". I join another group... they do not wait neither. I have to tell them I can not go so fast. They don't care. They are playing alone and killing people in the process.
    We reach miserys peak but leader asks us to disband group and join another group which apparently is at the end of the quest.
    We reach the dungeon and ex-leader says " Should wait... do not enter" I understand the ex-leader is that kind of person who is not capable of writing 3 words together but I am angry and frustrated so I enter. 10 seconds later a hound shows up and kill me.

    A few minutes later after exiting the tutorial I find out the ex-leader. He tried to enter miseries peak too and died. I dunno why he decided for us to join the quest if they were at the end of it. In fact I wonder if they are trying to kill people on purpose... Well they are still doing the same thing... they just rush and do not even allow you to level up or allocate points. Playing on hardcore server and do not allow time to prepare yourself? Do you consider yourself intelligent? A veteran? we are "noobs"? the heck... Obviosly it's better to level up to 3 by repeating the same quest over and over before doing miserys peak.

    With the ex-leader group a hound shows up and kill me and another member at korthos quests. But he tells me he will wait for me. I think I died once too because they recalled before me and hound showed up. I could not scape. It's typical that in groups they do not wait to recall. Even if someone is 4 meters ago and reaches the last coffer to loot it. Nope. Recall and if hound shows up 10 seconds later, "your fault. just don't loot and recall whenever quest says completed. we could kill hound but doh we would lose 10 seconds. "

    So I restart and the same thing happens again only this time I survive getting unconsciuos only while another member dies I think. From there on the ex-leader starts to understand that rushing and doing everything too fast is dangerous and worse than doing it slowly and methodically. Even so, a hound kills a member of the group at miseries peak again. We go on and we reach level 5 by sticking together although playing dungeons and dragons this way at this fast speed is more like a job than a game. All the enjoyment is destroyed since I can not even take 1 minute to sell items or repair. They don't even let me time to level up or allocate skills. At least this last time the ex-leader helped me farm qaal feathers to get a horse. But I am not going to repeat the experience of playing with people who think this a shooter game.
    Last edited by Hanul; 08-19-2022 at 02:16 AM.

  13. #33
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanul View Post
    I joined a group and the arti and warlocks were rushing not waiting to the other members. Since the beginning I knew that this was dangerous. They did not care. They were playing alone. Why post a lfm if you are just playing on your own? Do they want to kill people on purpose? Well I died to a trap. Arti told nothing. My fault too co'z I suspected it but I was sick that day and did not care.
    If you join a quest late and there are traps in a quest, you can simply ask if all the traps have been cleared. And if there is no answer, and if the quest has no gather point, then the party may very well be okay with you piking the rest of the quest. Why not simply ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanul View Post
    We reach the dungeon and ex-leader says " Should wait... do not enter" I understand the ex-leader is that kind of person who is not capable of writing 3 words together but I am angry and frustrated so I enter. 10 seconds later a hound shows up and kill me.
    Why blame the leader for dying after going against the instructions he gives? In misery's peak, there is a gather phase at the end of the quest. If you enter before that, the whole group will have to wait for you to run through the whole quest, possibly spawning a hound.

  14. #34
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    No they didnt remove the multibox issue unfortunately. They just made it a slightly more difficult, but only slightly. Its still very viable.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    If you join a quest late and there are traps in a quest, you can simply ask if all the traps have been cleared. And if there is no answer, and if the quest has no gather point, then the party may very well be okay with you piking the rest of the quest. Why not simply ask?

    Why blame the leader for dying after going against the instructions he gives? In misery's peak, there is a gather phase at the end of the quest. If you enter before that, the whole group will have to wait for you to run through the whole quest, possibly spawning a hound.

    I blame him because he disbanded his group to join another who was at the end of the quest. Also, the leader also entered the quest late... and died too.
    My fault for following his idea of course.

    In regards to the traps, the truth is sometimes people do not answer any thing you ask them. They simply don't want to answer or make you wait minutes.
    Last edited by Hanul; 08-21-2022 at 12:42 AM.

  16. #36
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    hounds aren't **** .
    Traps kill.

    stick together loot and scoot but if someone needs to shrine the entire party can see it on his over head even if its for spell points they should wait for those who need to shrine. that's where zergers < are solo players. leave them behind . would be nice of the random hound targeted the person way out front and not the one who falls behind. but that's not how dogs hunt.
    Last edited by archest; 08-21-2022 at 07:24 AM.

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