Dawdle (dôd'l)
1) to do something or go somewhere very slowly
2) taking more time than is necessary
Today I witnessed a sad sight. I joined a party, late, that was half done with Heyton's Rest - and as I entered, they were being wiped by a Hound. They didn't even have the last crest.
There is no excuse for this - no quest in Korthos Village (including Collaborator!) should see a Hound spawn - get in, get it done, get out, no hound, no problem.
But everyone - everyone - in the party needs to grasp this concept! The Hounds are on a timer - it seems consistent at about 5 minutes in The Village, but it can be less once you hit The Harbor.
Season 6 changes some of the default questing expectations - if you stick to your old habits, you (or someone) gonna die.
Six (and two half) Rules to live by:
1) Do NOT enter a quest or wilderness early! The 5 minute (or less!) timer starts when the 1st person enters - so don't do that! Gather the group, step in together, and (again, in the words of Celimas) let's get to it! Talk to that NPC, run to that first door, get it moving!
2) Have your pack cleared for loot, or learn to dump items! A chest is 2 clicks - "select" & "loot all" (default hotkey [b]) - and it should take less time than saying it. If you stop to check your loot, and certainly if you need to open your pack and scan down the list and think about what to dump to make room - you're asking for a Hound.
(If you know your pack is (getting) full, hit the "list" tab, and the "gold" icon - and dump some cheap stuff. Don't think about it, just toss it over the side like your ship is sinking - because that's not a bad analogy.)
2a) If you want named loot, say so in advance! There are several chains where known named items drop - if you want it, let the party know! And if no one has spoken - assume no one wants it! Do NOT slow the party down by waiting around at a chest asking if anyone wants the +1 Magic Dingus of Meh - if they really wanted it, they'd have asked in advance. What everyone wants is to get out with no hounds.
3) Don't stop and gawk! It's fine if you're a newer player and have never run a quest - but HardCore is NOT the place to pause and take a good look around at the artwork and wonder at the marvels of *ding* - you're dead. Stay with the group. If they're moving too fast, drop group - safer for you and them.
4) Let a veteran lead the quest. If you don't know the quest cold - and I mean you could do it in your sleep - Hardcore is NOT the place to learn, nor to pretend you do. Follow the player who clearly knows it - don't get creative, don't get independent, stay with the group and follow their path, don't split unless they say to, don't be alone when the Hound comes howling.
...and, on that note...
4a) No optionals! Experience is easy, you can always run another quest; starting a new character is a pain. Don't go off path, don't go down that side passage, don't slow to break all the boxes - keep pace with the leader, keep your DPS at the front of the group. (There are exceptions - like if you just had a hound and you're at the end - but as a rule of thumb, no.)
5) Don't stop for shrines!... unless you really, really have to! If you're a caster in a group that has lots of DPS, don't run with both Max+Emp - one is fine, let the others get some kills. Get through the quest without pausing, less hounds. (And if you DO need to - absolutely need to - post it, let the party know! Everyone do it as a party!)
6) If you're late, either run or don't. If you enter late, there may be a Hound soon. If you think you can get to the party, then run all out and don't stop until you're safely with the group. BUT, if they are far away and/or you aren't sure about the path - stay at the entrance! Suck it up, get the XP and the Favor, ignore the end-chest, and live to be with the party for the next quest.
And, if you're a party leader and witness a player not following these simple, self-obvious rules - consider /kicking them. For your own safety. I, for one, will respect you more for it.
You wouldn't need to do this on a regular server, but with Hounds, you really need to make these your new HC habits, or at least understand the risks if you don't. This season, there's no time to dawdle.
Stay alive, and haff fun stomin da cassul!