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  1. #1
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Default [Petition] on hiatus status waiting for Devs to fix Dot hounds problem

    After reading all the alarms i decided to stop my toons to play in hardcore.

    The sistuation with hounds and DOT at distance is unbearable and needs to be fixed.

    i will stay on hiatus status waiting for some news about it.

    sign down here if you agree.

    p.s. in my humble opinion DOT should be totally removed as hound's behaviour.

  2. #2
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Well, if the dot is the main issue.

    Then I guess they could just turn off the
    dot function and maybe add mimics back
    into the mix to make up the difference.

    would that be a good trade off?

  3. #3
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I agree hounds need to be fixed and neutered.

    Remove the DoT leave the vulnerability. Why are they not Orange-names so we can use CC? Seriously why is DPS the ONLY thing that matters? Why are they champions that never drop champion chests?

    And I loved the mimic season so sure I would love to have them on instead or in addition.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    The DoT is part of the design - kill the hound fast and it isn't an issue.

    What desperately needs to be fixed is the deep water bug. But unless you need to do almost every quest because you are trying for a high favor score - no need to wait. Just skip dungeons where that is a risk - many do not involve swimming or if there *is* a swim wait for the dog to appear and be killed before starting the swim. If a dog spawns anyway exit the dungeon as soon as you hear the howl.

  5. #5
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I agree hounds need to be fixed and neutered.

    Remove the DoT leave the vulnerability. Why are they not Orange-names so we can use CC? Seriously why is DPS the ONLY thing that matters? Why are they champions that never drop champion chests?

    And I loved the mimic season so sure I would love to have them on instead or in addition.

    I cannot give you more rep!!! we need to see some acknowledgement from the devs on this hound issue already.... Edit , i see now they are looking into all this, thank you Steelstar.
    Last edited by adamkatt; 08-01-2022 at 04:21 PM.
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  6. #6
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    After playing solid for 4 days and 2 characters (both still alive), I had no issues until the "to level 20 character" almost died last night due to a hound bugging out...somehow the myself and the other guy I was running with were able to run and heal like a couple batches and made it out barely...we then re-started the quest, and finished it. We were about done for the day anyway so we quit for the day. After thinking about it long and hard today, and spending 4 days of doing nothing but playing a game (and toking about 15k ddo points), I'm very much leaning towards taking a few days without playing till we get some sort of resolution for the devs on this, sounds like it's being worked on. I keep thinking how tired I was going into work and miserable I was after gaming late, and it would have sickened me due to a bug like this, especially since the other guy and I are very well versed and prepared to play HC and something of this nature to be out of your hands. So consider this semi-signed...good time to catch back up on sleep anyway.

    PS: I feel really bad for players in my exact situation, time, money etc... that weren't able to make it out, I really do and hope some sort of resolution is in the near future for them.

  7. #7
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
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    Yes and the worst part is, this sort of buggy behavor of mobs encourages griefers and trolls - I have been told numerous stories from good players of pug groups where a griefer would run off and when they get a hound, recall out, leaving he instance wide dot to kill everyone. This especially in slayer zones - I would not go into a slayer zone with a pug until these hounds are fixed - period.


    NOTE: to add a mob mechanic that can be exploited to grief other players during a hardcore season, to use this griefing as a means to remove someone from the leaderboard - we dont need that type of bad form in the community. I would love if the devs considered this 'troll grief' factor as they fix the hounds to neuter the ability a griefer has presently to troll with no penalty.
    Last edited by Dark_Lord_Mary; 08-01-2022 at 05:22 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    Yes and the worst part is, this sort of buggy behavor of mobs encourages griefers and trolls - I have been told numerous stories from good players of pug groups where a griefer would run off and when they get a hound, recall out, leaving he instance wide dot to kill everyone. This especially in slayer zones - I would not go into a slayer zone with a pug until these hounds are fixed - period.


    NOTE: to add a mob mechanic that can be exploited to grief other players during a hardcore season, to use this griefing as a means to remove someone from the leaderboard - we dont need that type of bad form in the community. I would love if the devs considered this 'troll grief' factor as they fix the hounds to neuter the ability a griefer has presently to troll with no penalty.
    Best reason yet for disliking the way the hounds currently work.

  9. #9
    Community Member Vespero's Avatar
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    Default The hounds must go.

    They must be removed. All of the challenge increase this season should have been optional, not omnipresent.

  10. #10
    Community Member FengXian's Avatar
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    I am not touching lv5+ quests until it's fixed (hounds get aura from those on right?).

    I had time to play now while I am on vacation from work. If they add a week or two at the end I won't be able to recover the time lost these days.
    Cannith - Juzam, Fighter 8 Ranger 6 Monk 6 AA/ Orocarn, Wraith 12 Stalwart Defender 6 Rogue 2 / Taigongwanng, Sorc TRing - Alleanza degli Uomini Liberi/Guardiani di Eberron

  11. #11
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    Default Was looking forward to HC

    Also not playing til bugs are fixed. Person I'm playing with goes back to school in a few weeks so doesn't have too much time. Good developers turn off buggy software until it is fixed

  12. #12
    Community Member MagicalDad's Avatar
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    Unhappy Disappointed

    Was planning on enjoying HCL 6 with my wife and son (all VIPs), but we stopped playing when we got to level 5 (and seeing our first non-interactive hound). It should be easy to turn off the hounds until the problems are fixed - and then extend HCL to compensate for lost time. Khyber is dead since the player base is split, so I am impacted either way.
    Khyber, Dragon Order of Arcanix (Elsir - Heroic Completionist running Racial TRs, Veryunique, Skullcrshr, TheMadness - fun builds for duo play w/ my wife)

  13. #13
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    Well, if the dot is the main issue.

    Then I guess they could just turn off the
    dot function and maybe add mimics back
    into the mix to make up the difference.

    would that be a good trade off?
    They are already looking at it & most likely will change the AOE on the dot exactly as they have done for reapers in the past

    No they aren’t bringing mimics back into the mix we already have our theme for the season

    What they should do is activate the mimic event on the regular server during the season since regular server always get the top short mimic event

  14. #14
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekaterina View Post
    The DoT is part of the design - kill the hound fast and it isn't an issue.

    What desperately needs to be fixed is the deep water bug. But unless you need to do almost every quest because you are trying for a high favor score - no need to wait. Just skip dungeons where that is a risk - many do not involve swimming or if there *is* a swim wait for the dog to appear and be killed before starting the swim. If a dog spawns anyway exit the dungeon as soon as you hear the howl.
    It's going to be just like reapers if they fix some of the issues. Every so often a reaper spawns in a wall and is untargetable. If it's a fear reaper you have to move away from it to stop the damage.

    If the hounds spawns in a wall on hardcore you will have to figure out a way to get out before the dot kills you if the range isn't adjusted - and the dev statements gave no indication the range will be adjusted.

    Leaving full dungeon range when they know full well they can't get these hounds perfect is disappointing for sure, but maybe they will reconsider that point as dying to an untargetable hound stuck in the wall or a griefer isn't an honorable death and certainly doesn't add to the fun and excitement of hardcore season.

    I have a guildy that wants those butterfly wings which I find absolutely atrocious and have 0 interest in. There is no accounting for bad taste (most likely mine....).

    There are some things you can do while waiting for a fix such as trying to get some gear on a throw-away character. Just make it a human with mark of passage for ddoor so you can get to the front door and get out (which works in most but not all quests)
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  15. #15
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It's going to be just like reapers if they fix some of the issues. Every so often a reaper spawns in a wall and is untargetable. If it's a fear reaper you have to move away from it to stop the damage.
    Hence my comments that this was like adding red-named reapers to ALL difficulties. I don't know what they were thinking, nothing logical and reasonable anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    If the hounds spawns in a wall on hardcore you will have to figure out a way to get out before the dot kills you if the range isn't adjusted - and the dev statements gave no indication the range will be adjusted.

    Leaving full dungeon range when they know full well they can't get these hounds perfect is disappointing for sure, but maybe they will reconsider that point as dying to an untargetable hound stuck in the wall or a griefer isn't an honorable death and certainly doesn't add to the fun and excitement of hardcore season.
    Which is cheese tactics from the devs to kill us and forces us to use cheese tactics to deal with their bad coding and bugs. I am severely disappointed in them - in their lack of forethought, poor implementation, and lack of testing.

    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    I have a guildy that wants those butterfly wings which I find absolutely atrocious and have 0 interest in. There is no accounting for bad taste (most likely mine....).

    There are some things you can do while waiting for a fix such as trying to get some gear on a throw-away character. Just make it a human with mark of passage for ddoor so you can get to the front door and get out (which works in most but not all quests)
    The wings are the most whimsical, most feminine cosmetic DDO has come up with yet. Frankly, I'm impressed they had the initiative to come up with them at all let alone how well they turned out. But I am a woman that grew up watching Gummi Bears, the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, Pirates of Dark Water, Fraggle Rock, and Disney... so my taste is probably over-sugary and suspect.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  16. #16
    Community Member Amorais's Avatar
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    Agree with Aelonwy. I'm just not enjoying it - they have gone out of their way to produce a Cheese Elemental that has every gotcha they can think of and absolutely has to be destroyed as fast as you possibly can, so you have no choice but to play DPS if your soloing or force a group. Nobody can pike or AFK so you have to recall out if the phone rings or the doorbell. You can't even relax a bit and just run normal to lvl 20 for the worst reward as *bam* Cheese Elemental, even in normal.

    There should be a better way to defeat it other than just hammering it before it hammers you - to at least allow some variety in builds but nope

  17. #17
    Community Member thaen25's Avatar
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    Default Mobs with Zone-wide blind damage over time spells


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