I got this nightmare from Isle of Dread loot a few days back:

That's supposed to be skirmish chain mail. It looks like it's a mashup of two completely different sets of armor, the lower bits from a set of regular chain mail and the upper bits from a set of pink ceremonial plate armor. I can't help but imagine some sad, twisted schoolyard bully laughing when I put it on. It has some nice enchantments, so I decided to finally buy some cosmetic armor because I'm tired of wearing ugly armor because, apparently, some sadist thinks it's funny. I looked around and eliminated almost everything in the DDO Store because none of it is for a ranger. My last hope was a couple versions of the dark leaf cosmetic armor, but I'm on Linux/Steam, so I can't get previews of cosmetics and there were no pics online anywhere. It took me hours of begging to finally get some pics of dark leaf cosmetic armor on a human male (which I posted here: https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showth...83#post6530483 ). From what I could see, It looked much better for my character than what I'd seen so far, so I bought it. After putting it on, I found some serious issues. It looks tighter that skin tight. It makes the shoulders and chest look smaller than without armor. How? Why? Every bit of armor in almost every real and fantasy context makes everyone look bigger. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for this. My best guess is that someone thinks that people who prefer ranged and stealth attacks are weak and they decided to make them look weak. This would also explain why enemies are completely unresponsive and untouchable in the Saltmarsh and Isle of Dread until you're within melee range.