Hey All
Wiki says Jeweler's Tool Kits can remove dino augments, mine seem unable to.
Is the wiki incorrect or am I missing something? Bonepicker worked fine, just have a lot more Jeweler's Kits so I'd rather use them if it's possible..
Hey All
Wiki says Jeweler's Tool Kits can remove dino augments, mine seem unable to.
Is the wiki incorrect or am I missing something? Bonepicker worked fine, just have a lot more Jeweler's Kits so I'd rather use them if it's possible..
Jeweler's Toolkits are supposed to be able to remove them. If they aren't, then it's a bug. Or you might not be interacting with the window correctly?
Source: https://www.ddo.com/news/ddo-omg-dread-loot
Isle of Dread Augment Slots are unslotted just like any other Augment slot, so you can destroy a currently-slotted Augment by placing a new Augment into the slot or you can use a Jeweler's Toolkit to remove a slotted Augment
Edit: Apparently it is not a bug and it is DDO.com that is wrong, see Lynnabel's post below
Last edited by axel15810; 07-29-2022 at 03:44 PM.
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Yeah, I can extract the augments in the orange slot, but if I try to extract a IoD augment it gives me a "The Augment's Type Does Not Match the Slot Type" message.
Guess I'll bug report it.
The drop rate does seem much too low. I personally have ran the legendary saga 8 times at this point, nearly all in full groups. I've never seen one drop in a chest for me or any party member and I've only seen it on the saga reward list once. It's possible I've just been unlucky.
Last edited by axel15810; 07-29-2022 at 12:06 PM.
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In 20 full sagas I havent seen a Bonepicker drop ever and seen it 3-4 times in the saga end reward. Thats not really enough by half. Please have Bonepickers actually drop in quests also.
I even took something else in 2 of the 4 saga rewards because of the info about Jeweller kits - which admittingly did sound a bit odd.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
How many bonepickers were given via the Saga rewards? Also is there a higher chance of Bonepickers if you do a higher saga level of completion?
I'm still not seeing the bonepickers drop at all doing quests or wilderness. This in itself will cut down on people doing any bone crafting.
Only 1 bonepicker in the saga list the one time it showed up on the saga reward for me. I think it was an R4 saga run but it shouldn't matter as long as you're running atleast elite, since saga reward lists only go up to true elite - there's no reaper saga reward list. You get the true elite if you complete on any skull level of reaper. I'd guess that yes, true elite has the highest chance but it's hard to say. Just guessing.
I've ran the Saga on Hard, Elite, Reaper 1, 4, 6, 8 and 10 and have never seen one drop in a chest. ~15 sagas at this point I'd say.
The chance to acquire bonepickers is so low that you can't reliably expect to farm them out, you're way better off just rebuying with ingredients. It'd probably take you like 40 saga runs to get a full set of 4 to reslot all augments in a weapon, for example (my best guess is it's a 10% chance to appear on saga list).
I guess their intended function and the devs expectation for their use by players is to occasionally save you some ingredients when you recraft, but shouldn't be seen as the primary way to recraft. I think we're expected to rebuy augments with ingredients based on the bonepicker drop rate. I'd save them to use for the more expensive augments.
Last edited by axel15810; 09-12-2022 at 01:41 PM.
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
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Agreed drop rates seem far too low. I've run sagas on R10 and daily wilderness runs for ings and not seen a single bonepicker.
I found this thread whilst seeking to understand if they even exist!
It's disappointing as the real merit of Dino crafting is it's flexibility. This scarcity really hampers that feature.
Devs, can you up the drop rate please?
I got a bonepicker as saga reward on EH so you dont need to run EE or above. I have also run the saga on EE several times and never got one. It apparently is just a very low drop rate.
got 1 from a saga reward ( after about 30 sagas), and got one from dragon chest in wilderness after about 100 runs or so... feels insultingly infrequent
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