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  1. #21
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Aug 2013


    I would also like to see an option to play an iconic race from 1-20 instead 15-30 and this only for the racial life or the class life (like a normal race).

    Another thing on my "wish list" would be a way to get a +1 LR heart other than the DDO Shop or a super rare chest drop, the LR heart drops in chests are so rare now that I don't even know if they still drop at all.
    My suggestion would be that you can change 10 flawless Siberys Dragonshards into one +1 LR heart and two +1 in one +5 and two +5 in one +20.
    If DDO wants to be an FTP game then everything that is available in the DDO Shop should also be possible to get only by playing.
    And yes of course it is ok for items that are available in the shop should be hard to get with playing so that there is still a incite to buy them for DDO points and real money but the items should not be a kind of "myth" so you need ultra luck to get them without DDO Points.

    Another thing I would suggest regarding DDO points is that Wishes of Racial Memories also work when you have an iconic race, I see no point why you should not get the class past life and in addition a racial past life of your wish.
    I can also imagine that such wishes have more customers than if a player likes a certain iconic race a lot and rather play this iconic to get the racial past lifes done than another race.

  2. #22
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Apr 2008


    I never did like the heart of wood mechanic.
    It is a money grab plain and simple.
    "Buy this or your progress is halted"

    That is just me.

  3. #23
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    I never did like the heart of wood mechanic.
    It is a money grab plain and simple.
    "Buy this or your progress is halted"

    That is just me.
    I'm ok how the Shop works in DDO, of course, you could also do a TR mechanic without the need to use such an additional item but as we see it now with Diablo Immortal the pay-to-win greed of the game publishers can be much worse than we have it in DDO.
    The DDO shop is mostly ok just a few items make me really sick/sad like this Wish of Inheritance.
    And in DDO we have basically a general policy that everything you can buy in the shop is also obtainable only by playing DDO and this is an acceptable policy but there are unnecessary exceptions and one exception are LR hearts and this hurts even more because you need such +1 LR hearts to change an iconic character completely to another class.

    Of course, I would like if DDO would be purely subscription-based and FTP players to have limited access to DDO so that they can still play DDO and only if they want to seriously play DDO they should subscribe.
    The DDO shop should be only for cosmetical items and things for conveniences like more bank and inventory space and in addition, SSG could lift a fee from trades among players (much smaller than the current in the shard exchange) and SSG should sell D&D and SSG merchandise products to fund DDO.
    This would be a way to fund DDO without corrupting it.

    And the corruption of DDO is for me quite obviously when SSG doesn't make items bound to the account and instead tries to sell us one item transfer on our account for 15$ (or so).
    And it is also quite obvious that tomes are MUCH rarer nowadays because they want to sell them from the shop, also this is the corruption of the game because of the microtransactions financing model.
    Only two examples, the wish f inheritance is really terrible but the tomes are acceptable foremost because you can get them with playing DDO because you get free DDO points for favor and therefore, somehow there is a twisted way to get tomes with playing DDO.

  4. #24
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    I never did like the heart of wood mechanic.
    It is a money grab plain and simple.
    "Buy this or your progress is halted"

    That is just me.
    Except that they are available in game so progress is not halted at all It becomes a collection game with more than one way of earning them

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