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They will leave just like the thousands of players we got during the pandemic and they all left looking at the state of the game.
2018: Severlin - we are working on server merge and MEGA server.
2020: Lynnabel - we need 2 years to update the graphics.
Just promise after promise, turns out to be lies after lies. EG7 has proved that they are only interested in their return on investment and not actually grow the game. We haven't heard a single word from them on the forums. The current team at SSG....I will stop here.
Nope, this game is not going anywhere until there are outright changes from top to bottom.
Long range plans don't always happen.
"2018: Severlin - we are working on server merge and MEGA server." Does not equal- "We'll institute a Mega Server by the year 2022."
"2020: Lynnabel - we need 2 years to update the graphics. " Does not mean- "We will immediately start updating graphics and it will be done by the year 2022."
Ballpark estimates don't mean prophecy will be fulfilled on X date.
Interest in a exploring a path is not an ironclad goal being established to achieve something. It isn't even a commitment to go that route.
They've stayed on relative target delivering new quests and system updates, Yet we gripe about bugs and lack of QA (I'm guilty- LAG!). Conversely, if they delayed to get more QA, we'd gripe about missed target dates. It's a Kobayashi Maru. (only we're a bunch of Ferengi, not Romulans)
QA could be better, and target dates could be a bit more squishy, but with a business like this I suppose hitting the target date is the critical factor, and nothing is ever bug free, especially with hundreds of players testing millions of lines of code afterward. Resources are finite and there will always be some unanticipated issues following a major update
SSG is human, they do their best to keep the promises they do make, and overall do a great job of it.
-I think I recall the video where a merge possibility was discussed but Sev was very circumspect not to commit to a course of action that was not directed/funded, though. Exploring the possibility of a server merge is not committing to a server merge.
If a Dev, like Lynnabel, ballparks an estimate of how long something would take, understand that they are giving an estimate. The producer sets the goal, not the dev. If you want to dissect every statement and hold that as ammo against them down the road, they will interact less and less with the player base, which poisons the playerbase and probably the Devs, one against the other.
Ultimately, it comes down to reading comprehension- did they actually promise, or did they say they were looking at it?
Also, the Producer's Letter is essentially the only list of promises we'll get and it's more of a list of goals. The Letter is rarely on time because they want to (/edit start) validate every statement as possible, planned and funded. But goals shift, resources shift, or assets get lost. (Imagine if Lynn quit?)(/edit end)
Imagine if Lynn got fed up dealing with us and left for greener codes? That's ~60% of our Dev interaction right there and, I suspect, the lion's share of the rapid fixes we enjoy after the bugdates roll out (Sorry, I couldn't resist).
All this to say they didn't promise what you think they promised.