Originally Posted by
At end game, on last rogue life, all racial lives done and want to try out 13/6/1 for a bucket list item.
First, grats on completionist!

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Theres no reason that the devs can't change that so that you can have more than 3 classes during the lr as long as you only will have 3 when you take the last level.
You're 100% correct, they can do anything they want. So there must be a reason behind it...

Originally Posted by
There is absolutely no logical reason it has to be this way...
I believe there is a reason. This is. at its core, D&D.
Think about it - if you went to your tabletop DM and said...
"Hey, you know my Rogue 12/Ranger/Warlock that I've been playing? I want to change him to a Rogue 13/Ranger/Barb - that ok with you?"
... well, I don't know about the GM's others have had, but most of mine would look at me as if I was making a joke. In tabletop, I dare say it's rare to simply "change" the history of a character so radically.
So, in DDO, altho' you can change a character, there are only 3 ways:
o Abandon the toon and reroll. Not really "changing", but it gets the job done.
o Push through to 20 and reincarnate. Requires "playing the game" from 1-20 again.
o Pay through the nose to avoid the previous options. A barrier, but not an absolute one.
There is no tradition in D&D of simply "changing your character", and I feel this reflects that.
True, it's obvious at face value that code could be written that would achieve what the OP asks for - but it would probably require considerable time to write (and more to test!). If this is not a goal for the game developers, to make radical character changes trivial, then there is only negative incentive to pursue such a change.
That, imo, constitutes a logical reason.
(And I'm not saying I dis/agree with that reasoning, just that it answers your question.)

Originally Posted by
I'm sure the devs are great people but how am I supposed to feel about it?
That the game has rules and conventions, and one is that radical changes to a character are discouraged, but far from impossible.
That's a logical conclusion.