We have temporarily closed the new raid Skeletons in the Closet while we work to correct an issue preventing completion. We are working on a game update to reopen the raid in the near future.
We have temporarily closed the new raid Skeletons in the Closet while we work to correct an issue preventing completion. We are working on a game update to reopen the raid in the near future.
Last edited by Cordovan; 07-21-2022 at 06:21 PM.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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maybe learn after all this time to stop rushing out unfinished content while holding your hand out for money
or just more of the same half-assed approach we are used to
all my love
Kind Uncle Wreck
Wreckingball - Thelanis
Unfortunately today's hotfix did not correct this issue, so we have had to close Skeletons in the Closet for now. We expect the raid to reopen in a game update in the near future.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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How is this even possible? To launch a product over and over again and still these types of problems every update it incredible....Maybe a process of checking things before you bring to a live server is a good thing...Now you say in the near future? Stop promising stuff like this when you SELL updates or new packs if you cant deliver
You know, if the raid isn't coming out this week, SSG should really do something as a gesture to the players. 12-15 of my guildies have gathered the past two evenings to try this knew raid, and this is beyond disappointing. How about an extra bonus? Loot bonus and xp bonus?
Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
Need to contact the Lava Divers of Khyber? DM our HR Department on Discord: Epicsoul (Epicsoul#3214)
so how about the next big heads meeting you guys cut HC and focus on the state of the game fix bugs, stabilize server status on all servers no matter load or net differences, and get raids that are not run because of bugs (TITAN I am looking at you) fixed and updated to match gear levels. how can i rightly ask friends to get into this game and spend money anymore when the newest thing is not even playable heck even loot pulls and quest drops were not working right or just flat broke with dread. it looks better than most explorer areas yeah but so dose most roblox games now i get that its work and you all have a smaller team than most care to admit but in terms of the life of the game unless you address these things and make it known and shown that it is being not only worked on but implemented we will keep losing players new and old
" cut HC "
If this is a reference to the hardcore league - bad idea. Like the raid - that is content that paying customers want. More than a few care more about the league than the raid but it shouldn't be a competition. They should make sure all content is in decent shape before release - raids, dungeons, the new HCL season - everything.
Not that SSG would disagree - I am sure they believe that everything should be bug free when released. But either their testing is way below par or things are being pushed out the door before the developers actually working on them and monitoring the tests feel they are ready.
Not everything can be caught in testing and I'm usually a fanboi defender but they really should have done better on the raid.
I mean pretty much every new piece of content that gets released, I repeat this same admonition...
Leaving it on Lama for more than 48 hours in the middle of the week will save you from having 1-2 weeks of inevitable downtime after it goes Live. People dont actually get a chance to test it on the Test Center, and thats why there's always problems like this that would've been caught sooner if you actually did a proper shakedown cruise first
Getting it right is always preferable to fixing it later
To be fair, this bug did not occur on Lammania.
They could have run another Lammania, and while the short notice was certainly annoying on the second go around, I don't think it made a difference given that a few groups did run it.
They can collect data on the runs whether or not people post feedback.