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100% see your point. But if you do not mind, here are a few as well:
- I have been playing ddo for almost its existence, back to beta. When the f2p model was introduced, shortly after, TRs and past life benefits and eventually completionist was introduced. This is the time in end game when auto crits and insta kills were the meta (monks and DC wizards). Tanks were needed as well for bosses, expecially raids. Heck BYOH was a common Epic LFM, but you never went in difficult content without a DC wizard. First life DC Wizards did not work. First life monks were ineffective. Past lives mattered so much more on those critical roles, way more than today. But there was also only one difficulty in end game...epic (later adjusting to epic elite). This was the heighth of DDO imo. To succeed you needed roles, teamwork, good lead, game knowledge, coordination, the right gear, etc. But not all roles required past lives to be effective. Tanks, DPS, Healers, trappers were effective with or without PLs.
- Epic Elite (old epics) became trivial in all but raids with the creation of new power. Mostly because balancing between heroics and epic levels so that new or low PL characters could not participate in more challenging content. And since this is an older MMO, the devs need to attract new players and keep them. But the meta players lobbied for harder content, so reaper was born. Personally, I think reaper is a great idea as we needed a higher difficulty. But reaper rewards (reaper points) ruined the idea. All it did was exaggerate the issues. To me this is probably the bigger advantage even over PLs. I personally would love to see reaper points as a different currency other than character power. They could be used to purchase conveinces such as fast wilderness or public travel, cosmetics for you or your mount, storage space, account unlocks, etc, but not power.
- MoTU and epic destinies kind of changed the narrative. More PLs were amplified. Every class to some degree is tied into DCs. More PLs = more DPs. Most mobs can save for half damage. Trapping requires huge investment. Healers are expected to damage outside of raids and first life healers are targeted so its difficult for them to stay alive. The devs spend far too much time balancing for heroic and epics, which is futile, as they really are 2 different games.
- I know the ship has probably sailed. But in hindsight (although I suggested back when MoTU was introduced), EDs and new epics (and eventually legendary) should have been a different game...DDO2. This would have allowed a new client and engine, allowed the devs to better target balance where it was needed and also allowed people to enjoy end game at both levels of the game. Now that legendary content is coming, it will become an even bigger issue.