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Thread: PvP Tournament

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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default PvP Tournament

    I will be trying to host a PvP tournament this Sunday on Argonnessen. If anyone would like to join they just need to let me know before 2:00PM EST on July 17th.

    You can message me on here, on discord or ingame to join the tournament. Discord: ClydeFrog#7874 / Ingame: Isperial

    Tournament start date: July 17th at 3:00pm EST.

    PVP Rules
    1. First life
    2. Level 7
    3. No Warlock
    4. No buffs prior to entering arena

    1st = 100 Astral Shards
    2nd = 1Mil Platinum
    3rd = 500k Platinum

    This will be more of a test event to see how people like it and I will adjust the rules and future events based on how people like this one. Currently I would like to do Team Death Match and Capture The Flag events fairly soon. I will also do non-pvp events like scavenger hunts/quiz like events from my ingame event channel

    I have created an ingame channel for this, to join type "/joinchannel ArgoEvents" in your ingame chat. This will be where all ingame communication happens during the tournament or future events.

    If you have any idea or suggestions on anything I can do better, please let me know.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Here is the video of Sundays PvP Tournament.

    Please keep in mind this is my first time doing PvP, streaming, and uploading to YouTube.

    Any suggestions you can give on what I can do better would be greatly appreciated.

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