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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Race choice for melee rogue

    I've been using Aasimaar for my assassin build for the healing hands. Its very nice that this is usable in combat and regenerates.

    I've seen a lot of talk about shadar-kai and the chain attack looks like it has been made very worthwhile, but then I feel the build ends up lacking in the ability to heal party members in combat.

    Note: when talking about healing party members, this is about running reaper quests when you don't have a dedicated healer and everyone needs to be able to pitch in and help keep each other healed.

    Anyway, I'm interested in hearing people thoughts about what race they like and why.


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Hey there,

    This is just my two cents - healing hands are great for sure. However as a rogue you won’t be getting that much wisdom to boost their potency. UMD is a wonderful skilll. You can grab a stack of healing scrolls to help spot heal.

    That said I am currently playing shadar Kai and it is quite strong. My vote is shadar Kai and focus on damage as much as you can. Slap in some heal scrolls if you need to spot heal and you have the best of both worlds.

    Note: I’m not saying heal scrolls are one to one compared to healing hands. But it sounds like you can accomplish what you’re looking for with the utility of UMD
    Last edited by polymath; 07-11-2022 at 06:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    You can have both, if you make the time to craft or run the quest to obtain gear.
    If you can run Legendary Shroud, you should be able to obtain a tier I and II positive heal amp offhand stick/dagger pretty quick.
    find an item to wear, that has positive/insightful spell power(gloves/bracers/trinket....) and Heal scrolling gets also boosted by tier III Wand and Scroll Mastery(either in Enhancement tree or Epic Destiny tree).
    Spending points in Primal Avatar has Cocoon, Spring to Summer, but especially Reborn in Fire if you can get to 7 points to spend in that tree.

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