I have a little feedback on the raid.
Phase 1 is nice the only thing I ask is if you can add the red lines when you detect a trap to finding the runes. Its just a little hard to follow where you found them and even more so if you find 2 or more in one search. Otherwise its nice.
Phase 2 is a little boring. Nothing really stands out about it.
Phase 3 There are 2 big things I need to talk about for this phase. The first is the hand of vecna, it was dealing damage at 3 seconds on the countdown and also it is really hard to see when you get it. Can we get a visual indicating or something to tell us when we are targeted by it. When the raid gets a little chaotic it will just start killing people as is. The next point is the Trex roar can we get a raid warning or something to tell us when it is charging up. I think the time it takes to start roaring is great but if you are doing something else you can easily miss it until its too late. On normal it was dealing 1k damage on the first tick and if that scales on higher difficulties its going to mean that you dont have any room for error in getting on a platform. I do have a final point to talk about for this phase and its in regards to the orange named trash, on normal it could still be instakilled, if on higher difficulties the orange names are going to be deathwarded then cc/dc casters will be useless in this raid. My suggestion for that is only make one orange name spawn in each pack and make the rest instakillable.