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  1. #81
    Hero Kydrou's Avatar
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    Default If you wanna try some Red Herrings...

    With all the anagrams in the raid, i remembered the most obvious and stupid thing we probably haven't tried:

    "Vecna"'s name comes from it's creator, "Jack Vance"; which in itself, is an anagram.

    Specially with all the flavor about True Names and all, and the mentions of the ARG, or outside the game stuff.

  2. #82
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Wearing the full 5 piece isle of dread set?

    Does wearing the isle of dread full 5 piece set trigger anything? The isle of dread beckons you?

  3. #83
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Does wearing the isle of dread full 5 piece set trigger anything? The isle of dread beckons you?
    The Wiki is your friend.

    (Search "Set" or "Set B/bonus")

    (Edit - Or, sorry - did you mean in the context of this "secret"? if so, nm.)

  4. #84
    Community Member Xoham's Avatar
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    Default Encouragement

    I am mostly just posting for encouragement. But, I have a few questions too.

    First, here is a theory you may have tried:
    • as well as /say, there are some other monsters who also write to the (say) text channel, namely, the "Dark Secrets" when killed;
    • the Dark Secrets in the raid are on a timer, and explode and say their dark secret after the timer expires;
    • after walking each path of the dead, if done before the dark secrets explode, the spirit will be down next to their platform (where "only secrets can be spoken") to hear the dark secrets say their dying secrets;
    • so each time one of the four corner skeleton party members is killed, it starts a timed race up the skull path (to get the spirit down next to the platform) before the dark secret timers explode;
    • after the final path, we hear "I ask you - what secrets do you know?";
    • we then /say (on the platforms, or maybe just the central one near King Lindal's skeleton) the copied and pasted lines from the dark secrets hidden throughout the Isle of Dread (the King Lindal ones), in keeping with the spirits hearing the entire secret line from each exploding dark secret;
    • during the final, above series of /say, Death's Teeth / King Lindal would probably also need to be on a platform (where "only secrets can spoken", and probably the central one near his skeleton) to hear his secrets being said.

    The new discovery of the skull eyes / directions though almost certainly means there's something more than just the above theory. So, a few questions that are maybe motivating:
    • do the skull eyes toggle every time any player dies?
    • do all dead players see the same toggling (on/off) of the eyes for each skull?
    • are living players able to jump on skulls that have eyes lit/unlit and skulls facing towards/away from the centre? (since mostly the skull eyes are unlit, maybe we've only seen living players fall through unlit skulls)
    • are the skulls always facing the same towards/away at all times in all instances of running the raid?
    • do the eyes of the giant skulls in the background correlate with the eyes of the skulls in the paths of the dead?
    • do the eyes of the giant skulls in the background change at all during the raid; for example, with player deaths?
    • is the wall without the giant skulls (well, the wall with the really giant skull with the lava) the same one as the backwards skull path?
    • do the really giant skull / lava skulls ever change at all during the raid?

    And, while I'm posting, here is some more kopru symbol speculation:
    • some alternative pictogram interpretations:
      • 1 = skull (Vecna skull, or dark secret skull);
      • 2 = eye (or missing eye, of Vecna);
      • 3 = eyes;
      • 4 = kopru (based on their three tails) or flame (ghost flame, or flaming dark secret);
      • 5 = ? (I have absolutely no other ideas);
      • 6 = hand (of Vecna) or "five fingers on a hand";
      • 7/8 = eye/hand on square platform;
      • 9/10 = eye/hand on round platform;
      • 11 = ? (I have no other ideas. I really like your "void" idea, and was wondering why you thought that? To me it definitely looks like a vortex);
      • 12 = /say
    • maybe the pictograms are instructions - i.e. each symbol is a picture/concept/word/instruction rather than each symbol is a letter of an alphabet (i.e. the written language is more like Chinese than English);
    • notice that in the word "5 1 12 10 9 9 9 7 9 6 2 2 2", 10-9-9-9 is hand-eye-eye-eye (all circled) and 6-2-2-2 is also hand-eye-eye-eye (though not circled);
    • obviously I have no idea if the above is in any way correct

    In any case, thank you for the continued investigations; and good luck!

  5. #85
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Do the platforms have different shapes?
    Is the hand not a symbol for Death's Teeth?

  6. #86
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Since U55 gave us the whole "Attunement" mechanic, I'm wondering if all the characters attempting to do the optional have to be present in the dungeon instance to get a Dark Secret buff to use in the raid?
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 09-19-2022 at 02:15 PM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  7. #87
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xoham View Post
    I am mostly just posting for encouragement. But, I have a few questions too.

    First, here is a theory you may have tried:
    • as well as /say, there are some other monsters who also write to the (say) text channel, namely, the "Dark Secrets" when killed;
    • the Dark Secrets in the raid are on a timer, and explode and say their dark secret after the timer expires;
    • after walking each path of the dead, if done before the dark secrets explode, the spirit will be down next to their platform (where "only secrets can be spoken") to hear the dark secrets say their dying secrets;
    • so each time one of the four corner skeleton party members is killed, it starts a timed race up the skull path (to get the spirit down next to the platform) before the dark secret timers explode;
    • after the final path, we hear "I ask you - what secrets do you know?";
    • we then /say (on the platforms, or maybe just the central one near King Lindal's skeleton) the copied and pasted lines from the dark secrets hidden throughout the Isle of Dread (the King Lindal ones), in keeping with the spirits hearing the entire secret line from each exploding dark secret;
    • during the final, above series of /say, Death's Teeth / King Lindal would probably also need to be on a platform (where "only secrets can spoken", and probably the central one near his skeleton) to hear his secrets being said.

    The new discovery of the skull eyes / directions though almost certainly means there's something more than just the above theory. So, a few questions that are maybe motivating:
    • do the skull eyes toggle every time any player dies?
    • do all dead players see the same toggling (on/off) of the eyes for each skull?
    • are living players able to jump on skulls that have eyes lit/unlit and skulls facing towards/away from the centre? (since mostly the skull eyes are unlit, maybe we've only seen living players fall through unlit skulls)
    • are the skulls always facing the same towards/away at all times in all instances of running the raid?
    • do the eyes of the giant skulls in the background correlate with the eyes of the skulls in the paths of the dead?
    • do the eyes of the giant skulls in the background change at all during the raid; for example, with player deaths?
    • is the wall without the giant skulls (well, the wall with the really giant skull with the lava) the same one as the backwards skull path?
    • do the really giant skull / lava skulls ever change at all during the raid?

    And, while I'm posting, here is some more kopru symbol speculation:
    • some alternative pictogram interpretations:
      • 1 = skull (Vecna skull, or dark secret skull);
      • 2 = eye (or missing eye, of Vecna);
      • 3 = eyes;
      • 4 = kopru (based on their three tails) or flame (ghost flame, or flaming dark secret);
      • 5 = ? (I have absolutely no other ideas);
      • 6 = hand (of Vecna) or "five fingers on a hand";
      • 7/8 = eye/hand on square platform;
      • 9/10 = eye/hand on round platform;
      • 11 = ? (I have no other ideas. I really like your "void" idea, and was wondering why you thought that? To me it definitely looks like a vortex);
      • 12 = /say
    • maybe the pictograms are instructions - i.e. each symbol is a picture/concept/word/instruction rather than each symbol is a letter of an alphabet (i.e. the written language is more like Chinese than English);
    • notice that in the word "5 1 12 10 9 9 9 7 9 6 2 2 2", 10-9-9-9 is hand-eye-eye-eye (all circled) and 6-2-2-2 is also hand-eye-eye-eye (though not circled);
    • obviously I have no idea if the above is in any way correct

    In any case, thank you for the continued investigations; and good luck!
    Thanks! We haven't given up, but at a bit of a block. Been there before but still hopeful we'll overcome. Though I do need to do some updating the document and get a lot more testing in still. Tough only doing this on the weekends haha.

    But to answer your awesome inquries/suggestions:

    • as well as /say, there are some other monsters who also write to the (say) text channel, namely, the "Dark Secrets" when killed;
    • the Dark Secrets in the raid are on a timer, and explode and say their dark secret after the timer expires;
    • after walking each path of the dead, if done before the dark secrets explode, the spirit will be down next to their platform (where "only secrets can be spoken") to hear the dark secrets say their dying secrets;
    • so each time one of the four corner skeleton party members is killed, it starts a timed race up the skull path (to get the spirit down next to the platform) before the dark secret timers explode;
    • after the final path, we hear "I ask you - what secrets do you know?";
    • we then /say (on the platforms, or maybe just the central one near King Lindal's skeleton) the copied and pasted lines from the dark secrets hidden throughout the Isle of Dread (the King Lindal ones), in keeping with the spirits hearing the entire secret line from each exploding dark secret;
    • during the final, above series of /say, Death's Teeth / King Lindal would probably also need to be on a platform (where "only secrets can spoken", and probably the central one near his skeleton) to hear his secrets being said.

    - A time trial of getting the path's done before the secrets pop is towards the top of the next things I'd like to test.
    - The line, "I ask you - what secrets you know?" I think is indeed a major hint. Guessing all of our best guesses so far including copy pasting lines wholesale hasn't done enough. However, I'm certain its one of the 4 optionals. Based on a datamined voiceline, she instructs us when to say the secrets. Which leads me to believe there is some condition we've yet to unlock properly. Most likely its the one optional we've yet to do or its alternate solution to walking the paths. Or as you hinted at, there may be more to saying a secret than just using /say. A bit in the dark here to be honest.
    - Having DT on the platform when we say the secret is a good idea. I've accidently tried this a few times, but wasn't very deliberate about it. So will add it to my list of things to maybe try.

    11 = ? (I have no other ideas. I really like your "void" idea, and was wondering why you thought that? To me it definitely looks like a vortex
    The Void is referenced all throughout the raid. Vecna has a connection to the Void as well (where he can store the Ghost Flame). So it'd just make sense the kopru would be aware of it and have a symbol for it and vortex symbol seemed like the most fitting though there are other contenders.

    • do the skull eyes toggle every time any player dies?
    • do all dead players see the same toggling (on/off) of the eyes for each skull?
    • are living players able to jump on skulls that have eyes lit/unlit and skulls facing towards/away from the centre? (since mostly the skull eyes are unlit, maybe we've only seen living players fall through unlit skulls)
    • are the skulls always facing the same towards/away at all times in all instances of running the raid?
    • do the eyes of the giant skulls in the background correlate with the eyes of the skulls in the paths of the dead?
    • do the eyes of the giant skulls in the background change at all during the raid; for example, with player deaths?
    • is the wall without the giant skulls (well, the wall with the really giant skull with the lava) the same one as the backwards skull path?
    • do the really giant skull / lava skulls ever change at all during the raid?

    - What skull line up you get is unique to you and is randomized every time you die.
    - Living players are not able to jump in skulls in the lava.
    - To my knowledge skulls always face the same direction. Not sure why Gorth's is backwards or if that has any significance. (yet)
    - The skulls around the outside of the raid are currently static. We've been unable to get them to change at all. A theory is that might change when we start answering secrets. They may still be a clue though. Possibly indicating what pattern of lit/unlit we need to have.
    - The wall without giant skulls... the same as the backwards skull path? Gorth's path? Not sure off the top of my head.
    - Arcanaverse

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  8. #88
    Community Member Xoham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus_Arcanis View Post
    Thanks! We haven't given up, but at a bit of a block. Been there before but still hopeful we'll overcome. Though I do need to do some updating the document and get a lot more testing in still. Tough only doing this on the weekends haha.
    Haha I can empathise - I haven't had much time to play for quite a while!

    But to answer your awesome inquries/suggestions:
    Thank you for taking the time to answer all of those. And good luck if you do more experiments this weekend! These Isle of Dread secrets are turning out to be quite the mystery!

  9. #89
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    Something thats been bugging me for a while. Was an optional in part 2 ruled out entirely?

    It just seems odd that we have something in Part 1, & Part 3, and 4 optionals total, but nothing in part 2. Since there is no Death's Teeth in Part 2 it would like up with something needing to be done prior to Death Teeth's dying if it occurred in Part 2.

  10. #90
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iymurra View Post
    Something thats been bugging me for a while. Was an optional in part 2 ruled out entirely?

    It just seems odd that we have something in Part 1, & Part 3, and 4 optionals total, but nothing in part 2. Since there is no Death's Teeth in Part 2 it would like up with something needing to be done prior to Death Teeth's dying if it occurred in Part 2.
    Are there symbols there that can only be seen while dead?

  11. #91
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    It appears nothing is really happening with this. Therefore, I'm going to ask for some help.

    Lynnabel, would you mind giving us clue that will push us in the right direction?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  12. #92
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    It appears nothing is really happening with this. Therefore, I'm going to ask for some help.

    Lynnabel, would you mind giving us clue that will push us in the right direction?

    I mean if it wasn't locked behind a raid timer/group to test anything, more people would be willing to try to find these 2 optionals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  13. #93
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamani View Post
    I mean if it wasn't locked behind a raid timer/group to test anything, more people would be willing to try to find these 2 optionals.
    The answer to the Dull Dagger question was locked behind 2 raids (VoD to get the dagger and MoD to upgrade it), yet we figured that one out. The enthusiasm of the community to figure it out was amazing. Not so much this one, now.

    We need some help.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  14. #94
    Community Member Firebreed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    The answer to the Dull Dagger question was locked behind 2 raids (VoD to get the dagger and MoD to upgrade it), yet we figured that one out. The enthusiasm of the community to figure it out was amazing. Not so much this one, now.

    We need some help.

  15. #95
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    While there hasn't been zero progress, it has indeed stalled. I'm giving myself until the end of the stream today before I throw in the towel and ask for a hint if there isn't a major breakthrough.

    One more swing to see if I can get something to happen.
    - Arcanaverse

    Twitch - Streaming most Weekends @ 4pm eastern.

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  16. #96
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Have any of the devs said that there's anything to these dark secrets at all to begin with?
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  17. #97
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    Have any of the devs said that there's anything to these dark secrets at all to begin with?
    Not directly in a forum post, but there should be zero doubt that there is indeed something to it. All signs point towards an alternate ending to the raid and a second end chest that can potentially have exclusive dino crafting materials.

    The raid even now indicates that we've only discovered 2 of the 4 optionals in the raid. At least one of them we know to be related to the dark secret puzzle.
    - Arcanaverse

    Twitch - Streaming most Weekends @ 4pm eastern.

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  18. #98
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus_Arcanis View Post
    Not directly in a forum post, but there should be zero doubt that there is indeed something to it. All signs point towards an alternate ending to the raid and a second end chest that can potentially have exclusive dino crafting materials.

    The raid even now indicates that we've only discovered 2 of the 4 optionals in the raid. At least one of them we know to be related to the dark secret puzzle.
    We still haven't seen any of the raid augments that were available on Lamannia. They've got to be somewhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  19. #99
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus_Arcanis View Post
    Not directly in a forum post, but there should be zero doubt that there is indeed something to it. All signs point towards an alternate ending to the raid and a second end chest that can potentially have exclusive dino crafting materials.

    The raid even now indicates that we've only discovered 2 of the 4 optionals in the raid. At least one of them we know to be related to the dark secret puzzle.
    At this point I figure it's like the ornate mythril lock in toxic treatment and doesn't really exist yet. Maybe, like the lock, it will be fixed in 4 years or so.

  20. #100
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Well here's hoping a dev will take pity on you guys and at least acknowledge there's SOMETHING to be found out. At least with the dagger there was a hint on the weapon itself, and I believe lyn chimed in here and there.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

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