Search at the last shrine.
Dark Secret says, 'I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.'
Search at the last shrine.
Dark Secret says, 'I broke free. I left her. I left them. All doomed. My shame burns. The Beast consumes.'
No idea if it's related to these secrets, but our party found these 'eyes' set into the wall past a secret door in the first room of Forbidden Temple. They can't be interacted with, and we searched the entire quest and couldn't find anything else out about them. But they're set into the wall with beams of light coming out of them, they look very deliberately placed:
After completing hardcore, this weekend was the first chance I had to get back to exploring the raid. Turns out we learned a lot.
Created a Living Master Document with all the evidence, clues, and links we've gathered so far.
If we can find the right secret(s) and use them in the right way, I believe we'll unlock an alternate ending and a second end chest in the raid, Skeletons in the Closet.
Thanks again for everyone's help!
Thanks for putting together this thread! I had been thinking there was a puzzle too with all these dark secrets, and similarly had been compiling the dark secret / Ghost Flame lines. After getting to try the raid on the weekend I am now even more convinced.
I find these things puzzling:
- All Hail the King - if the dark secret is not supposed to be there, what is the purpose of that secret area if not something related to this (see these release notes);
- Fall of the Forbidden Temple - the eyes, as mentioned earlier in this thread; again, what is the purpose of that secret area if not something related to this;
- Fall of the Forbidden Temple - the portals in the demon optional seem to stay there afterwards;
- Fall of the Forbidden Temple - the dimension door portal back out of the end chamber, what is the purpose of it;
- attunements (Assassin's Blade, Broken Body, Vile Tongue) - I think either one of theses is blocking the dark secret damage, or each dark secret only damages you the very first time (I definitely took damage the first time I found these; but didn't the second time, when I did the quests with the attunements);
- weird chests (see this thread for Yamani's list);
- wilderness rare crab and griffons' chest - these don't seem to count towards the rares; but are probably unrelated to the dark secrets (incidentally, I got a Legendary Swordcrossed Topaz from the griffons' rare chest).
Here are some things I can remember trying, all to no avail:
- The Legendary Magic Conch - I think I have now blasted all of the non-raid dark secrets (and the eyes) with this (my thinking was the conch might have something to do with things);
- dying at the eyes - I saw nothing new (based on seeing new things while dead in the raid);
- Malchor's Undersun Goggles at the eyes;
- Shadow Walk at the eyes;
- saying all five of Vecna's names (from the raid) at the eyes;
- returning to the eyes after completing the quest.
Here are some things I would like to try:
- all of the above after having walked all four of the dead paths in the raid (currently I have only walked one of them);
- all of the above with different combinations of the three attunements;
- confirm if/which attunement/s blocks the dark secret damage;
- say all five of Vecna's names (from the raid) at all of the dark secrets;
- investigate the demon optional (and indeed, all of) in the Fall of the Forbidden Temple more thoroughly - maybe say the Vecna names at the portals or something.
I also like your five secrets / five platforms theory, and look forward to hearing how you go!
I am really liking the Isle of Dread and the secrets of the god of secrets
The Flamemouth dialog at the end strongly suggests an alternate ending, she say's she's disappointed in the ending and was hoping we'd... break... the...
Also Vecna says the loot are trifles for thralls in a way that suggests there's a better chest to be had if someone else provides the reward.
Please consider the environment before printing this post
These eyes are in the IoD adventure book;
- This alcove looks through the
bas-relief on the east wall in area 30. Two small
spyholes are cut through eyes in one of its
carved figures to allow observation of the
temple entrance.
It's in the exact spot on the map. Pretty sure it's nothing but a nod to that.
This thread is quite possibly the best thing about DDO's Isle of Dread.
Thank you, that makes sense!
I like Magnus_Arcanis's names theory even more then. Given "names are secrets" from #17, and "what secrets do you know" after doing the paths of the dead (and might as well do the Vecna names in part 1 for good measure), I like the simple ordering of the five friends like you've identified: Osfield -> Alaric -> Kelas -> Gorth -> Lindal -> Yarrow. Or Vecna-style for the Ghost Flame (I guess "Ghost Flame" is also a name): Prodigy -> Reckless -> Flame of Hope -> Champion -> Yarrow.
Good luck testing; I am looking forward to hearing the results!
Good news. I think we've discovered an answer to this. More or less. Some details are a kind of blurry still and the order of events may not be exact, but compiled what I THINK the story of the Isle of Dread, including the Ghost Flame's involvement, actually is.
DDO's Isle of Dread Lore and Story
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
I've tried saying the 5 secrets, the 5 titles and the 5 names of the party in order after doing all opts in the raid and nothing happened.
Last edited by Kelledren; 08-10-2022 at 09:11 AM.
Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras
I had originally thought this was to be done after defeating Death's Teeth, but when that happens, we no longer got the sound buff while standing on the platform. Which likely means whatever we need to say needs to be said prior.
The sound buff mention that "only secrets can be spoken here".
My best guess at the moment, is the secret is their title. The <> below each of their names and ghost flame's quote from #17
Names are secrets, thus I have so far avoided speaking his true name. Names, identities, bodies... each carries secrets of their own. Every addition to the Whispered Ones's collection piques my curiosity. What could they possibly know that a god would deem valuable?
Are my evidence to suggest that. Though, for example Kelas it could be like, Apprentice or The Apprentice or My Apprentice, or Mage Apprentice or the whole line.. I dunno.
However, there are 5 stages of their existence. Pre fight, Phase 1 2 and 3, and defeated. Plus there is before and after the puzzle jump. And not sure if we need to be alive or dead when it is said.
Or all this timing could not matter at all and I'm barking up the wrong tree entirely lol.
Second best guess is figuring out Yarrow's true name, and that is the secret, but might be missing a clue in order to figure that out.
Either way, will be tackling more this weekend at 4pm eastern on stream.
Thanks for the sound buff info- I definitely think it’s based by order: Osfield, Alaric, Kelas, Gorth, Lindal- whether Yarrow is involved (shrug emoji here). Names on respective or or main platform, easy to do, either individually or say/speak all at once in order on the main platform. If we need them by Osfield (My story/My Bard), Alaric (My heart?), Kelas (My Apprentice), Lindal (My Love) that will be tougher to nail down. Good luck this weekend!
Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras
Unfortunately, all of my best attempts and guesses have not gotten any sort of reaction from the quest which likely means we need more clues. As I believe we’ve exhausted everything in the expansion concerning dark secrets we’re left with few options.
The raid optional is bugged.
We don’t get any feedback from the optional/raid unless we do the whole thing correctly
We missed something in IoD.
The clues exist outside of IoD.
Clues exist outside of the game. (no evidence to suggest this just yet, other than the very ARG feel I get with the kopru symbols).
Potentially there could maybe be a clue in....
- IoD (may of overlooked something)
- Litany of the Dead (and its chain)
- Mark of Death (and its chain)
- Feywild (where we meet the mysterious stranger (aka vecna)
- Morgrave (where we meet the hidden hand, a cult of vecna)
- Literally any elf based quests (Lindal’s backstory)
- Anything with the word secret in it. (so might as well mention things like Saltmarsh)
- Sands (cause of the platforms and liches)
- Any quest that talks about the distant past (ideally with story around a human)l?
- Anything that involves pacts.
- Any quest with Pirates
The number of red herrings kind of exploded at this point.
Top things hoping to find:
- A party name
- yarrow's true name
- The elven kingdom lindal was king of
- the identities/titles for each party member
- some instructions on how to break a pact.
- Any more information on Kelas (apprentice), Osfield (the bard), Alaric (the cleric(?)), and Gorth (the pirate
And for ease of access:
Master Document