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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Nov 2017

    Default Hybrid melee healer fvs?

    hey folks.

    A while back a lvled a favored soul up to 30 and set it aside as a backup raid healer for desperate times. I even gave the character a full set of +8 tomes. Well, the character is fairly survivable and heals ok, but is basically useless for anything else. Even running epic hard takes forever because the DPS is just so poor.

    I'd really like to have another half-decent melee in my roster. Is there any build that splits the difference neatly between melee and healing?

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by systemshaker1941 View Post
    Is there any build that splits the difference neatly between melee and healing?
    It depends what you mean by "healing". Healing is far easier now than it was some years ago, so the demands are not as high.

    If you want to raid-heal, be THE Healer (including high Reaper), then... maybe, possibly, depending how focused on healing you feel you need to be to get the job done.

    If you simply want to heal during a quest, nothing fancy, then absolutely.

    Which side of that divide were you thinking of?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    It depends what you mean by "healing". Healing is far easier now than it was some years ago, so the demands are not as high.

    If you want to raid-heal, be THE Healer (including high Reaper), then... maybe, possibly, depending how focused on healing you feel you need to be to get the job done.

    If you simply want to heal during a quest, nothing fancy, then absolutely.

    Which side of that divide were you thinking of?
    I can't possibly heal on high-skull reaper raids because this character has 0 reaper points. Its such a soul-crushing grind to get them on anything other than a constantly TRing main that I don't expect to ever have any. Reaper is a stupid system anyway.

    The main function of the character is for when I'm sitting in a legendary hard raid with 11 people going "Does anyone know a healer!?" I can raise my hand. Once I learn how to be a raid-healer(steep learning curve but am working on it) I should have no problems primary-healing.

    The problem is, like I said, the character can't solo for ****. I can never die but my DPS is so low that even something like EE Lords of Dust(at lvl 30) takes 20 minutes to complete(my main fire sorc nuker does it in under 6). So I'd like to be mostly focused on healing but have enough DPS to solo legendary hard quests when I want a change of pace from my other characters.

  4. #4
    Community Member PedXing20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systemshaker1941 View Post
    I can't possibly heal on high-skull reaper raids because this character has 0 reaper points.
    That is so wrong

  5. #5
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    @ OP - here are some forum offerings, some recent, some not so much (for the older ones, the AP may have shifted around - whenever anyone goes for an "older" build, post a link and see what the build gurus have to say about any updates to bring it into the current META).

    o General "build guide"

    o Slarden (one of several "build gurus" on these boards)

    o Warforged w/ Falconry

    o 2 Inquisitive versions (w/ Artificer - would require a +# HoW)

    Quote Originally Posted by PedXing20 View Post
    That is so wrong
    I ~think~ what he means is that, since he has 0 RP's, his character's survivability in high-end Reaper limits him. I.E., since he doesn't have 4,000+ HP, it's "impossible" to survive.

    I don't see that as true, since I've run R10 as a low-RXP, low HP (< 1K) ranged build and survived (just NEVER grab aggro!). However, the only way to learn how to survive* Reaper is to run Reaper, so if you never do, then you never can, so you never will. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

    (* It takes more than a "R10-capable build" to run R10. You have to know all the different Reapers, and their characteristics, so you can adapt your tactics to suit. Treating them all as casters (i.e. "kill them first, kill them now!") will fail quickly and brutally.)

    Just dive in, don't grab aggro, and keep your head on a swivel. You'll learn - and at Level 30, RXP rains down, you'll have your first 8 quickly (which gives you 4x Reaper Boost to offense (and defense if you need it)), and from there you simply keep moving forward. It's only "soul crushing" if you get sucked into the grind for wings and see that as the only acceptable metric - so don't, just that simple.

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