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Thread: Fed Up

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Fed Up

    So after 16 years I'm finally thinking about quitting this game because I'm absolutely sick of 50 different crafting systems and a billion ingredients that you need for every almost finished or nearly there or that'll cost you extra or would you like undercoating or let me ask my manager and maybe we can give you a deal and you collect every dang thing from all your toons and you still can't complete one stupid item you picked up in a quest and now we get a new expansion with a whole new crafting system and don't even get me started on the completely useless Cannith Crafting and aaaargh I'm so mad.

  2. #2
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    Supper annoying. Other games actually have unified crafting systems.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eantarus View Post

    Supper annoying. Other games actually have unified crafting systems.
    Supper annoying, not so much...usually delicious

    All joking aside....Super annoying, indeed! We need another crafting system like we need another dev who loathes monks. :P

  4. #4
    Community Member TedSandyman's Avatar
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    I understand frustration. There is a lot about this game that frustrates me.

    But I am frustrated about the things I have no control over that I am forced to do to stay relevant.

    You don't really HAVE to use the crafting system if you don't want. That is a choice. Just don't use it and don't collect or store ingredients.

    I could see being frustrated at having to delete all of the ingredients you've grabbed from chests using "Get All" but is having to delete a few ingredients really worth quitting the game over?

    And as for Cannith Crafting being useless, I have to 100% disagree with you there.

    I am currently using two items at level 30 that I simply could not work in any other way. It isn't going to be a full replacement for named items with set bonus' but it is excellent at filling in holes.

    That gem of many facets as a craftable trinket with an augment slot is really nice.

  5. #5
    Community Member Sqrlmonger's Avatar
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    One of my least favorite things on these forums is when people take a dump on other people's frustrations.

    So while I disagree and think multiple crafting systems can actually be a good thing (when done right), I will agree that we have probably gone way too far in the number at this point. And I think it would help if some of the older ones were either merged together into a single "old-school stuff" system (so progress on them could be made more consistently across a range of content) or at least made a lot more accessible within their existing systems. For instance with the advent of dino crafting (2-3 months after release of it) I would like to see the drop rates for large ingredients in LShroud to go up ~2-3x and to see legendary large ingredients start dropping in the flagging quests regularly. OR just to have full L shroud augments available for 100 threads per tier of the augment. I use LGS as an example only because it uses similar design space as dino Crafting.

    The long-standing issue that frustrates me is lack of storage space (don't start talking about this, this isn't the thread for it). My point is, there are a lot of long-standing issues that players have pointed out for a long..well... time... and devs like Lynnabel have done some good work fixing minor to moderate QoL bugs and those things ARE appreciated. Full Stop.

    However, that doesn't diminish the fact that we really need to see some of these larger issues tackled. Things like unifying older systems or at least offering reasonable catch-up mechanics for them, things like the storage revamp, etc...

    (Just to be totally clear, lag is obviously the biggest issue facing the game, but I understand it is harder to narrow down and address than some of these more concrete system-based issues.)

  6. #6
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    I have to agree. If you dont spend quite a lot of time staying on top of the new crafting systems (and other systems) it gets very overwhelming very fast.

    The same goes for gearing.

    Filigrees, augments, set augments, set bonusses, dino augments, cannith crafting etc, etc - and umpteen different types of effects - someone new getting into DDO will be very overwhelmed really fast if they ask how to optimize gear...
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  7. #7
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    I have to agree. If you dont spend quite a lot of time staying on top of the new crafting systems (and other systems) it gets very overwhelming very fast.

    The same goes for gearing.

    Filigrees, augments, set augments, set bonusses, dino augments, cannith crafting etc, etc - and umpteen different types of effects - someone new getting into DDO will be very overwhelmed really fast if they ask how to optimize gear...

    Oh oh oh I know whats next. Card collecting. Apparently it's a big thing in other games now... ESO/Lost ark both have it.

    But honestly I'm ok with ddo's current crafting systems although some should be depreciated or renewed. I'm not against crafting systems that allows for character versatility. But stuff like dragontouched/scarabs(necro's)/stone of change(bye 1 force damage!)/dampened/suppressed power can either be removed and reinvented to just drop the items as completed versions. Newer stuff that allows for multiple versions of gear should be left as is, as those are more beneficial to the player being able to choose your stats.

    Personally I prefer customization over rigid sets.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamani View Post
    Oh oh oh I know whats next. Card collecting. Apparently it's a big thing in other games now... ESO/Lost ark both have it.
    We have already had DDO card collecting but the rampant duping by some people spoiled it for everyone.

  9. #9
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    Thats why they sell Crafting Storage expansions in 250 slot increments

    Honestly, 90% of the time you just dump your whole bag there whenever it gets full, and then you have what you need whenever you want to craft something. I cant imagine the last time I've had to farm for, say, Nearly Finished mats.

    If they had a single unified crafting architecture, then all that'd mean is people would just play whatever content was most efficient, and ignore the other 90% of the game

    It'd also mean you dont have to actually buy the content in order to access its crafting economy, if its the same economy as every other content pack...and that's obviously bad for the game's financial stability

    I will agree some systems are needlessly complex - the multi-level Nearly Finished system is always my worst example of arbitrary crafting steps - but simply having multiple systems isnt wrong

  10. #10
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Fed Up?? So fed x and ups finally joined forces.
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  11. #11
    Pale Fox
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    I recently started LGS crafting and quickly found out I do not have enough to finish a single item.

    Apparently there are so many people out there running with 8 pieces on their main character that SSG felt the need to nerf it into the ground... for the 3th time.
    Don't you need a whopping 160 raid completions to be able to have all of those items cleansed, that is three years of dedication to a single raid if you run it twice a week.

  12. #12
    Community Member TedSandyman's Avatar
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    I don't know if the "dump" remark was directed at me, but I never meant to "dump" on anyone's frustrations. The OPs frustrations are duly noted and sympathized with.

    I merely meant to point out that:

    1. I personally like crafting, even if, as the OP states, there just seems to be an awful lot of it. I suspect there are others out there who are looking forward to the new system, but I can really only speak for myself.

    2. Of all the frustrating things in this game, there is an easy way to not be frustrated in this case. Just don't craft. Some of the other frustrating items in this game don't have such an easy fix.

    No dumping intended.

    I don't have to agree with everything posted on the forum. And I believe it is the intent of the forum to foster discussion and disagreement should be tolerated and even encouraged, if done courteously.

    I see a forum post and feel strongly for or against it, I feel it is my right and duty to post. And if I don't happen to agree with the post, I will say so courteously and I don't consider that dumping on someones frustrations and I apologize to the OP if they see it that way.

    If it is any consolation, I hope you don't quit over this. We need all the players we can get. In almost all cases where I have felt like quitting, I didn't and was glad for it later, until the next frustration.
    Last edited by TedSandyman; 06-16-2022 at 06:35 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamani View Post
    oh oh oh i know whats next. Card collecting. Apparently it's a big thing in other games now... Eso/lost ark both have it.

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  14. #14
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    What other games do(and DDO could have done) is have a single central crafting system. New content comes with new recipes requiring ingredients found only in that content. It solves the core problem of not letting established crafters have all the new shinnies on day 1 while also keeping crafting relevant as a skill.

    What DDO does... well, the theory behind DDO's preponderance of crafting system is resume-padding. EG we get a new crafting system with every content pack so that someone can put "I designed this crafting system" on their resume(which looks a lot better than "I added these recipes to an existing crafting system."

  15. #15
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caver View Post
    sick of 50 different crafting systems and a billion ingredients
    Quote Originally Posted by Eantarus View Post
    Supper annoying. Other games actually have unified crafting systems.
    Heh, other games actually have crafting systems. DDO doesn't have a single one by the standards of any other MMO. Not even Canith qualifies. Insufficiently versatile. AFAIS, DDO does giant slightly versatile scavenger-hunt quests and calls them "crafting". It took me a loooong while before I was OK using that term for stuff in DDO.

    When you can put any stat line onto any item in any combination, THEN and only then will DDO have a crafting system.

    With that said, though, slightly versatile selections are leaps and bounds better than a fixed-result. For DDO I care about the end-result most and then worry about the "cost" (aka time & drudgery) required to achieve it. Reducing the ridiculous gear-tetris required for rolling up a decent working gear-set for a build is pretty big win if you prefer to trade out-of-game tetris drudgery for in-game farming drudgery.

  16. #16
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    Default Ok let's get specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Caver View Post
    So after 16 years I'm finally thinking about quitting this game because I'm absolutely sick of 50 different crafting systems and a billion ingredients that you need for every almost finished or nearly there or that'll cost you extra or would you like undercoating or let me ask my manager and maybe we can give you a deal and you collect every dang thing from all your toons and you still can't complete one stupid item you picked up in a quest and now we get a new expansion with a whole new crafting system and don't even get me started on the completely useless Cannith Crafting and aaaargh I'm so mad.
    So I've heard people some agreeing, some complaining as well and some saying just don't do crafting. Well that's really not an option... so here's what set me off. You're in Sharn and running a level 15 quest on reaper and a piece of named loot drops, a ring, a necklace or in my case a pair of goggles. Whoopee! That's great! You're excited except they really aren't very good. In fact they suck. They aren't even as good as the Ravenloft gear you're wearing. But! They have "Nearly Finished" and "Almost There". Hmmm very interesting. So you run over to a crafting station and see what you can make, you see the recipe you want and realize you have to go to another crafting station to get the ingredients. So you run over there and lo and behold you have to have stuff, a lot of stuff and you have to turn that stuff into other stuff and then some of that stuff into still other stuff and then you can go back to the first crafting station and make your item. Now you've been playing this game a long time, You have multiple toons and you run Sharn a lot but after you have collected all the stuff off all your toons you're still short some random drop stupid collectable that you just don't have enough of to even finish one of those "craftable" slots and so you are stuck with a piece of junk that you will hold onto because someday it might be good after you've run Sharn another 1000 times through multiple lives. That is just dumb!

    And yes of course I'm exaggerating.
    Last edited by Caver; 06-17-2022 at 09:05 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caver View Post
    So I've heard people some agreeing, some complaining as well and some saying just don't do crafting. Well that's really not an option... so here's what set me off. You're in Sharn and running a level 15 quest on reaper and a piece of named loot drops, a ring, a necklace or in my case a pair of goggles. Whoopee! That's great! You're excited except they really aren't very good. In fact they suck. They aren't even as good as the Ravenloft gear you're wearing. But! They have "Nearly Finished" and "Almost There". Hmmm very interesting. So you run over to a crafting station and see what you can make, you see the recipe you want and realize you have to go to another crafting station to get the ingredients. So you run over there and lo and behold you have to have stuff, a lot of stuff and you have to turn that stuff into other stuff and then some of that stuff into still other stuff and then you can go back to the first crafting station and make your item. Now you've been playing this game a long time, You have multiple toons and you run Sharn a lot but after you have collected all the stuff off all your toons you're still short some random drop stupid collectable that you just don't have enough of to even finish one of those "craftable" slots and so you are stuck with a piece of junk that you will hold onto because someday it might be good after you've run Sharn another 1000 times through multiple lives. That is just dumb!

    And yes of course I'm exaggerating.
    The only part of your rant that’s remotely true is the stupidity of having to go back and forth to craft the individual components.

    The machine should just suck out the 30 of each or whatever and be done. Once you’ve done it a few times you realize you can just craft like 4 of each base item and that will get you through the recipe without going back and forth.

    Unless you’re crafting a ton of items you should have hundreds of extra mats at this point.

  18. #18
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    Default Agree

    I agree, and there are too many different types of bonus. It is maddening now, lets say I want to equip the new and improved dino cloak. Great, but there is a problem, my cloak already does X,Y that I can't replicate with dino cloak. So I start searching on how to get X,Y somewhere else, and awesome I can get that on my gloves but they do Z, ****, where can I get Z, hmm can't get that anywhere without losing my set bonus.

    Screw the cloak.

    It is frustrating and overly complicated.

    The other thing that is really annoying is how they artificially limit crafting, dino is only helmet, cloak, armor, weapon so out of luck if the only easy spot to replace is boots etc... Cannith would be great, but it lacks a lot of effects now and is outdated, and you can only put certain effects on certain slots.

    I agree it is a mess.

    I actually think the set stuff is the worst part of it. It forces you to equip items that are not that great, and locks you into slots that you cannot change.
    Last edited by EinarMal; 06-17-2022 at 09:53 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Thats why they sell Crafting Storage expansions in 250 slot increments
    My 1545 crafting storage slots already fill up so I need to figure out what to delete. There simply isnt enough room - partly because some stuff does not stack very high. Some items even stack in lower numbers in crafting storage than in bags which is very annoying.

    I wish they would atleast make everything stack and stack to 10000. Inventory, bags, banks - including xp stones.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  20. #20
    Community Member Kelledren's Avatar
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    No dumping intended or forum shout-down intended here, but I’m looking forward to this system because I absolutely loath the green steel system. I love that now we can get those cool effects on other gear. I started really playing in 2018 and tried to make a heroic GS cloak and it was so miserable and confusing I stopped and never tried to make any legendary GS gear. Not to mention mats are mostly from one raid I was not a fan of. If the mats fall from content I will be running anyway then I don’t mind crafting systems new or old. Bigger bonus when mats are not bound. Any new players that need Sharn mats I can just dump those on them. If the work I put in helps someone else I’m happy with that. It’s the crafting systems that make you suffer to craft an item I’m not a fan of. Obviously every inventory rant everywhere I fully support!
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