Good day everyone on Ghallanda.

I take with good confidence that I am not the only person on Ghallanda who does not have a guild, or a full guild who does raids. At least not a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. So I am here today to ask if there is a community on Ghallanda that is into starting a raid day, a sort of Ghallanda raid day. I am thinking Saturdays or Sundays, (not to clash with the popular Friday night guild raids I've seen, and joined, other guilds run.) for people who do not have any guilds.

This thread is for suggestions, comments, and interest or disinterest in the idea. We do the current end game raids of course, and hopefully I am not the only raid leader who can keep this train rolling. I will probably post a new thread with the idea if we all like it. Fully fleshed out and with a discord, but for now just testing the water to see if anyone on the forums is into having a raid day for those who can not find groups? or those with groups who want to run more raids.

So please let me know what you think down below. I am open to all ideas and suggestions.