Please consider updating Eveningstar content after the Vecna storyline returns us to Ravenloft!
Legendary Caught In The Web Raid Loot Upgrades
A Raid featuring Graz'zt
New Minor Artifact upgrades of certain Eveningstar Items such as haunted halls loot, Mines Of Tethyamar Loot, and loot from the quest Search And Rescue
Legendary Amulet Of The Makers, Manual Of Stealthy Pilfering, and Festering Mummy Wrappings would all get a minor artifact tier upgrade!
The trinkets for the Caught In The Web set weapons can now be cannith crafted from their original version while the legendary versions can be made into augments
New Non-Iconic version of the Shadar-Kai race (Uses the same tree), free to anyone with four Shadar-Kai past lives
Warforged Scout Racial Variant (Still has weapon attachment and bonus to Melee power and tactics in racial tree, however now includes an enhancement for Nothing Is Hidden, runearm DCs, assassination, social skills, and an SLA for an effect that combines invisibility and pass without a trace).
Legendary Trap The Soul Amethyst
Learn the secret that Graz'zt has had influence over various occurrences in Eberron such as Yaulthoon's schemes. Learn that Graz'zt has a bone to pick with Vecna due to Vecna having had absorbed the cambion son of Graz'zt known as Iuz, and learn of a group of entities known as the Norns and the role they have played in directing Graz'zt's schemes.
Acquire Sentient Jewel Of The Braineater (Yaulthoon's voice)
Acquire Sentient Jewel Of The Temptress (Malicia's Voice)