Pre-purchased Isle of Dread the first day it was available! Experienced the same problems everyone did and worked through those. Then about May 14 I noticed both of my Otto's boxes had disappeared from my inventory again! Put a ticket in. Got an email that said

"Ethiriel (Standing Stone Games Help)

May 19, 2022, 2:59 PM EDT

Thank you for contacting support and my apologies for the delay.
The developer team is aware that the issue regarding the Otto's Boxes has impacted several players and their characters and are working on implementing a fix as soon as
ssible! I've made sure to add your character to the list and you will receive the items as soon as the fix is implemented."

Then on May 24 you "solved" my ticket without explanation and without getting me my Otto's Boxes. I put in a new ticket, which has now been open for 15 days.

Can I get an update on this issue please?