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  1. #1
    Community Manager
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    Default DDO Screenshot of the Week #556

    Muphet reaches the village of Barovia in the 556th DDO Screenshot of the Week!

    Quick note: The weekly submissions for the Screenshot of the Week have slowed down quite a bit in recent weeks, but we are still giving away 500 DDO Points if your screenshot is selected! Reminder you can email the screenshot to with the following info:

    Your Forum/Community Name and/or Character Name:
    Name to Credit:
    Characters in screenshot:
    Describe your screenshot in 100 words or less:
    I agree that my screenshot may be featured on Yes
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Quick note: The weekly submissions for the Screenshot of the Week have slowed down quite a bit in recent weeks, but we are still giving away 500 DDO Points if your screenshot is selected! Reminder you can email the screenshot to with the following info:
    Is it okay to submit more than one screenshot at a time?

    And do you only select one screenshot for the week from those recently submitted and discard the rest or do you add all screenshots that you like to a pool and then choose one from that each week?

    In other words, if someone submits a screenshot and it doesn't get selected for a week, could they re-submit it another week (because maybe it will be selected another time) or is it already in a pool for future use if it made the cut?

  3. #3
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fnordian View Post
    Is it okay to submit more than one screenshot at a time?

    And do you only select one screenshot for the week from those recently submitted and discard the rest or do you add all screenshots that you like to a pool and then choose one from that each week?

    In other words, if someone submits a screenshot and it doesn't get selected for a week, could they re-submit it another week (because maybe it will be selected another time) or is it already in a pool for future use if it made the cut?
    1. Yes, within limits. If you send me six shots that all basically look the same it will be annoying and not helpful. But there is no hard rule, just send me your best.
    2. All screenshots stick around in a folder in an inbox, and can and do win in the future.
    3. Resubmitting doesn't help, although it is way more common than you'd think to have submissions not have a screenshot attached, so that is the most common reason for a resubmission.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    1. Yes, within limits. If you send me six shots that all basically look the same it will be annoying and not helpful. But there is no hard rule, just send me your best.
    2. All screenshots stick around in a folder in an inbox, and can and do win in the future.
    3. Resubmitting doesn't help, although it is way more common than you'd think to have submissions not have a screenshot attached, so that is the most common reason for a resubmission.
    Thank you for the clarifications. Much appreciated.

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