The new Weapon Specialty feats offers the ability to run with both SWF and THF, making HaH a lot more competitive.
You have to take one line in Heroic to qualify for the other at cap. Which one you take determines which Perfect feats you're eligible for in Epic - PSWF requires GSWF while PTHF does not require GTHF, so it makes more sense to take SWF and then use THF Specialty.
Here's the breakdown:
THF: Requires 3 feats + Epic feat. 3.0x stat-to-dmg (assuming Trance) * 15% base speed (Speed) = 3.45 "points"
HaH: Requires 4-5 feats (incl. OHV and maybe a Proficiency) + Epic feat. 2.6x * 45% = 3.77, with double vorp range
Yes, there's way more that goes into your actual DPS and that might tip the balance towards one style or another...but the difference purely from weapon style is about 10% stronger for SWF, at the cost of 1-2 extra feats
One more relevant scenario, too, is HaH+Orb or Runearm, for EKs, Arti tanks, etc., where you dont get the extra .25 from OHV: 2.35 * 1.45 = 3.41, which is pretty much right in line with THF, but you get the extra slot and the auto-crits, and faster attack speed with full strikethrough to help the uptime on that