I have finished (I think) "The Curse and the Captive Crustacean" (At least it says Status: Complete although there is no end chest), but when I try to FO I get:

(I think this is only the last part of all error messages.)

(Error): Current Position: r4 lx440 ly544 i14 area_dread_curse_1.wc (Private)
Local Quest: dqst_dread_curse_1.wc Timestamp: 108562.071000
Dungeon_IsDungeon_Property: true
DM: 0x044364500E000002
Active Modules:

dqst_dread_curse_1.wc: r4 lx432 ly552 i14 (area_dread_curse_1.wc)
Quest: dqst_dread_curse_1.wc
DM: 0x044364500E000002
[0] Quest: dqst_dread_curse_1.wc
Difficulty: Dungeon_EpicDifficulty
Creation Time: 108562.071000 Age: (21 minutes 45 seconds)
Exit Position: r4 lx424 ly568 (area_dread_public.wc)
Exit Quest: dqst_dread_landscape.wc
(Local Module)

(Recall) Exit Position: r4 lx424 ly568 area_dread_public.wc (Public)
Recall) Exit Quest: dqst_dread_landscape.wc
(Login 1) Last Position: r4 lx440 ly544 i14 area_dread_curse_1.wc (Private)
(Login 2) Public Exit Position: r4 lx424 ly568 area_dread_public.wc (Public)
(Login 3) Starting Position (reincarnation_lesser_guide): r1 lx472 ly72 area_reincarnation_lesser.wc (Public)
Resurrection Position (hoh_eberron_reincarnation_exit): r1 lx472 ly40 area_hallofheroes_eberron.wc (Public)

I am able to teleport out to the marketplace though.