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  1. #41
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    I'm concerned that all the 3-piece sets are helm, cloak, and armor. As a dps caster, this is particularly problematic, as I feel as if I'm being told I need a perfect Gem of Many Facets to get to use one of the new sets without it being a major step back power-wise (keeping in mind I already have to give up legendary dragonscale) when I look at the new gear.

    Maybe if there were a few additional dinosaur bone items (goggles for example, as I don't believe there are any in the whole expansion that we've seen so far), it'd feel a lot less restrictive when taking previous gearing into account.

    Edit: Example on my sorc, I have to replace the Legendary Magewright and Legendary Elder sets to use one of the new 3-piece sets. My only option here not to lose something from +6% crit chance, +15% crit damage, +3 spell DC, and +3 spellcasting stat is to grind for a legendary gem of many facets with elder's set on it, when initial impression seeing the spellcasting robe or light armor is I could wear 2 3-piece sets from Isle of Dread to replace these set bonuses. Unfortunately, both Isle of Dread sets would require the exact same items, so at best I spend an unknown number of threads to not lose that power while still losing legendary redscale anyways. It's hard to not feel like I'd be better off not using any of the new 3-piece sets as a dps caster as a result.
    Last edited by WruntJunior; 06-01-2022 at 02:39 PM.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  2. #42
    Community Member Archfae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    MRR stripping can be done with the Hunt or be Hunted fire stick, and that stick gives spell lore. Do I want to give up my fire lore item for a +2 exceptional charisma bonus if I'm a fire savant? Nope. If I'm an ice savant then I'm already better off using the KT staff. Swapping to MRR reducing LGS stick and another stick with Vacuum is simple enough on bosses to stack up damage bonus before swapping back.
    Just a note: MRR stripping cant be done by a caster with the hunt or be hunted fire stick. The legendary ash effect on that is specifically not applied to spellcasts under the hood. I believe Lich was aiming to fix the tooltip to make it clear that spellcasts wouldn't trigger the effect.

  3. #43
    Founder Jarlaxis's Avatar
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    Default Black pearls drop-rate?

    If it's going to be a raid item that everyone needs in some manner please don't make the drop rate insanely low.

    Kind of like a Greater Feytwisted chest, the pinnacle of insanely low, at least 2x a week for a year and seen a grand total of maybe 9 spawn on LH.

    How about mid-high drop-rate in the raid, and a mid-low drop-rate in the quests for these pearls?

  4. #44
    2015 Players Council Claver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post

    Its a tricky situation to be sure! But I'm confident there's a solution out there that makes everyone happy
    Random thought, literally off the top of my head...without much thought on negative consequence.

    1. Use the model of the universal challenge token NPC in house Cannith that will give one free token per account a day.

    2. Make that NPC the Raid quest giver

    3. Raid quest giver will either let you into the raid OR give you a dinotoken AND put you on a raid timer. Maybe put the dinotoken option on a second page of dialogue to avoid misclick

    4. You can't run the raid and get a dinotoken - it is either or since both options put you on a raid timer

    5. Some arbitrarily and excessively large amount of dinotokens can then be turned in for a BOUND* ingredient. My thinking is this option would need to creat bound ingredients to prevent auction house abuse with multiple accounts.

    The idea is that running the raid (or buying ingredients off the auction house) would be a much quicker path to crafting. The dinotoken option is there for someone who doesn't want to raid, but who patiently logs in day after day to collect their one free dinotoken of the day so that hey can eventually craft the desired item

  5. #45
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    Des Quality Spell Focus Mastery come on any of the new gear? I didnt seem to find it.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  6. #46
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    If the interesting crafting (multi-equipment slots, set bonus effect, multi-dino slots per equip piece) will be locked behind the raid, then perhaps adjust the basic armor default set bonuses. They all have Con +14 but that appears to be available (dino-crafted) on any accessory item with a scale slot which are many. The only way to get regular fort in this gear setup is an armor scale slot which is not even available on the basic armor, so maybe swap the Con effect for an armor scale slot.

    The basic armors also have a green and colorless augment slot, so swapping the colorless augment slot for a fang craftable armor slot can help make these a little bit interesting. Then the raid crafting armor still gets the other two dino slots (claw and horn) plus green and blue augment slots beyond that.

    The necklaces and rings all appear to be regular and insightful caster items - maybe create some melee focused combos of vitality/insightful con/ins deadly/ins seeker/ins combat mastery/ins accuracy/ins doublestrike and insightful fort (and swap the basic armor to regular fort by default). A generic ring and/or necklace with a couple of dino fang/claw slots and augment slots might be nice too.

  7. #47
    Systems Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    If a player wants to craft the set bonus on an expansion crafted item its going to require the raid.
    The only blanks that take a Set Bonus slot are the dino bone items that are already raid loot. The Pirate stuff doesn't have a set bonus slot on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    The helmet can't replace an LGS crit damage item because it lacks the enhancement bonus to crit damage. Not including the scale bonus is a big mistake in my opinion. Making it an artifact is even more restricting on gearing. Getting one more artifact slot is not enough vertical progression to significantly incentivize this item.
    Ah, the Artifacts are definitely in a weird spot, you're right. I'll noodle on them a little bit more for sure. My crackpot theory was to give them the quality stat and then 3 "wildcard" slots that allowed them to take whatever Isle augment that you wanted but it looks like that might be actually impossible.

    To a larger point, it sounds like everyone is confused about what drops where, so here's some clarity:

    From quests:

    - pirate items (these each have 1 slot each, none of which require the raid to complete)
    - weapon blanks
    - new augments
    - quest ingredients (for slots 1 and 2)

    From wilderness:

    - different pirate items (these each have 1 slot each, none of which require the raid to complete)
    - weapon blanks
    - new augments
    - wilderness ingredients (for slot 3)

    from the raid:

    - dino bone armors, accessories, upgraded weapons (these are the fully customizable versions with all open slots)
    - raid mats (for slot 4 and set bonus)
    Last edited by Lynnabel; 06-01-2022 at 06:10 PM.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  8. #48
    Community Member Archfae's Avatar
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    Post Itemization Feedback

    The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse Items:

    Some of the items look decent enough. I especially like that you can craft 1 effect on a couple of the items, while also usually having an augment too. This makes them feel very flexible. There's a few effects that seem a bit limiting given the slot they are attached too, and there are a few missing itemization effects that I would greatly appreciate seeing.

    On the other hand, the set bonus is lacking for a lot of reasons.

    • Everything is profane typed. And while this may actually a good thing for melee/ranged power and prr, in the event that you were somehow able to pair this up with the tinkerers set etc. It is absolutely not a good thing overall. Also from quickly playing around with the gear tetris, I don't think comboing those would be worth it anyhow. For casters, you can consolidate all the effects into a single item with epic litany augment + one of the many items to provide +2 profane DCs.
    • Additionally, some of the values just don't match up to what they should. Even if it was artifact, +3 stats and +3 dcs is the norm for legendary set bonuses. Why would anyone wear a 5 pc set to get less value than a 2 pc or 3 pc set?
    • There's very little value here for dps toons and tank toons. No threat gen for tank toons. And no tactics boosts, doublestrike, helpless, fort bypass, or sneak attack dice for dps toons. And the artifact boost to stats, which could be nice is instead profane.
    • To get the 5 pc set as a non caster, you have to take items which will do almost nothing for you (rings and necklaces are very limited). And conversely otherwise.

    Dino Crafting Set Bonuses:

    Devotion of Firemouth Set - This is aimed at a tank, but it lacks the hp boosts that most tanks are going to want from a set. It also lacks con. As it is, 5 pc winter looks so much stronger than this. And yes, you get a little more flexibility / need less slots to get this set, but you still have to find a way to get % hp and con, which is going to take 7 items otherwise. This is pretty restrictive. I guess for tanks that are built as ac tanks this might be the way to go, but I think most endgame tanks are going to be better off with lgs or winter + wild fort aug sets. This is especially the case due to there not being much for tanks in the crafting slots as well (but more on that later).

    Echoes of the Walking ancestors - Theoretically a really good set for casters, I could see giving up magewright set for this, if the craftable slots are really good. I don't see tactics focused melees taking this set; dps matters more. However, it might be nice to use this as a dps and then something like tinkerers + suolo set to fill in the other nice stuff.

    Defender of Tanaroa - I assume this is aimed for a healer. It's pretty good I think. This all assumes the craftable slots of things that a healer would want. You'll definitely be pairing up this set with lgs though to make it work for a healer, I think. winter + oasis or lgs + oasis are the sets to beat.

    Dread Stalker - insanely good set bonus. With this +stat augment set + fort bypass augment set, you pretty much have the foundations for all the important non caster dps set bonus stats.

    Deacon of the Auricular Sacrarium - This is really good. The 30 magical resistance cap increase with the other stat boosts is really good. Youll need spell dcs, casting stat, and elemental spell critical chance from somewhere. But this should all be achievable.

    Preset / noncraftable set pieces (quest/wildy loot) - These items are welcomed as a possibility to have the set bonuses from the non raid, but they are fixed with no craftable effects. This pretty much means that they lose out to leg red dragon armor / shadow armor gear layouts for non caster dps. And I'm pretty sure they also lose out for caster dps. Probably pretty nice as a stop gap till you farm out your new sets, but I don't know I'm not that happy with how they are as is.

    My biggest complain with how the set bonuses are setup is that they seem to heavily incentivize (or only really make sense to use, except dread stalker) use of augment set bonuses. This is a good thing to a certain extent, set augment bonuses should be "nice to have" not "pretty much mandatory to justify the sets" imo. In particular the dps caster set and tank set look incredibly egregious on this front.

    Dino Crafting:

    So there's a lot here I like, but there's also some things that I think could be majorly improved upon.

    • Unbound ingredients. I think all the relevant problems from when lgs ings were decided to be bound to account remain. I would love to have a functioning economy, but at the same time, there's way to many bugs and malicious players who take advantage of those bugs to have this make sense to me. As is, I foresee people with illicit shards benefiting greatly from this, and I also see static groups with raids benefiting greatly from this as well. This is especially the case if the raid is like THTH or HoH, which require coordination to run anything above LN. To add onto this, I'd much rather see black pearls drop as a very rare drop in quests / wilderness and/or as a saga turn in. This would allow raiders to get their gear significantly faster while not taking advantage of quest-only players, who could grind towards their gear in a way they choose. Or even possibly allowing ing conversion such as 10 to 1 dino parts for a black pearl.
    • The raid locked horn effects are severely limited especially for the accessory slots on armor/cloaks/helms. As is, armor piercing is the only thing that stood out as "i need to have this" or "this is worth even considering the grind". Even for the weapons, now that we know that they require raid ingredients, I was expecting more types of weapon effects that could be included. Salt for instance would be a nice add on, or if you want to keep lgs still a bit relevant, maybe make new effects?
    • The set bonuses being locked behind raid ingredients and the same amount as the horn effects is incredibly disheartening. This effectively shuts out a huge portion of the playerbase. Yes if the ings are unbound, eventually they'll make their way to the shard exchange for a more reasonable price, but it will not happen right away. Even the players that do run raids, only a vanishingly small number will be able to have their sets for a long time. And by the time that players who dont raid or even those who pug, can finally obtain their items, the gear will likely be obsolete again by another expansion or level cap raise. As is, my advice to players who raid infrequently or not at all, would be to maybe craft a weapon but not to bother with anything else. You'd be better off finishing your progress on pre IoD lootsets.
    • Non caster dps toons get something worthwhile to replace magma drip in the armor slot. Caster dps toons don't. I'm not sure, if it makes sense in that case. It would be nice to see the horn slot for armor still be "armor" only instead of accessory and some effects placed here that would be comparable but a little worse than magma drip such as the 2d6 sneak attack we see elsewhere.
    • At 50 raid only ingredients per upgrade * 3 items * 2 slots + 1 weapon slot, we're looking at 350 ingredients needed to upgrade the full suite. At 4 ingredients per chest, this is 87.5 chests. I would normally expect to get a set bonus from a raid pack in about 20 runs per character between runes and lucky drops. I'm hoping that this will be maintained in the raid as well.
    • There's not much here for tanks or dc casters in terms of actual upgrades. Overall I think the crafting system really just needs a LOT more options for all the different tiers.
    • In particular for monk, the claw set on handwraps is less than ideal. Perfected Jidz tetka is pretty much mandatory on a monk right now at endgame due to the water stance buff to mrr cap, as is exceptional wisdom +2 is already granted from it. I guess I can always slot meltclaw for +1 constitution over it. But monks in particular, I think forgewraith wraps are still going to be significantly better. It'd almost be cool to have 2 horn effects instead of 1 horn and 1 claw on a monk - this would allow it to compete with forgewraith and other twfers.


    The new augments you've added are fantastic. Ghostly, linguistics, and doublestrike, and a couple others are much wanted! Thank you!

    Raid Drops / Minor Artifacts

    I kinda wish there were some chase raid gear that was just a tiny bit better. I know the attuned weapons and minor artifact helms are supposed to be this way, but idk. I had a minor artifact drop for me in a wilderness chest (the one where you slot two different crests and fight an evil outsider). The quality bonus is nice, but I'm not sure if +3 quality over a scale slot is worth giving up artifact for most builds especially now that perfected artifacts will be easier to come by. I think the artifact helms should probably just straight up gain the quality stat without sacrificing the scale slot if you want to make it competitive with perfected artifacts.

    The attuned weapons are nice roughly 5 damage extra over the other ones. This is worth grinding out.

    Still, it'd be cool if there were a couple raid loot drops that were distinct. A trinket with a bunch of crafting slots maybe as a chase item?

    tl;dr: I think there's a good base. The cosmetic value of the items is very good. And I think there's quite a lot here to incentivize wanting to try and like this system. But I do feel like the limitations mentioned above right now are too big for me to say that I'm super thrilled about the items. In particular, the perceived grind and unfairness to non-raid players (players that haven't taken advantage of past exploits) is making me have a very bad taste in my mouth regarding the expansion as a whole, which is sad for me because there's so much here to be happy about.
    Last edited by Archfae; 06-01-2022 at 06:49 PM.

  9. #49
    Community Member Demsac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The only blanks that take a Set Bonus slot are the dino bone items that are already raid loot. The Pirate stuff doesn't have a set bonus slot on it.

    Ah, the Artifacts are definitely in a weird spot, you're right. I'll noodle on them a little bit more for sure. My crackpot theory was to give them the quality stat and then 3 "wildcard" slots that allowed them to take whatever Isle augment that you wanted but it looks like that might be actually impossible.

    Why don't they have a scale slot? or +14 stats instead of +3. Also, with the DC set being you all hate wizards?

    Edit: Another thing! Why +3 quality on lvl 31 gear, we can get that at 29.
    Last edited by Demsac; 06-01-2022 at 06:56 PM.

  10. #50
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Bonemask of the X - Please remove minor artifact status from this, and have something more thematic than this. These feel too generic and lifeless. Minor artifacts should have some type of back story behind them. Or let us take the essence from one minor artifact and slot in one of these instead.

    Dinosaur Bone Helmet - Incorrectly tagged with Dreadstalker set
    Dinosaur Bone Cloak - Incorrectly tagged with Dreadstalker set

    The armor blanks have low AC compared to lower level items, and are not really that competitive. Also, the tank set feels a little weak compared to other sets.

    Where is the replacement for the Opposition set of Legendary Green Steel? Can we move on from that set to something that is more enticing and modern for tanking. I can appreciate the efforts of people who farmed that out, but you're not giving newer players one iota of a chance to compete with that in the tanking endgame. This is especially true after nerfing the hp bonus on the Winter set and not doing the same for the Opposition set.

    Can we have Quality stat augments?

    Brute Fighting is broken and does not increase melee threat on the character sheet when activated, nor does it update the combat log when activated.
    Last edited by Alcides; 06-01-2022 at 07:24 PM.

  11. #51
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The only blanks that take a Set Bonus slot are the dino bone items that are already raid loot. The Pirate stuff doesn't have a set bonus slot on it.
    My apologies, I was under the misapprehension that dino bone crafting was for everyone NOT just raiders. So to be clear... ONLY the weapon blanks are acquirable for regular quest ingredients? Dino bone accessories and armor are strictly for raiding players only? Well good to know. That does NOT appeal to me as a customer.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    My apologies, I was under the misapprehension that dino bone crafting was for everyone NOT just raiders. So to be clear... ONLY the weapon blanks are acquirable for regular quest ingredients? Dino bone accessories and armor are strictly for raiding players only? Well good to know. That does NOT appeal to me as a customer.
    Have you been put off about all the other raids and raid gear? This game has had raid only gear since as far back as I remember.

    What should raids offer ? Nothing? Just the joy of raiding?

    Should the dino system be flipped where named gear is raid only and crafting is quest only?

  13. #53
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    I understand DDO is a game laser focused on Raiders who enjoy driving spreadsheets. You need not change anything for me. I will continue to Cannith Craft. Thank you for all the hard work.
    Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
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  14. #54
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    1: Leave it alone and keep the raid crafting system a raid crafting system, like how LGS works, so our raiders can feel rewarded for their dedication.
    I vote leave it alone. Can always change it later after it hits live and we get more people playing it. Plus there seems to be some understandable confusion which when it goes live people will be more knowledgeable. No sense making a change now with limited feedback and some of that feedback tainted by not just confusion about something new but also the human tendency to reject the new and strange. Or at least to perhaps to more heavily criticize it.

    The customer is always right. Except when it goes to getting loot. The customer wants it all and wants it now. Feedback on QOL, interfaces, repetitive factors, etc: All great stuff to address directly from the people. Loot acquiring? To quote Hunter S. Thompson: "Make the players chase it. They *will* follow."

  15. #55
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The only blanks that take a Set Bonus slot are the dino bone items that are already raid loot. The Pirate stuff doesn't have a set bonus slot on it.

    Ah, the Artifacts are definitely in a weird spot, you're right. I'll noodle on them a little bit more for sure. My crackpot theory was to give them the quality stat and then 3 "wildcard" slots that allowed them to take whatever Isle augment that you wanted but it looks like that might be actually impossible.

    To a larger point, it sounds like everyone is confused about what drops where, so here's some clarity:

    From quests:

    - pirate items (these each have 1 slot each, none of which require the raid to complete)
    - weapon blanks
    - new augments
    - quest ingredients (for slots 1 and 2)

    From wilderness:

    - different pirate items (these each have 1 slot each, none of which require the raid to complete)
    - weapon blanks
    - new augments
    - wilderness ingredients (for slot 3)

    from the raid:

    - dino bone armors, accessories, upgraded weapons (these are the fully customizable versions with all open slots)
    - raid mats (for slot 4 and set bonus)
    What a terrible idea. Limiting certain things from a pack people are paying good money for to raids only? Horrible. It is one thing if you limit some raid loot to raids - but actual materials. That is so disappointing. That would be like in in Ravenloft only adding the filigrees out of the raids. At least in Sharn - and I ran too hot to handle exactly once, all the major items, set items and artifacts dropped (rare) in the questions and dungeons. Like it should. So much for putting almost 200 dollar down for me and fam. Now I need to run raid for 4 slot mat items, accessories and bone armor? All mats should drop out of quests with different rarity dependent on what mat. Helmet, cloak and bone armor should be craft able. Special raid version of the same can drop in raid. I was truly excited about this. That is not true anymore.

  16. #56
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    The customer is always right. Except when it goes to getting loot. The customer wants it all and wants it now. Feedback on QOL, interfaces, repetitive factors, etc: All great stuff to address directly from the people. Loot acquiring? To quote Hunter S. Thompson: "Make the players chase it. They *will* follow."
    Or they won't. It looks like I'll level to 32 incidentally playing the way I do now, but there's nothing here to chase, and even if the gear in the raid is good, we won't see it until U56? U57? Whenever the "later date" the raid is finally released.

  17. #57
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    Have you been put off about all the other raids and raid gear? This game has had raid only gear since as far back as I remember.

    What should raids offer ? Nothing? Just the joy of raiding?

    Should the dino system be flipped where named gear is raid only and crafting is quest only?
    I can only think of 3 packs that had crafting as part of the raid. Heroic and legendary greensteel and Thunderforged. Shadows over Thunderholme cost what, 550 store gold? If you owned the Twilight pack you also got legendary greensteel? Both free to VIP?

    Menace of Underdark - it has a raid for named weapons but the meat of the pack - some items and more important, Destinies - part of expansion. I ran the raid a few times but there was nothing in it that materially changed the value of the pack.
    Shadowfell - no raid. Iconic. Bad expansion, but not dependent on raids.
    Ravenloft - 2 raids, lots of quests. Most of the items plus sentient system outside the raid. Had some raid items for people who wanted to pursue it. Filigrees - the meat of the pack together with sentient weapon even for older weapons, not part of raid. Okay pack, questionable value for the money you paid, but still okay.
    Feywild - never ran the raid. The meat of itemizations and filigrees outside the raid.
    Sharn, 1 raid? Excellent heroic and legendary loot. All unlock systems outside the raid. All minor artifacts achievable outside the raid. Still - some named loot that act as set bonus items, but set bonuses still achievable outside the raid. I've gotten so much value out of both heroic and epic. Partly because of the synergy of gear with iconic. And, I stress again - the value of set bonuses OUTSIDE the raid. Some of the raid items can act as a piece in the set bonus, but you're not dependent on them. And the big addition; minor artifacts, rare drops in questions and saga reward.
    Saltmarshes, no raid.

    Dread Isle. Expensive. Where the VALUE is the crafting system since the pirate items are okay, but nothing I care to replace other stuff with. The value - minor artifacts, major crafted items, tier 4 slot - gated behind a raid. That is 130 bucks for the biggest bundle, 40 bucks for the smallest. Which is scores more than the cost of Twilight and Thunderforged and where a major reasoning to grind longterm is gated behind a raid.

    I just can't think of a worse thing to do for an expensive expansion pack. They got it absolutely right with Sharn. A good pack not dependent on the raid for a majority of its content. 2 wilderness areas, excellent first run iconic heroic gear and quests and excellent high level gear. Ravenloft and Feywild for filigrees and some gear. Sharn and Saltmarsh for combined set bonuses (melee). I love Dread Isles atmosphere, the quests seems fun and the sound is absolutely phenomenal. But to gate a major reason to run content in a raid with questionable longevity, given how quickly some players consume raids and then let them die, means people who maybe has 1 or 2 days in a week to get on the raid scene, are left behind.

    And to make a final argument why Thunderforged and Greensteel is so different from this; all the material drops in those raids. That is the actual content. If you're a raider, fine, but if you're not - you can skip those system since it won't cost you a trunk load of money. Now imagine paying a trunk load of money and the majority of value is gated? That a majority of content provide you some of the items needed, but the actual value of the system is gated.

    That would be like putting all the filigrees needed for sentient weapons behind the gate. You got the cool talking jewel, but none of the power for it.

    I didn't mention slavers since it has no raid and everything is achievable in group or solo. It just takes more grinding on your own.

    Anyways. It is my own fault for buying the expansion pack before I even had a chance to understand how terrible the system was. I probably wouldn't have bought the ultimate pack and any of the extra for fam if I knew it, and be content I would get 2 extra levels and some basic loot and leave it at that. The next time I'll just hold off from being stupid. This was 100 percent my own fault.

  18. #58
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The only blanks that take a Set Bonus slot are the dino bone items that are already raid loot. The Pirate stuff doesn't have a set bonus slot on it.

    Ah, the Artifacts are definitely in a weird spot, you're right. I'll noodle on them a little bit more for sure. My crackpot theory was to give them the quality stat and then 3 "wildcard" slots that allowed them to take whatever Isle augment that you wanted but it looks like that might be actually impossible.

    To a larger point, it sounds like everyone is confused about what drops where, so here's some clarity:

    From quests:

    - pirate items (these each have 1 slot each, none of which require the raid to complete)
    - weapon blanks
    - new augments
    - quest ingredients (for slots 1 and 2)

    From wilderness:

    - different pirate items (these each have 1 slot each, none of which require the raid to complete)
    - weapon blanks
    - new augments
    - wilderness ingredients (for slot 3)

    from the raid:

    - dino bone armors, accessories, upgraded weapons (these are the fully customizable versions with all open slots)
    - raid mats (for slot 4 and set bonus)
    Artifacts as helms only- Not really interested given that they have only +3 quality stats and no quality dc bonus for casters. If you want to keep them fine, but look at the caster necklaces and do something there as well, NOT part of a set bonus. If I had wanted a +3 quality stat one I would just have made a dragons eye.
    I would be guessing that the reason we have not seen enhancement stats is that they would be power level 34 and give +15 bonus to a stat and you are not ready to give us that or +7 insight.

    1 caster artifact necklace with a scale slot for stat, +2 quality casting etc would stop prevent the +15 stat bonus if that was the goal and provide a non helm source for artifacts.
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  19. #59
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    Given that we can augment several bonuses easily now (stats, dodge, seeker, spell powers, deadly, accuracy, natural armor, protection, insightful stats), seeing these effects in a lot of items, both Pirate Stuff and Dino Bone augments, is a true bummer.

    Take for instance the (Legendary) Admiral Gloves, Beachcombers and Belt of Black Sands. With Ghostly being an augment now, all stats in these items are augmentable. Bummer, and truly uninsteresting. This isn't on par at all with the last two expansions, Sharn and Feywild, and back then we couldn't even augment these stuffs because it was pre-squish.

    As e.g. a melee toon, this means we will still have to go to other expansions for Ins/Qual Deadly, Qual Stats, Ins/Qual Doublestrike, Ins/Qual Seeker, Regular/Ins/Qual Deception (there is 1 cloak with Ins Seeker/Deception though).

    Honestly just giving us a lot of options of these and dumping a lot of the augmentable stuff (let people Dino craft or augment those) is all I would like to see. While we're getting a doublestrike augment, there are still only 6 items (and 4 item slots) with insightful doublestrike in the game (and none since Feywild). Another option would be to have the dino stuff having insightful or quality dino augments instead of regular CC effects - this is sounds more flexible, but maybe too loose.

    This isn't helping itemization at all. I am looking at these 30+ items plus the Dino Bone stuff from the raid, and all I am considering using in my gear are the raid weapons, and that's only because LGS doesn't accept sentience/has a lower BDR.

    edit: also, reinforcing other people's feedback, having 1. minor artifacts only in the helmet, 2. three piece sets only on cloak/helmet/armor are both disappointing choices - if it conflicts with a BiS item (e.g. Aspect of the Wild Hunt for melee druid), then it's not an option at all.

    edit2: you once said an item slot is skipped per expansion to give wiggle room for future updates. Feywild was goggles, but I see no goggles now, are goggles being skipped again? there is already a good lack of decent goggles for melee
    Last edited by WarDestroyer; 06-01-2022 at 11:39 PM.

  20. #60
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Shadowfang Bug

    Shadowfang will curse you with damage over time if you cast a repair spell on yourself, not sure if the same applies to positive healing and negative healing, but this issue is a nuisance.

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