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For many many years now, people have come to the forums and said that VIP should get more than they currently do. For many many years people have posted lots of interesting ideas, with many of them being things that would impact the financial gain of the company. As someone suggested recently, a permanent sentient tool kit remover. I can't see this ever happening, as I am sure that SSG sells these things like hotcakes, and giving a tool that does it for free cuts into their bottom line. So then the problem exists that what can the company offer the players, that makes VIP feel more valid?
Why not feats?
Other than a fighter, I can't think of any class that has to many feats. I mostly played artificer all through my leveling and they get extra feats every 4 levels, and at times it didn't seem to be enough.
If VIP players were given extra character feats at say level 1, 15, 25, this would help almost any build and no matter how good the player is, extra feats are always welcome, and currently in the game, there is no way to "buy" feats, so giving them away to VIP wouldn't impact the money the players currently are spending.
I know the argument that this would just make people way to over powered, but I disagree. Those players that are already monster stomping through DDO, are doing it, and adding more feats won't really change that. Yes, it makes them more powerful, but it also helps those players who are struggling.
3 extra feats spread out isn't crazy over powered. In early heroic leveling, you get 1 extra feat, and a 2nd one in the teens (i suggested 15 as that is when Iconics come into play). For builds that struggle, extra feats would be a good thing. Its an extra meta magic for casters, or an extra ranged feat for shooters. Most importantly though, at end game, you have an extra 3 feats to help you build your end game character for reaper or for raids.
Its just a thought.