Originally Posted by
It states: [on a successfully attack]...
Okay, that's not what it states, but I think we know what you're trying to say.
(For the record, it states "...when the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee..." )
Originally Posted by
Unfortunately it does not say when an attack count as "successfully"...
Yes it does, altho' it doesn't use that specific word.
..."If your result equals or beats the target’s Armor Class, you hit and deal damage."
That is kinda the definition of a successful attack - the "hitting" part.
(The "damage" part is a diff question - DR etc can reduce a successful hit to "0 damage".)
Originally Posted by
On a hit or a "you got hit but AC is to high so i missed"?
Where have you seen the phrase that you cite, the "you got hit but AC is to(o) high so i missed"? Afaik, that does not exist in DDO - if AC is too high, you miss, = you don't hit, = unsuccessful. :?