Tales of Adventure is looking for respectful DDO players on Argonessen who would like to build a positive community centered on playing the game together. Specifically, I am looking for people who enjoy taking their time with what the DDO experience has to offer. This will not be a place for rushing through content or using people to achieve our own quick goals. Anyone who enjoys playing your role, exploring every nook and cranny, taking your time to smell the roses, recreating that authentic DnD tabletop feel, and helping others is welcome. Tales of Adventure as a community is cross-guild, so you can be a part of any guild and still join in. But if anyone is looking to be part of a new guild building from the ground up, we also have a new Tales of Adventure guild you can join. We have a Discord server that is available for those who are a part of the community, regardless of guild membership. Please reply here if interested!