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  1. #21
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EinarMal View Post
    The price of the jeweler's toolkits are absurd.
    It also already drops from chests:

  2. #22
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    It also already drops from chests:
    but he was talking about jeweler's tools and not sentience tool kits and actually just only because SSG got the idea that you have to pay real money for changing your augments this doesn't mean that this is really a good idea such things should be either free or for in-game currency (platin) in my opinion, the same as it should in NO way cost you money to transfer an item from one of your characters to another (Wish of Inheritance).
    Sure SSG can do everything they want and ask the players for money for every nonsense but players don't have to accept it and in the worst case, they must stop playing.

  3. #23
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacka_DDO View Post
    but he was talking about jeweler's tools and not sentience tool kits and actually just only because SSG got the idea that you have to pay real money for changing your augments this doesn't mean that this is really a good idea such things should be either free or for in-game currency (platin) in my opinion, the same as it should in NO way cost you money to transfer an item from one of your characters to another (Wish of Inheritance).
    Sure SSG can do everything they want and ask the players for money for every nonsense but players don't have to accept it and in the worst case, they must stop playing.
    The OP was talking about dealing with filigrees though. Jeweler's is augments.

  4. #24
    Community Member Peter_Principle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    It also already drops from chests:
    The drop rate is atrocious. Maybe it's enough to switch over from one class to another once per year, if you're careful to use only garbage filigrees. It's certainly not enough to switch, and then switch again 2 months and switch again so you don't get bored to tears playing one class type over and over while also testing different weapon and filigree combos to see which is more advantageous.

    Don't commit to rare filis unless you're ready to commit to the build
    One of the main draws of DDO is the variety of classes you get to play. Limit play variety, increase boredom & burnout.
    FYI, when I summon an earth elemental, it's not a "he," it's a "she." And her name is Pebbles.

  5. #25
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_Principle View Post
    One of the main draws of DDO is the variety of classes you get to play. Limit play variety, increase boredom & burnout.
    One of the main sources of revenue for this game (that keep the server lights on) is microtransactions that increase player convenience. The variety is there. The flexibility to switch? Either pay in time (for drops or favor grinding) or in money.

  6. #26
    Community Member Peter_Principle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    One of the main sources of revenue for this game (that keep the server lights on) is microtransactions
    Are ftools one of them? They may not be. If they're not a significant source, selling a permanent version may be.

    I like DDO quite a bit, as the SSG Herbert Kornfelds can attest. Paying for filigree tools is, however, one of the things I absolutely despise. It seems I am not alone. The forums are where players come to air grievances such as this and offer solutions.
    FYI, when I summon an earth elemental, it's not a "he," it's a "she." And her name is Pebbles.

  7. #27
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_Principle View Post
    Paying for filigree tools is, however, one of the things I absolutely despise. It seems I am not alone.
    I despise paying for jewelry kits; 10~20 kits required for every gear-set rebuild. Sentient kits are cheap and I rarely need to twitch those around -- same weapon+fillies usually ends up being used over 5~10 gear reworks.

  8. #28
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_Principle View Post
    Are ftools one of them? They may not be. If they're not a significant source, selling a permanent version may be.

    I like DDO quite a bit, as the SSG Herbert Kornfelds can attest. Paying for filigree tools is, however, one of the things I absolutely despise. It seems I am not alone. The forums are where players come to air grievances such as this and offer solutions.
    Ifn the convenience was available to VIP then it would be a nice incentive for players to support the game

  9. #29
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_Principle View Post
    The forums are where players come to air grievances such as this and offer solutions.
    You have to remember that forum users are but a vocal minority. Only SSG has the stats on how the microtransactions are selling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Ifn the convenience was available to VIP then it would be a nice incentive for players to support the game
    Then they would probably lose income from giving it to VIP.

  10. #30
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    Then they would probably lose income from giving it to VIP.
    Nope giving VIP much needed value will bring up subscription

  11. #31
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Nope giving VIP much needed value will bring up subscription
    Getting more VIP subscriptions at the cost losing microtransactions is a zero-sum game for SSG.

  12. #32
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    Getting more VIP subscriptions at the cost losing microtransactions is a zero-sum game for SSG.
    It’s not a zero sum game as VIP is income selling VIP is one stream of income giving that stream the correct amount of value wields it’s own rewards

    It may be more or less in the long run but for it to be a zero sum it would have to equal out exactly which is highly unlikely

    It’s already been recognized that VIP is needing a boost this just is one way to prop it back up
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 06-02-2022 at 11:31 PM.

  13. #33
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    Getting more VIP subscriptions at the cost losing microtransactions is a zero-sum game for SSG.
    It's funny that you defend the microtransactions policy as if you have a personal advantage from it, IF it is a zero-sum game SSG should decide, in any case, on a policy that increases the VIP subscriptions instead of microtransactions.
    The number of VIP subscriptions is representative of satisfied players while microtransactions don't tell you much about it.
    If you assume more players subscribe because they are satisfied with the game because it is fun and a good deal for them you should rather defend a policy with fewer microtransactions and more player satisfaction.
    And by the way that they force players to pay money to change augments in the items is not paying for convenience at all, this is even an example of a very harsh pay or you cannot have something that is in other games naturally free policy and there is basically nothing to defend about it as a player.

  14. #34
    Community Member Kayze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacka_DDO View Post
    It's funny that you defend the microtransactions policy as if you have a personal advantage from it, IF it is a zero-sum game SSG should decide, in any case, on a policy that increases the VIP subscriptions instead of microtransactions.
    The number of VIP subscriptions is representative of satisfied players while microtransactions don't tell you much about it.
    If you assume more players subscribe because they are satisfied with the game because it is fun and a good deal for them you should rather defend a policy with fewer microtransactions and more player satisfaction.
    And by the way that they force players to pay money to change augments in the items is not paying for convenience at all, this is even an example of a very harsh pay or you cannot have something that is in other games naturally free policy and there is basically nothing to defend about it as a player.
    This is just a forum discussion that will ultimately boil down to nothing as no one can do anything about it. Offering a different view is simply part of the discussion process.

    The game needs revenue to survive and people tend to forget that in search of perks for themselves at a lower cost. If microtransactions and VIP subscriptions generate the same amount of money, then it is more advantageous for SSG to lean on microtransactions as that presents a lower ongoing cost. VIP subscriptions take up more server resources and hypothetically have access to customer support.

    You do not need to pay money to change augments. You can simply destroy them. It is paying for convenience as you do not have to regrind out the augment again.
    Last edited by Kayze; 06-03-2022 at 02:21 AM.

  15. #35
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    This is just a forum discussion that will ultimately boil down to nothing as no one can do anything about it. Offering a different view is simply part of the discussion process.

    The game needs revenue to survive and people tend to forget that in search of perks for themselves at a lower cost. If microtransactions and VIP subscriptions generate the same amount of money, then it is more advantageous for SSG to lean on microtransactions as that presents a lower ongoing cost. VIP subscriptions take up more server resources and hypothetically have access to customer support.

    You do not need to pay money to change augments. You can simply destroy them. It is paying for convenience as you do not have to regrind out the augment again.
    It is paying for convenience and it should be a VIP perk to have the convenience rather than pay a subscription fee and be micro transactioned for convenience

    Sure leave micro transaction for non VIP

    See here for the Producer acknowledgment that VIP needs improvement and the importance of subscription to the game
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 06-03-2022 at 07:56 AM.

  16. #36
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    This is just a forum discussion that will ultimately boil down to nothing as no one can do anything about it. Offering a different view is simply part of the discussion process.

    The game needs revenue to survive and people tend to forget that in search of perks for themselves at a lower cost. If microtransactions and VIP subscriptions generate the same amount of money, then it is more advantageous for SSG to lean on microtransactions as that presents a lower ongoing cost. VIP subscriptions take up more server resources and hypothetically have access to customer support.

    You do not need to pay money to change augments. You can simply destroy them. It is paying for convenience as you do not have to regrind out the augment again.
    You just only believe you are one of the smart guys with the great insight that SSG needs money so DDO can continue to stay alive but this is not at all the case.
    I'm a player and I want a DDO that is as good as possible for the players IF we have a DDO that is as good as possible for the players DDO will have enough players to stay alive, it is actually that simple.
    The player population should never be an issue if SSG doesn't do major mistakes, for example not enough servers and the servers have major lag issues but this is a technical problem.
    More player is always better for an MMO and it's quite nonsensical to claim it is different!
    Conclusion: You are simply wrong, and only on the surface does it appears plausible what you say.

    My opinion is a game based on microtransactions is always bad for the players and in the end also for the company who runs it because there is always a incite for the company to have game mechanics that make the game bad for the players just only to make them pay money to remove these bad game mechanics.
    And bad games usually don't sell well in the long run!

    One example is the Wish of Inheritance, basically, all items should be bound to the account and a player should have the right to do whatever he wants with the items on his account but how it is?
    Instead of making items Bound to Account, they try to sell us ONE item move for 15$, that's simply ridiculous, but of course, you are happy with such a microtransaction policy because it keeps DDO allegedly alive.
    I see in such game mechanics a nail in DDO's coffin.

  17. #37
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    It is paying for convenience and it should be a VIP perk to have the convenience rather than pay a subscription fee and be micro transactioned for convenience

    Sure leave micro transaction for non VIP

    See here for the Producer acknowledgment that VIP needs improvement and the importance of subscription to the game
    It is even worse, there is only one source for jeweler tools (as far as I know) and this is the DDO shop and for that reason, it is not only convenient, if you want to remove augments without destroying them you have to buy tools and they are very expensive (if you ask me).

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacka_DDO View Post
    It is even worse, there is only one source for jeweler tools (as far as I know) and this is the DDO shop and for that reason, it is not only convenient, if you want to remove augments without destroying them you have to buy tools and they are very expensive (if you ask me).
    Agree 1000%, if you re-incarnate frequently it locks you into one class basically. Or at least you have to stick with the same main stat and type (caster, range, melee). It is one of the worst aspects of the game, you have all this collected gear, are encouraged to re-incarnate to gain more power, but get locked into gear sets unless you are willing to buy tools to switch all the gear or just destroy everything.

    Some augments are not that easy to get.

  19. #39
    Community Member Peter_Principle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayze View Post
    You have to remember that forum users are but a vocal minority.
    Incorret. Most people do not provide feedback. A complaint may represent an insignificant minority, or it may represent the thinking and purchasing behavior of a large number of people. SSG will not know what bothers their customers and will not be aware of potential new income streams if no one speaks up.

    Only SSG has the stats on how the microtransactions are selling.

    Then they would probably lose income from giving it to VIP.
    Did you write your first sentence and then immediately forget it to write the 2nd sentence? smh
    FYI, when I summon an earth elemental, it's not a "he," it's a "she." And her name is Pebbles.

  20. #40
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    A suggestion I made a while back when someone asked for ideas for VIP, I'll reput it up here:

    Weekly Augment Toolkit vendor (x7)
    Weekly Sentient Toolkit vendor (x3)

    Toolkits last for 1 hour upon being claimed before expiring. This is to prevent hoarding, which you can already do with VIP DDO points. So this is purely a VIP perk, where you basically get 28 Augment Toolkits per month and 12 Sentient Toolkits per month as well besides your other VIP benefits.

    This should allow (VIP) players to more readily swap augments and sentient gear around more easily without needing to invest them into one gear and just leave it there. It would also mean VIP becomes a players preferred account of choice if they are doing heavy TR'ing, since it'll permit them to more easily swap gear around and not need to farm numerous different sets just to make the TR smoother and faster.

    Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
    Thelanis: Pocket-Monks: Sightblur, Peashoote, Jigglypath, Jedinja.
    Invisible Fences, unkillable Target Practice Dummy's, Shared Bank's, Pale Lavender Ioun Stones, the dimensional barrier between Eberron and Shavarath, I've broken them all...

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