I wanted to suggest that the dev's use a different system for rewarding exp. Consider if exp were rewarded based on the level of the quest and the duration. Say that all level 1 quests give 500 exp as a base. Then add an exp multiplier for the length of the quest. And actually run the quests to see how long they take. Split them up into very short, short, medium, long, very long, as they are now, but maybe check them... Then add say that a very short quest gives 1x exp, a short 1.25x a medium 1.5x a long 2x and a very long 3x. Then make a separate multiplier for difficulty, easy, normal, and challenging. NOT the difficulty selected, but the base difficulty of the quest. I like the way that lives work for free to play players in that by your 3rd life you can open elite, but if you want free to play players to really get interested, show them more content than just korthos and a bit of the harbor. Right now it would be hard to level a character from 1-10 using only free to play content and only opening on normal. I understand that you want to incentivize new players to buy VIP, but don't discourage them from playing. At least make it possible for a first life character to run only free to play quests, on normal and make it to 20 without having to redo quests.