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  1. #1
    Community Member Niflheimr's Avatar
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    Default We need more source of Token of the twelve

    After 10 years i'm tired of farming Bargain of blood every life ... And I don't think i'm the only one.
    Same goes to the greater ...

  2. #2
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    yeah that would be nice
    but no, you're supposed to buy hearts from the store

  3. #3
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Yes we do need more token options or just let us break down heartseeds into tokens. but still we have a lots of quests to get tokens from... help some guildys flag for epic dq, do lod, you ont need to farm BOB till ransak every life.. its just not necessary.
    Last edited by adamkatt; 05-25-2022 at 05:36 AM.
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
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  4. #4
    Community Member Niflheimr's Avatar
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    Well I know that there is more than one source, but the last quest we had giving token was lord of dust in ... Maybe 2012 ? If it was about old quest, then why delera and catacombs don't loot token ?

  5. #5
    Community Member Jomee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niflheimr View Post
    After 10 years i'm tired of farming Bargain of blood every life ... And I don't think i'm the only one.
    Same goes to the greater ...
    I don't disagree that they should add more quests that they drop in but when I run just the normal level progressions of house p, house k, house d and desert there are practically 20 tokens already from those quests just running then once per life.

  6. #6
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    There are plenty of sources of fragments and tokens to earn a heart in game. Most all Stormreach-based Epic quests award fragments, if not full tokens (depending on difficulty). Limiting play for tokens to the relatively simple Bargain of Blood is a mistake, imo, and would indeed make the game not fun for me.

    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

  7. #7
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    Extra sources of tokens of the twelve would be nice.

    However there's a solution so you don't have to farm.

    Play iconics first, with extra epic lives. Then you only need heart seeds (get these while doing reaper first time runs at 30 and preparing sagas for ETR). It's efficient too, since you get both class and iconic past life for doing 15-30.

    And collect lots of tokens of the twelve during your 20-30 runs, for later heroic and racial recincarnations.

  8. #8
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Actually, I would suggest removing the tokens of the twelve from DDO and replacing them with commendations of valor and seeds to buy hearts of wood and blood.
    I also wish there would be another way to get LR hearts, other than uber-rare random drops or the DDO store I could imagine a recipe for 10 flawless Siberry dragon shards to get one +1 LR heart but seeds or commendations of valor would be also cool.

  9. #9
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niflheimr View Post
    Well I know that there is more than one source, but the last quest we had giving token was lord of dust in ... Maybe 2012 ? If it was about old quest, then why delera and catacombs don't loot token ?
    Abandoned system that’s why we don’t get new sources

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacka_DDO View Post
    Actually, I would suggest removing the tokens of the twelve from DDO and replacing them with commendations of valor and seeds to buy hearts of wood and blood.
    I also wish there would be another way to get LR hearts, other than uber-rare random drops or the DDO store I could imagine a recipe for 10 flawless Siberry dragon shards to get one +1 LR heart but seeds or commendations of valor would be also cool.
    I’m ok with updating the system - but also unless you’re just running dailies or slayers tokens are very easy to get. Any ee / r sands / von run or anything like that and you’ll have most of your 20 already .

  11. #11
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    I’m ok with updating the system - but also unless you’re just running dailies or slayers tokens are very easy to get. Any ee / r sands / von run or anything like that and you’ll have most of your 20 already .
    Personally, I have no problem getting enough tokens, currently, I have more than 1000 in my bank because I play all quests each life. I suggest removing the tokens because I think it is in principle better to have one source for hearts for any kind of reincarnation (other than the DDO store) and this source could be commendations of valor.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niflheimr View Post
    After 10 years i'm tired of farming Bargain of blood every life ... And I don't think i'm the only one.
    Same goes to the greater ...
    Simply put, you are wrong.

    There are plenty of sources for the tokens, I think what you are looking for is a faster way to get them.

    DDO over the years, has expanded enough that players don't need to run all of the content multiple times to level, and has offered the players the freedom to choose which quests they want to skip and which they want to run. This is true in heroic and epic. If you choose NOT to run the quests that drop the tokens for what ever the reason, that's on you, not the game.

    Currently you can get tokens in the following quests/areas

    Sentinels of Stormreach (4) quests
    Carnival series in house P (4) quests
    Sands (4) quests
    VON series (5) 4 quests and Von 5 drops as well
    Red Fens (4) quests
    Lords of Dust (3) quests
    Spies in the House and Devil Assault also both drop tokens.

    That is 26 quests that offer tokens that you can run to level up during early epics, but of those 26 quests, I see about 4 - 5 that are run because they are very good exp, they are just not short and not good "farming" quests.

    I have been where you are, and thought the same thing. You get to 30, realize you need 8 tokens left before you can TR and want a faster way. The faster way is to buy the HOW from the DDO store. Or because this is an MMO find 5 friends/guild members who will help you and run BOB and LOD. If everyone passes tokens, you are looking at 15? minutes to do both quests. Seems fast enough to me.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abilbo View Post
    Simply put, you are wrong.

    There are plenty of sources for the tokens, I think what you are looking for is a faster way to get them.

    DDO over the years, has expanded enough that players don't need to run all of the content multiple times to level, and has offered the players the freedom to choose which quests they want to skip and which they want to run. This is true in heroic and epic. If you choose NOT to run the quests that drop the tokens for what ever the reason, that's on you, not the game.

    Currently you can get tokens in the following quests/areas

    Sentinels of Stormreach (4) quests
    Carnival series in house P (4) quests
    Sands (4) quests
    VON series (5) 4 quests and Von 5 drops as well
    Red Fens (4) quests
    Lords of Dust (3) quests
    Spies in the House and Devil Assault also both drop tokens.

    That is 26 quests that offer tokens that you can run to level up during early epics, but of those 26 quests, I see about 4 - 5 that are run because they are very good exp, they are just not short and not good "farming" quests.

    I have been where you are, and thought the same thing. You get to 30, realize you need 8 tokens left before you can TR and want a faster way. The faster way is to buy the HOW from the DDO store. Or because this is an MMO find 5 friends/guild members who will help you and run BOB and LOD. If everyone passes tokens, you are looking at 15? minutes to do both quests. Seems fast enough to me.
    I wonder what I am doing wrong then. Every life I run pretty much ALL of those quests (except Von 5), and after about 12 reincarnations I have a grand total of 9 tokens and 71 fragments. So that's about 25 quests times 12 lives, that's 300 quests that drop tokens and yet I have 9? Why am I not getting token drops? Are they still in the game? Or did they remove the drops and what I have is simply from WAY back when before I was keeping track or even knew they existed?

    Edit: Nevermind... I went back to the wiki and saw it labeled as "Epic Quests" that drop these, and I haven't been running any Iconics lately. So... I have to continue to run quests PAST level 20 to acquire tokens even though I don't need to level beyond 20 to reincarnate? Forcing me to play longer on each life?
    Last edited by Wolfen333; 04-19-2023 at 01:19 AM.

  14. #14
    Community Member Wahnsinnig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfen333 View Post
    I wonder what I am doing wrong then. Every life I run pretty much ALL of those quests (except Von 5), and after about 12 reincarnations I have a grand total of 9 tokens and 71 fragments. So that's about 25 quests times 12 lives, that's 300 quests that drop tokens and yet I have 9? Why am I not getting token drops? Are they still in the game? Or did they remove the drops and what I have is simply from WAY back when before I was keeping track or even knew they existed?

    Edit: Nevermind... I went back to the wiki and saw it labeled as "Epic Quests" that drop these, and I haven't been running any Iconics lately. So... I have to continue to run quests PAST level 20 to acquire tokens even though I don't need to level beyond 20 to reincarnate? Forcing me to play longer on each life?
    That or buy hearts in the store.

  15. #15
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    The problem is that the lack of token quests really hurt new people. Vets know where to get them and stockpile them easy. I've seen new people in the discord buy a heart from the store and then start asking questions about reincarnation.

    It wouldn't hurt for them to add epic (token) chests to stuff like deleras or catacombs. It wouldn't affect most of us vets at all, and would help newbies.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfen333 View Post
    I wonder what I am doing wrong then. Every life I run pretty much ALL of those quests (except Von 5), and after about 12 reincarnations I have a grand total of 9 tokens and 71 fragments. So that's about 25 quests times 12 lives, that's 300 quests that drop tokens and yet I have 9? Why am I not getting token drops? Are they still in the game? Or did they remove the drops and what I have is simply from WAY back when before I was keeping track or even knew they existed?

    Edit: Nevermind... I went back to the wiki and saw it labeled as "Epic Quests" that drop these, and I haven't been running any Iconics lately. So... I have to continue to run quests PAST level 20 to acquire tokens even though I don't need to level beyond 20 to reincarnate? Forcing me to play longer on each life?
    Yes, when they added reincarnation they put tokens in level 20 epic quests and you sat there at the level cap (20 at the time) and farmed token until you could TR. They have always been something that was acquired after you were already level 20+.

  17. #17
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    Default Fearless Forecast of the Future

    My guess is that things will change a bit in the future.

    Tokens will be used for hero TR
    Comms will be used for epic TR
    Seeds will be the thing of legend TR

    Back to the original question: In addition to your main character, keep a level 30+ token farmer. This dude can solo romp through any quest dropping tokens/frags with the benefit of also getting a choice between comms and seeds as the turn-in reward. Whip out your farmer when you are tired of running the main or when opportunity rises while your main is still hero level.
    All these parts are BtA so it does not matter which toon collects them.

    The flaw in this plan is the **** reaper mode. People insist on running reapers which also imposes a range limitation on the player levels. Just solo or make the LFMs for elite to bypass.

    And yes, DDO wants you to buy hearts from the store. But like the TR cache, they never forced the issue and are now stuck living with the situation. Thank goodness. This is the only reason that free loaders (F2P) can survive the game. Without the tokens/comms/seeds and the eternal TR cache, the player base would be greatly reduced.

    Please do not curse the availability of farmable TR parts.
    Last edited by CherryLaBomb; 04-19-2023 at 02:27 AM.

  18. #18
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfen333 View Post
    ... "Epic Quests" that drop these... So... I have to continue to run quests PAST level 20 to acquire tokens even though I don't need to level beyond 20 to reincarnate? Forcing me to play longer on each life?
    Well, longer than 20, but only by just enough quests to farm your 20 tokens. (It's not uncommon for folk to pass theirs if you ask nicely.)

    (And if you have them stored from a previous life, or just buy the Heart with DP, no, you can reincarnate the second you grab 20.)

    Often people run a PUG advertised as "dailies", a quick circuit of several standard quests (Bargain of Blood, Spies, Dust, maybe more of the Web chain, maybe couple others depending on the specific group) that make this process go faster, farming xp and their tokens for later HR/RR after they ER. If you want to farm Devil Assault (Hard) and ask in the LFM, you'll often get folk to show for the xp who don't need the tokens and will happily pass - that's as much as a half-dozen/run (or more on the rare double-drop).


    I'll also note that 20+ is a perfect time to join a Chronoscope run for Greater Tokens, which are necessary for several Epic Crafting purposes.

  19. #19
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    I agree with the OP in that farming BoB is boring. It's easy to do, it's the quickest way to collect tokens, and it's... boring and repetitive.

    I would like to see tokens awarded every month with the new VIP loyalty program. It hurts no-one, and allows players to spend more time playing the game how they want (eg. Legendary questing only) instead of forcing them to slum it in epic level quests just for the bloody tokens.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    It wouldn't hurt for them to add epic (token) chests to stuff like deleras or catacombs. It wouldn't affect most of us vets at all, and would help newbies.
    I'm planning on going into this more once the new forums are up and we have the suggestion area with upvotes. But in addition to supporting deleras and/or catacombs, I also think a Favor source, or two, of Tokens would be a good idea.

    Specifically, I don't like that there are so many favor rewards which are one and done (most of the "your character gets [x] enhancement tree" favor rewards). I'd like to see them offer a small selection of alternative items to characters that already have those one and done rewards (which should be thematically appropriate to the patron faction.) Tokens of the Twelve could be on one or two of those lists.

    (I'd also argue that introducing small sources of both Tokens and fragments early would help onboard new players, and if not teach them a valuable lesson about DDO, at least let them know there's a valuable lesson they need to look up/ask about)

    Quote Originally Posted by CherryLaBomb View Post
    And yes, DDO wants you to buy hearts from the store. But like the TR cache, they never forced the issue and are now stuck living with the situation. Thank goodness.
    They tried to force the issue and it led to pretty sustained player protests. The whole Occupy Stormreach Movement thingy. Which stopped the planned changes and kept Heroic Reincarnation at an exponentially more manageable rate.
    Quote Originally Posted by KraftLorance View Post
    There should be something along the lines of "Taking the best mechanics and lore of D&D 4th and 5th editions, and seamlessly weaving them into the unparalleled character customization and depth of play from D&D 3.5 to form a handcrafted homebrew experience that's survived and enticed for 16 years"

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