This game has a lot of bugs which I can learn to live with and push through. However, in my past two lives the game has frozen at the same point. This is highly unusual, since I have run the same quest hundreds of times before with no ill effect.
The quest is "Prove Your Worth" the Loc is "You are on server 47 at r1 lx2000 ly184 i2050 cInside ox61.73 oy-80.43 oz-145.74 h90.0." Probably not quite there, because the game froze, but the top of the ladder anyway. A quit and restart does fix this, but that's not ideal. This is on Khyber, and the first time was with a level 7 Human Bard, the second a level 7 Tabaxi Rogue. They are not the same toons.
Anyway, when Devs have a moment.