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  1. #41
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default eyes

    Has ulvar kypros always had glowing eyes in meridia?

    Why does Monk, a class not a race, give a racial bonus with Diamond Body?

    What made Vecna go to Ravenloft anyway? Does anyone really know or is it a Dark Secret?

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    What made Vecna go to Ravenloft anyway? Does anyone really know or is it a Dark Secret?
    Same as everyone else...the Dark Powers found him and pulled him in, when he first became a demigod and returned to the Material plane

  3. #43
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Same as everyone else...the Dark Powers found him and pulled him in, when he first became a demigod and returned to the Material plane
    I thought maybe the Dark Gifts from Amber Temple might entice him.

  4. #44
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Did you know you can resize the message posting field?

    The big white box where you write your post, at the bottom right, you can drag the box to make it bigger by clicking and holding with the mouse on the diagonal lines?

    I did not know this. I feel that all my prior actions must be doubted as I am clearly unaware and also unaware that I am unaware.

  5. #45
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default this one is weird

    Saw a blue border BTC on Equip weapon on the ASAH. Bid and got it!

    The item:

    Figure these have some unique cosmetics sometimes, so used a Mirror Of Glamoring and made a cosmetic, which I couldn't equip on my level 5 monk because it said Minimum level 14:

    So I put it in shared bank and pulled it back out, and depending on just which spot of my character inventory I pulled it to, it would either change back and forth from Zero minimum level to 14 minimum level.

    Putting it back into the shared, then back into just the particular inventory spots would change it however I liked, back and forth from 0 to 14. I could also move it from a zero inventory spot to another zero spot no problem, but if I moved it from a 0 to a 14 min spot, then it was 14 and had to go back to shared bank and back to one of the zero spots to reset it so it could be equipped. Once equipped it maintained its zero minimum level for at least one load screen (did not test further).

  6. #46
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default ninja spy action boost mislabel and a graphic glitch

    In Monk Ninja Spy tree, the Action Boost is named "Doublestrike" instead of Ranged/Melee Power:

    If you have a shop window open and then use Alt-Z to close the user interface, the shop stays open but looks weird:

  7. #47
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Another group of odds

    I thought undead were immune to poison? I'm really Not Sure.

    Also, I've had some green bags drop from mobs that are empty (do not give a collectable). And this is in older content. So I wrote a few down, forgot a few, but here's what I remembered:

    1. Gargoyle in Von2 dropped an empty green bag.
    2. Shadow Gargoyle? In the Shadow Crypt were they drop down from above dropped an empty green bag.
    and I forgot the rest

    Khyber Dragonshard Fragments still dropping? I thought these were gone. Maybe I am confuseded. I don't know where they dropped from just that they were in my bag AFTER the patch said they should be gone. I think. Maybe.

    What is up with the price/value listed IN inventory versus other sources? So two questions then, why is this value so low, and why is this even listed in inventory whatsoever?

    Why can't I see Ghostly Skeleton (from Delera's) hit points? I have it unlocked. What was the reason again why these particular skeletons do NOT show HP?

    Why do Reapers sometimes come through doors and sometimes don't? This is in The Black Loch. I can target the reaper through the door, but can't do anything and apparently it can't get out.

  8. #48
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default can move expansion bta hirelings to the shared CRAFTING bank

    Accidentally dragged the hireling from the Character bank directly into the Shared Crafting bank. Thought I lost it since they don't show up at top of list, had to search to find it. Oddly you can't drag directly to the shared bank, only to the crafting bank.

  9. #49
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Memory leak

    Just a little bit:

    Just cycling through 30 or more toons, all but my main in the Hall of hero's (imagine how much worse it would be if all were in a different area), standing in same spot at banker, each one opening the bank.

    Causes in game huge, huge, HUGE physical lag, can barely turn, every movement is choppy.

    And when quitting the game? Takes several minutes before the ddo cursor icon even goes away, let alone a return to desktop.

    This memory leak bug, and the overwriting of the userpreferences file (can very easily do just by cycling through the servers to roll daily dice) if you restart DDO and log in again before it completely leaves memory are my two biggest pet peeves with the game. (stuck on load screen is/(was?) right up there)
    Last edited by Mindos; 09-15-2022 at 01:15 PM.

  10. #50
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Ranged weapon at a wall to distract enemies!

    Just got this load screen tooltip that isn't correct anymore (sadface)

    Wish we could bring that back. You can't tell me computing power is stretched so thin that we had this in the game 9000 years ago but (Shatner voice Sentient Gem) the game... just... can't... handle... it... today? Really, kobold?

    I post this every so often as well... What name is this mimic (amber temple heroic reaper) supposed to have, and should it drop a mimic dropping loot pile when its dead?

    Last edited by Mindos; 09-16-2022 at 08:02 AM.

  11. #51
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    Default Mind droppings

    Offshore account, can't break these barrels:

    Or this crate:

    Perfect Lilac Gemstone, what are they good for? (I keep thinking there's some hidden area, or trigger in that short quest. Maybe if you keep the artifact up for a long time?)

    In the Underlane optional tunnel there is huge oh so huge lag when running in the tunnel water, as if the textures are huge or the sound files are huge, idk. The player's toon will stutter as it runs.

    And the same lag when moving in the optional fight at the end of the tunnel:

    Should Champion Incorporeal have a period on the second line?

    Should crystal cove champions have the letters VFX for visual effects tag visable? Should CrystalCove be capitalized? Should it be two words?

    I thought this was nice or I forgot about it, but when you hover the mouse over the "Star" symbol in the character sheet, you get a nice popup:

  12. #52
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Tell me more about Crystal Cove...

    When you ask for more information, you get this, with an exclamation point followed by a period after "in the lost Crystal Cove!."

  13. #53
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default First TR since the bank update

    And noticed something odd. I have a lot of very important stuff (junk) that I carry around. I fill up most of my inventory and character bank. I do not have character bank upgrades 3 and 4 on this toon.

    I True Resurrected from a 3rd Monk life into my first Barbarian life. And while standing on the shore with Jeets waiting for the game to finish loading in, I get the go ahead message we all wait for: Blah blah blah items have been transferred to your resurrection cache. Only this time, THE NUMBER WAS WRONG... (BA TA DA) ((those are supposed to be dramatic heavy bass drums))

    It reads 169:

    But it is truly 269:

    How odd. To be off by exactly 100.

    Half-Orc Female has a face stitching problem on the load in screen, looks like wearing a mask:

    Shifters Character Creation description reads "for the purpose of many spells and effects They" Should probably have a period after the word "effects"

  14. #54
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    Default Am I doing it right?

    Can the gods themselves even dream to dent me?

  15. #55
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Who says random loot can't be fun?

  16. #56
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    Default You ever try to swim laps in a pool full of jello?

    You haven't lived until you've almost died from Trog Stench plus Slow Spell at the same time. Making the Siz Million Dollar man sound effect while I swing my weapon at that last Trog egg...

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    You haven't lived until you've almost died from Trog Stench plus Slow Spell at the same time. Making the Siz Million Dollar man sound effect while I swing my weapon at that last Trog egg...
    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, ball cap, and commemorative plate.

  18. #58
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default fred dragonshard combiner icons wrong/missing

    Fred has only one correct icon, the rest are incorrect (also does NOT pull from the bank):

    Last edited by Mindos; 09-23-2022 at 07:44 PM.

  19. #59
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    Anybody else have their buffs sticking at 0:00 after they expire since the rollback? On Arggo.

  20. #60
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default elemental bloom lesser elemental bane typo or letter cut off?

    In the description for Lesser Elemental bane on the staff Elemental Bloom, where it reads "it deals an" it looks like it reads instead "it deals ar". So is the N letter cut off or is it misspelled with the letter R?

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