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  1. #81
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    Default Item tooltips list Equipment not Enhancement bonuses

    Could you update the tooltips for the Legendary Aetherband (Spell Penetration) and Bound Elemental Ring of Frost (Glaciation)? Both tooltips say they are giving Equipment bonuses but are actually giving Enhancement bonuses.

    This also seems to be the case with the augments such as the Topaz of Transmuted Power. The tooltip says it is an Equipment bonus when it is an Enhancement bonus.
    Last edited by Morrell; 10-22-2022 at 06:34 PM.

  2. #82
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morrell View Post
    Could you update the tooltips for the Legendary Aetherband (Spell Penetration) and Bound Elemental Ring of Frost (Glaciation)? Both tooltips say they are giving Equipment bonuses but are actually giving Enhancement bonuses.

    This also seems to be the case with the augments such as the Topaz of Transmuted Power. The tooltip says it is an Equipment bonus when it is an Enhancement bonus.
    Tooltips and descriptions correct, you - not.

  3. #83
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Barbarian Frenzied Berserker tier 5 focus wide

    The tooltip is wrong, reads it does 10 more strikethrough when it does the correct amount of 50 more. Also, it triggers off of ranged vorpals?

  4. #84
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Nimbus inside prison of planes herioc still called wrong name at end

    We thank Maragogg...

  5. #85
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Barbarian hitpoint minus percentage or everyone?

    Looking at my hitpoint mouse over popup info while I was taking half-elf monk racial enhancements to see the Healing Amp amount I noticed my hitpoint total includes the line "-18 percentage bonus".

    1. I don't know if this is a display error.
    2. I don't know if this is on every toon everywhere.
    3. It doesn't seem to be a percentage but instead a straight actual negative 18.

    This all seems vaguely familiar, but how odd.

    Why is there ANY negative factor in hitpoints totals? And why does it read percentage when its just solid integer?

  6. #86
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default lighting change, more to do

    There's still some quests with perfect sphere lighting that need adjusting. One of these being the very first quest in the game:

    And in town:

    And bonus, the rumors of the silver flask of destiny are true!

  7. #87
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default dice rolling XP caps you at 20 until you level to 20

    But it still eats your XP gems. Maybe change this to a message telling you to level to 20 before using anymore XP gems? It will just let you keep using and using...

  8. #88
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Sunken Sewer Secrets

    I wanna go down these tunnels.

  9. #89
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default What is this boost typed as? And new Failed Teleport Info!!! :)

    In the Barbarian Occult Slayer tree, there is an ability called Driving Force. It gives melee power, etc. But it doesn't state exactly what this boost is typed as. Is it an action boost to melee power?

    When I failed a teleport in part two of the fire caves, Brood of Flame, I got a really nice quality of life message. This was after completion of 5 mins 9 secs:

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Looking at my hitpoint mouse over popup info while I was taking half-elf monk racial enhancements to see the Healing Amp amount I noticed my hitpoint total includes the line "-18 percentage bonus".

    1. I don't know if this is a display error.
    2. I don't know if this is on every toon everywhere.
    3. It doesn't seem to be a percentage but instead a straight actual negative 18.
    It says percentage, but it's also equal to my Fate point bonus on my own character.
    Since both our characters aren't Epic yet, it'd make sense for us not to have Fate bonus to HP, but to have it granted than removed sounds odd.

    We're not the same class nor the same level.
    I don't think our fate bonus is the same but might be wrong on that.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  11. #91
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Weapon Bond Barbarian Occult Slayer

    What's up with this thing? Mine's always 200. Always. Out of quest, in quest, standing on a ship, in a tavern, PING and it drops to zero! For a split second, that is! And viola it's right back at 200.

    There doesn't seem to be any cost to use. With the other thing in the tree: Driving Force: Cooldown: [48/36/24] seconds.
    Expend [30/20/10] Weapon Bond to gain +10 Melee Power and 5/10/20 Magical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds, you get a mini half melee action boost. Forever and ever. It just seems weird. I shrug at this. Shrug.

    Last edited by Mindos; 11-19-2022 at 08:05 PM.

  12. #92
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Legacy client still gets forgotten, not updated.

    We need a sticky note: Remember to update the legacy unsupported client. Or just remove it altogether. This half in, half out, half done, mostly forgotten update process is ungood for those who still need/use the legacy client.

    Why do we keep having these client version errors? Consistantly maintain the level of "unsupportedness". This lurching of the "it works" no it "doesn't work" then it works till the next update, then there's a delay again... It reminds me of being a child, sloshing water, making the tumult of a bathtub tempest. Waters high, waters low.

    Here's to wishing for smooth and calm updates:

  13. #93
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default More mind dribblings

    I like this message on Hardcore:

    Also on hardcore (and probably live servers as well) you still get the can't enter Inspired Quarter message if under level 4. Even though you can take the teleporter there.

    The lighting changes. This is Shadow Crypt near the end. I don't even remember what this is supposed to look like. Little circles of color on the ground? I wander in a plane of Shadows and... Oh wait. Maybe that silly Walt Whitman color poem... Anyway, is this even right?

    And on empty monster dropped bags: Had a few more Shadow Gargoyles drop bags that did nothing on pick up. I was looking at my collectable bag and saw these Ancient Text. But the wiki says these are high level drops, and I'm doing Shadow Crypt at level. Is the wiki wrong? Are Ancient Texts silently dropping incorrectly? (insert third funny question here)¿

  14. #94
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    What's up with this thing?
    Upon further review, I have taken level 12 and I now see how precious a resource this is.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It actually does work if its in your character bank
    I love you Lynnabel <3

  16. #96
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    In the Barbarian Occult Slayer tree, there is an ability called Driving Force. It gives melee power, etc. But it doesn't state exactly what this boost is typed as. Is it an action boost to melee power?
    Stacks with Action boost bonus to melee power. Nerf barbarian!

  17. #97
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Got webbed with FOM boots on.

    Doing Wrath of the Earth on Herioc Reaper 1. Wearing my flightfoot greaves. Get stuck in web from one of the regular spiders.

    "and web."

    Was it lag? A bug? A change to FOM? Outdated description? Get slowed from Druid gust of wind too. Reaper slow, but that I can see the exception.
    Last edited by Mindos; 11-20-2022 at 09:00 PM.

  18. #98
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Degenev Bros graphics on Orien

    I could be wrong, but this looks like the graphics for the Degenev Brothers event are on?

  19. #99
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default more misc

    Bone crusher. I thought the whole sentient gem slotting was back to 20? I know this was an exception, but after the recent sentient issue, I thought this was changed to require level 20?

    Here's another light source in the Ruins of Berez end area. You can see one light source looking natural and nice, and the other is just a perfect sphere.

    Still have mobs get stuck "behind" the railing in the upper ramparts of the Abbey of ravenloft.

  20. #100
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Social Panel Grouping search bar bug

    If you type anything into the search bar of the grouping panel of the social panel, for example a number such as 14, by mistake thinking you are searching the adventure compendium instead, then the list of available groups is completely removed. Hiting the X to the right of the search bar to clear the search does clear it, but does NOT make the posted groups repopulate. You have to then select the search bar field once again, and backspace. Even though the search bar is empty. Hitting backspace then populates the grouping panel. Closing and reopening the group panel does NOT fix the issue, the list will remain blank. It doesn't matter if show groups not eligible is checked or not.


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