I read that the legendary xp isn't going to reset after the Isle of Dread update.
How will the first time quest bonus work if the Legendary XP isn't going to reset?
Right now most people level to around 28 or so then do the end game content
on as high of reaper skulls as possible. Then they double TR and do it again.
I think it is stated that there are over 100 quests at legendary level in the notes.
Considering that many are just running R4 to R7 losing the first time bonus would
be losing 3,000 - 5,000 RXP per quest. That would be a potential of 300,000 to 500,000
RXP total starting at life number two and continuing. That would extend the reaper
grind quite a bit.
Will all first time bonuses be reset on a Racial or Heroic TR like they are now?
Personally, I wouldn't mind getting the XP. I am basically doing it now every life for
Reaper XP anyway and just not getting levels 31 and 32.