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  1. #1
    Community Member Lordress's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Long lost returning player looking for Static Group

    Hi all,

    I see lots of posts for static groups but nothing real current, so forgive me if i add one more..

    I have played DDO for years, then took a long break. I've returned, but playing solo is underwhelming, and listed pugs are mostly for zerging reaper stuff. So, i'm looking to join a Static Group.

    What i'm looking for: (though, with the right people, everything is negotiable )

    *Group starting in Korthos
    *Group with light role playing (staying in-character while questing)
    *A focus on having fun, not so much min/maxing everything and zerg grinding for loot.
    *Prefer older players. I'm close to 50yr and am looking for others in that range.
    *Prefer a group that plays 1-2 times per week, about 4hrs. (although i'd happily play more often)
    *English speaking.
    *l like the "use what you find/loot" kind of play. It makes things you find more important and not necessarily automatic vendor trash.
    *Respect. Mistakes and missteps happen.
    *Static group toons DO NOT play with other groups or solo without the group.

    What i can bring to a group:

    *I excel at melee characters. I prefer to play half orc with two handed weapons. I will play anything except mage. ( THIS is the only NON-NEGOTIABLE thing. i was mage in my last static group..i suck at it, and don't like it.)
    *I try to be self sufficient with healing. I fully expect to top myself off outside of battle. (If i play cleric, i expect you to do so as well, if you can.)
    *I am very familiar with much of the older stuff and am happy to help others if they are not.
    *I am not currently VIP but can and will happily resubscribe. Fine being the "opener" if needed.
    *I am available most times/days except for Monday and Tuesday afternoons (EST)
    *Any server is ok with me.
    *I have a guild and airship on Orien. It was the guild belonging to my last static group. I am Officer and can usurp leadership if i want. (i haven't done so out of nostalgia for my former group though they wouldn't mind)

    So, if anyone has a group with an opening or is interested in starting a group, I'd be happy to join.
    Please either leave a note here, or message Chopstix on Orien. (Chopstix is not going to be the static group toon, but she is my permanent toon...)

    As an aside, if you don't have a static group or want to make one, but do have an active and newbish friendly guild that plays together often, i'm open to that too.

    ~Lordress Von Bloodcup, Owner of Orien's Chopstix and Colleena
    Owner of ..Chopstix, Colleena Bloodcup, and various other "level 7's"

  2. #2
    Community Member SamuelTheFree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Possible Fit


    For the last 9 years I have been part of a static group that plays 10pm EST - 12am EST on Sarlona each Monday
    The original thread is here

    We have been pretty steady for a while, but have reached level cap and this week one of our founding members has decided to take a break from DDO.
    This is so new final plans haven't been made, but I suspect some sort of group will continue and we would be looking to fill at least one spot.

    I will ask our group leader to take a look here and reach out.

    Some things to note:
    - We generally level from 1 to cap, then TR and start over. (Not super fast though, I just finished my 5th life after 9 years)
    - Last life we ran around Reaper 3 difficulty, whatever we were comfortable with, generally do not repeat quests
    - We level up as a group, so if you are coming as a first lifer then you would be expected to hold on levelling until the group was ready

    All in all we are a fairly casual group, mostly just people who enjoy playing the game as opposed to grinding it.
    We don't really have any roleplaying, just refer to each other by name like "Zanbaur you should stop aggroing things before I intimidate them" or "Oh, Zanbaur caught me with an unexpected D-Door/Grease again"

    Anyways, my main on Sarlona is Zanbaur, the group leader is Risarr, and anyone you see online in the Drawn By Fate guild is likely an alt of someone from this group.
    If you are interested come say Hi, or post here and I'll make Risarr reach out.

    - Zanbaur

  3. #3
    Community Member SamuelTheFree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Second possible fit

    On the other hand if you are open to challenging yourself and limiting power on more extreme levels I run a smaller group that is about to start over at level 1.
    We run this 10pm EST - 12am EST on Sarlona each Wednesday
    Currently this group only has three members (all also in the Monday night group mentioned above)

    We set up this side group as a challenge to try to play with weird and unusual restrictions on our game play by limiting our builds and or gear or this time on both.

    In the past we have all played randomly rolled classes (at each level up), a druid mixture group (one wolf, one bear one elemental) and we just finished our Barbarian Halfling lives.
    I just took my throwing dagger Vistani knife thrower halfling Barbarian to level 20, which I consider an achievement

    This life we are forcing everyone to build a 12/6/2 multiclass character.
    In addition someone from the group picks your first class that you have to start as and end up with 12 levels of.
    Someone else picks your race.
    Then because that wasn't difficult enough, we also decided to bank/sell all equipment at the end of each night, so the next week you have no equipment and we have to loot our way into gear as the night goes on.

    We hope to get the characters to level 20 again, mostly on elite if we can handle it.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Lordress View Post
    Hi all,

    I see lots of posts for static groups but nothing real current, so forgive me if i add one more..

    I have played DDO for years, then took a long break. I've returned, but playing solo is underwhelming, and listed pugs are mostly for zerging reaper stuff. So, i'm looking to join a Static Group.

    What i'm looking for: (though, with the right people, everything is negotiable )

    *Group starting in Korthos
    *Group with light role playing (staying in-character while questing)
    *A focus on having fun, not so much min/maxing everything and zerg grinding for loot.
    *Prefer older players. I'm close to 50yr and am looking for others in that range.
    *Prefer a group that plays 1-2 times per week, about 4hrs. (although i'd happily play more often)
    *English speaking.
    *l like the "use what you find/loot" kind of play. It makes things you find more important and not necessarily automatic vendor trash.
    *Respect. Mistakes and missteps happen.
    *Static group toons DO NOT play with other groups or solo without the group.

    What i can bring to a group:

    *I excel at melee characters. I prefer to play half orc with two handed weapons. I will play anything except mage. ( THIS is the only NON-NEGOTIABLE thing. i was mage in my last static group..i suck at it, and don't like it.)
    *I try to be self sufficient with healing. I fully expect to top myself off outside of battle. (If i play cleric, i expect you to do so as well, if you can.)
    *I am very familiar with much of the older stuff and am happy to help others if they are not.
    *I am not currently VIP but can and will happily resubscribe. Fine being the "opener" if needed.
    *I am available most times/days except for Monday and Tuesday afternoons (EST)
    *Any server is ok with me.
    *I have a guild and airship on Orien. It was the guild belonging to my last static group. I am Officer and can usurp leadership if i want. (i haven't done so out of nostalgia for my former group though they wouldn't mind)

    So, if anyone has a group with an opening or is interested in starting a group, I'd be happy to join.
    Please either leave a note here, or message Chopstix on Orien. (Chopstix is not going to be the static group toon, but she is my permanent toon...)

    As an aside, if you don't have a static group or want to make one, but do have an active and newbish friendly guild that plays together often, i'm open to that too.

    ~Lordress Von Bloodcup, Owner of Orien's Chopstix and Colleena
    I think we might have just what you're looking for. SamuelTheFree summed it up pretty well. Our guild, Drawn By Fate, was founded as light role-play style static group. Although we don't generally include any role-play anymore, we are a laidback group that have been together for many years now. We do have alts, but for our static groups we just run those for the static groups. Occassionally someone might be doing quests on their own with their static group to play catch up for a night they missed. That's rarely the case though. You don't have to be concerned about tweeners, as we're all mature boomers (or approaching boomers) but a little chuckle every no and then will commonly occur (ie. D-door placed at the start of a quest -.- ). Basically, we don't take things overly serious. We try to keep together and avoid zerging. If someone has fallen far behind, we wait. The person might get heckled particularly if they are a halfling or gnome and just have itty bitty tiny legs lol. Our main goal is just to have fun. If there's an "oops" moment, no big deal. We don't rage when mistakes occur like some pugs out there. I mean, this last life I was the healer...sure I had some party members near death...sure I had to pause to count up how many mysterious remnants I get to put in my was a fat stack of 10!!! Priorities!! Haha!

    Recently we have selected certain party roles in our character/build selection and we try to have everyone play a style that they want to play (ie. melee DPS). However, we also encourage others to try out new styles. The reason I think this works well with this group don't have to be some perfect build that does max DPS. It's an opportunity to try something different, and collectively as a group, someone is usually there to pick up where we're lacking. Certainly, we won't force you to play anything you don't want to...we just encourage stepping out of the comfort zone a little as we all have eachother to help out. We do have a couple members that are non-VIP. Although they have most of the content purchased already, we make sure to run something everyone has access to. Certainly VIP makes it easier, but that's just a preference and nothing more.

    As SamuelTheFree mentioned, we will be TR'ing our Monday night group in the next week or two. SamuelTheFree, who previously was assigned the melee DPS role, offered to take on the trapper role if you are interested and would like to stick with the melee DPS. We are on the Sarlona server and we run Mondays 10pm - Midnight EST. We also have our Wednesday night group (same time slot) that we also run which is our "out of the norm" group.

    Feel free to message me here, or send me a good old fashioned Stormreach letter. In game I am Risarr (or you can contact anyone you see online from Drawn By Fate). Our guild is currently around level 110.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero
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    Uska's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    So wish I could do something like this

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    So wish I could do something like this
    We would have room for you for our Wednesday night group that will be starting at level 1 next week (we just did our TR). We have certain parameters in place for this life on our Wednesday group (see SamuelTheFree's comment above as he's leading that group).

    As for Mondays, I want to respectfully give the OP the opportunity to respond if they're interested first. If you're interested, let me know and we can pencil you in next in line (again, Wednesday is available if interested).

    Kind regards,

  7. #7
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013


    If you're still looking for a group our group will be reincarnating in a month or two and could use a 6th member (or if you happen to have a level 16-18 character available you could join immediately. Other than that we play 2 hours per week (Mon. 8-10 PM Eastern time) I think we tick all your boxes:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lordress View Post
    Hi all,

    I see lots of posts for static groups but nothing real current, so forgive me if i add one more..

    I have played DDO for years, then took a long break. I've returned, but playing solo is underwhelming, and listed pugs are mostly for zerging reaper stuff. So, i'm looking to join a Static Group.

    What i'm looking for: (though, with the right people, everything is negotiable )

    *Group starting in Korthos
    *Group with light role playing (staying in-character while questing)
    *A focus on having fun, not so much min/maxing everything and zerg grinding for loot.
    *Prefer older players. I'm close to 50yr and am looking for others in that range.
    *Prefer a group that plays 1-2 times per week, about 4hrs. (although i'd happily play more often)
    *English speaking.
    *l like the "use what you find/loot" kind of play. It makes things you find more important and not necessarily automatic vendor trash.
    *Respect. Mistakes and missteps happen.
    *Static group toons DO NOT play with other groups or solo without the group.

    What i can bring to a group:

    *I excel at melee characters. I prefer to play half orc with two handed weapons. I will play anything except mage. ( THIS is the only NON-NEGOTIABLE thing. i was mage in my last static group..i suck at it, and don't like it.)
    *I try to be self sufficient with healing. I fully expect to top myself off outside of battle. (If i play cleric, i expect you to do so as well, if you can.)
    *I am very familiar with much of the older stuff and am happy to help others if they are not.
    *I am not currently VIP but can and will happily resubscribe. Fine being the "opener" if needed.
    *I am available most times/days except for Monday and Tuesday afternoons (EST)
    *Any server is ok with me.
    *I have a guild and airship on Orien. It was the guild belonging to my last static group. I am Officer and can usurp leadership if i want. (i haven't done so out of nostalgia for my former group though they wouldn't mind)

    So, if anyone has a group with an opening or is interested in starting a group, I'd be happy to join.
    Please either leave a note here, or message Chopstix on Orien. (Chopstix is not going to be the static group toon, but she is my permanent toon...)

    As an aside, if you don't have a static group or want to make one, but do have an active and newbish friendly guild that plays together often, i'm open to that too.

    ~Lordress Von Bloodcup, Owner of Orien's Chopstix and Colleena

  8. #8
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    So wish I could do something like this

    My biggest issue is the play time. I'm GMT +12, and I work in hospo so sometimes hours are all over the place.

  9. #9
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Lordress View Post
    Hi all,

    I see lots of posts for static groups but nothing real current, so forgive me if i add one more..

    I have played DDO for years, then took a long break. I've returned, but playing solo is underwhelming, and listed pugs are mostly for zerging reaper stuff. So, i'm looking to join a Static Group.

    What i'm looking for: (though, with the right people, everything is negotiable )

    *Group starting in Korthos
    *Group with light role playing (staying in-character while questing)
    *A focus on having fun, not so much min/maxing everything and zerg grinding for loot.
    *Prefer older players. I'm close to 50yr and am looking for others in that range.
    *Prefer a group that plays 1-2 times per week, about 4hrs. (although i'd happily play more often)
    *English speaking.
    *l like the "use what you find/loot" kind of play. It makes things you find more important and not necessarily automatic vendor trash.
    *Respect. Mistakes and missteps happen.
    *Static group toons DO NOT play with other groups or solo without the group.

    What i can bring to a group:

    *I excel at melee characters. I prefer to play half orc with two handed weapons. I will play anything except mage. ( THIS is the only NON-NEGOTIABLE thing. i was mage in my last static group..i suck at it, and don't like it.)
    *I try to be self sufficient with healing. I fully expect to top myself off outside of battle. (If i play cleric, i expect you to do so as well, if you can.)
    *I am very familiar with much of the older stuff and am happy to help others if they are not.
    *I am not currently VIP but can and will happily resubscribe. Fine being the "opener" if needed.
    *I am available most times/days except for Monday and Tuesday afternoons (EST)
    *Any server is ok with me.
    *I have a guild and airship on Orien. It was the guild belonging to my last static group. I am Officer and can usurp leadership if i want. (i haven't done so out of nostalgia for my former group though they wouldn't mind)

    So, if anyone has a group with an opening or is interested in starting a group, I'd be happy to join.
    Please either leave a note here, or message Chopstix on Orien. (Chopstix is not going to be the static group toon, but she is my permanent toon...)

    As an aside, if you don't have a static group or want to make one, but do have an active and newbish friendly guild that plays together often, i'm open to that too.

    ~Lordress Von Bloodcup, Owner of Orien's Chopstix and Colleena
    I'm interested depending on time and mundane stuff like that. I'm also old!

    Edited to add: I see this post was necro'd from May so I'm guessing you've found your group. If not, l would still be interested and I'm still old.
    Last edited by thwart; 06-14-2022 at 05:00 AM.

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