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  1. #1
    Community Member gratefulpeace's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default Character cannot pick up quests since December


    Last december, I was in the middle of a lesser reincarnation when the game crashed. I couldn't log into the character, and submitted a ticket (#197617) to address that.

    Shortly afterwards, a patch dropped and I could log into my character again and complete the LR. However, I can't pick up any quest that my character had completed or had picked up previously. Anytime I speak to a quest giver, he issues a reward list with low level gear. I cannot drop and re-pickup quests since there are no quests listed in the quest journal.

    I updated the original issue, but after a few months I created a ticket specifically for this issue. The new ticket was closed and merged with the first ticket. Back in February 2022. No word since.

    Basically, my character isn't playable. I'm hoping someone can help me fix this.
    EoS (formerly Economy of Scale) on Khyber:
    Tekiko Tenshi - aka Tek , GL for EoS
    Alts: Xxith, Shlainn , Kiviya, Briksen, Sairlaith, Zyoh, Windrazer, Seraphae, Exoneration, Dryv Dom, Zyoh

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by gratefulpeace View Post
    ...I was in the middle of a lesser reincarnation when the game crashed...

    ... I can't pick up any quest that my character had completed or had picked up previously... I cannot drop and re-pickup quests since there are no quests listed in the quest journal...

    Basically, my character isn't playable...
    What is your current level, and what is your goal? How close are you to another TR (of any sort)? You can still red-door and are still getting XP (and Favor, even if no end-rewards - that part sucks). If you can limp to that point, I bet it will reset the character and get it back on track.

    If, otoh, your LR goal was not Reincarnation but to park an end-game build), that's a different problem... :/

    (Edit - Note that if you LR'd at 30 with most of your quests completed, an LR does not reset Epic quests, so that part is WAI. The end-reward thing is a diff matter.

    See, 1st par there.)

    This is pretty quirky - I'm not sure if this problem would be within the ability of staff to correct (without some unsatisfactory side-effects). If you can TR and self-correct, that might be the best option.

  3. #3
    Community Member gratefulpeace's Avatar
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    If you can TR and self-correct, that might be the best option.
    My character was a first lifer dwarf tank that I've never TR'd because I wanted to see how well a first-lifer tank could do. After 10+ years of him running around in epics, I'd hate to TR him now and crawl all the way back up to cap, even though the XP isn't so bad on the 2nd life, but your idea that a TR might solve everything sounds reasonable.
    The crazy thing is that quests that I've never taken before, I can actually pick up and do, but those are very few for this ol' dwarf. Quests that I've picked up, completed or otherwise, aren't showing, and the favor is completely wiped. If I get desperate enough, I may try an ER and see if I can cut that journey down a bit.

    The sad part is that this is not the first time I've had in-game reincarnation problems. I've had some great help from GMs in the past, like with resetting botched reincarnations and figuring stuff out. It's just never taken so much time to get help before.
    EoS (formerly Economy of Scale) on Khyber:
    Tekiko Tenshi - aka Tek , GL for EoS
    Alts: Xxith, Shlainn , Kiviya, Briksen, Sairlaith, Zyoh, Windrazer, Seraphae, Exoneration, Dryv Dom, Zyoh

  4. #4
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    How about trying an Epic Reincarnation first and if that doesn't work bite the bullet and do a TR. You got wings but you are still practically a 1st lifer.
    After this time and with the track record of CS don't get your hopes up that they will help you.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by TitusOvid; 05-08-2022 at 06:25 AM.
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  5. #5
    Community Member gratefulpeace's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default Resolved!

    Thanks for the input!

    As a final update, DDO support did get back to me this week and did confirm that an epic + heroic reincarnation was the way to go.
    They provided hearts for both and some points.

    I did apply the ER first, but it did not reset the quests, so the TR was required.

    The upside is it's only 2nd life + wings, so I'll just bite it and move on.

    Happy Hunting,
    EoS (formerly Economy of Scale) on Khyber:
    Tekiko Tenshi - aka Tek , GL for EoS
    Alts: Xxith, Shlainn , Kiviya, Briksen, Sairlaith, Zyoh, Windrazer, Seraphae, Exoneration, Dryv Dom, Zyoh

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