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  1. #1
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Aug 2012

    Lightbulb Why not merge all 4 Elemental Sorc Trees into 1?

    To state the obvious: Wizzy has 3 distinct Trees and shares EK with Sorcerer. Archmage allows for a lot of customization. By contrast, Sorc has 4 Elemental Trees. I was wondering if those trees could be reasonably merged to allow a new Sorc Enhancement Tree to be added, preferably one that made use of Abjurations & Defensive Buffs.

    It has been mentioned by other forumites a number of times that certain spell schools are underused, the most glaring being abjuration. Barring a summoning rework, a defensive Tank-Like Battlemage tree would be a welcome addition. Either that or PnP 3.5 Wardmaster.

    To make the 4-in-1 Tree work, it would need to make up for the spell-power loss of Multi-Tree dipping for DPS Sorc, but I think it can be managed.
    • 1 {+10 (x) Spellpower, +10 Univ Spellpower} +1 Caster Level in Chosen Element, Opposite Element -1
    • Repeat Core 2-5
    • 6 {Elemental Apotheosis, +30 (x) Spellpower, +15 Univ Spellpower} While in Elemental Form, you get +3 Caster Level in Chosen Element, Opposite Element -3. +2 Charisma, +SPELL CRIT

    TIER 1:
    • 1 {Active Spell-Like Ability}
    • 2 {+2/4/6 Intim (Fire), Balance (Acid), Jump (Electric), Concentration (Water) 3rd Tier grants +3 Spellcraft}
    • 3 {Channel the Elements}
    • 4 {Spell Crit}
    • 5 {Use (x) Element, get (y) amount of Spellpower for 5 sec. 5/10/15


    Progression would be very similar, except for T5, which would have to update the DC's for the Unique Sorc spells.

    Also, you'd receive the 2nd Spell-Like ability in T3, but it wouldn't be a spell-book spell, instead a class-specific spell to prevent balance issues.

    Spell-Pen is also essential here.

    TIER 5:
    • 1 {Active Spell-Like Ability} The T5 SLA should scale more with player level than a standard spell.
    • 2 Furious Magic {Enemies that would be immune to (x) damage can now be hit with said damage at 50% penalty}.
    • 3 {Active Spell-Like Ability} Element-Specific SLA. Should be a Level 7 Spell in Book. (or maybe 6?) scales with Level, DC = Sorc Level + CHA Bonus + Evoc/Transmute/Conjure Bonus . Earthgrab, Freeze the Blood, Immolate (FoD), Abundant Step (Air Elemental).
    • 4 {Choose +3 DC in a given school OR +10% Univ Spell Crit} The +1 DC is kinda garbage.
    • 5 {+15 Element Spellpower, +10 Univ Spellpower}

    It's definitely a bit jank and unbalanced, but I still think this idea COULD work. With a lot of tweaking.

  2. #2
    Community Member MasterKernel's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Thumbs down

    And how are you going to put points into different elements if there would be only 1 tree ?

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    I don't think the solution is to combine the trees. What is simply needed is to add another tree (or two)

  4. #4
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    May 2010


    It should definitely be combined into one tree with multiselectors. That's basically what it already is lol just spread out to take up room.

    Need to combine them all AND also make a third tree.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    It should definitely be combined into one tree with multiselectors. That's basically what it already is lol just spread out to take up room.

    Need to combine them all AND also make a third tree.
    That doesnt solve the problem - how do you take a second element, then?

    What you'd have to do is make two trees structured like Divine pick either fire or ice in one, and either air or earth in the other, since they're mutually exclusive anyway. That would open up a "third" tree, which I've always wanted to see become Mystic Theurge and toss in some self-healing/buffing quasi-Divine/Primal abilities, since Wiz already has PM which fills that role really well.

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