To state the obvious: Wizzy has 3 distinct Trees and shares EK with Sorcerer. Archmage allows for a lot of customization. By contrast, Sorc has 4 Elemental Trees. I was wondering if those trees could be reasonably merged to allow a new Sorc Enhancement Tree to be added, preferably one that made use of Abjurations & Defensive Buffs.
It has been mentioned by other forumites a number of times that certain spell schools are underused, the most glaring being abjuration. Barring a summoning rework, a defensive Tank-Like Battlemage tree would be a welcome addition. Either that or PnP 3.5 Wardmaster.
To make the 4-in-1 Tree work, it would need to make up for the spell-power loss of Multi-Tree dipping for DPS Sorc, but I think it can be managed.
- 1 {+10 (x) Spellpower, +10 Univ Spellpower} +1 Caster Level in Chosen Element, Opposite Element -1
-- Repeat Core 2-5
-- 6 {Elemental Apotheosis, +30 (x) Spellpower, +15 Univ Spellpower} While in Elemental Form, you get +3 Caster Level in Chosen Element, Opposite Element -3. +2 Charisma, +SPELL CRIT
- 1 {Active Spell-Like Ability}
-- 2 {+2/4/6 Intim (Fire), Balance (Acid), Jump (Electric), Concentration (Water) 3rd Tier grants +3 Spellcraft}
-- 3 {Channel the Elements}
-- 4 {Spell Crit}
-- 5 {Use (x) Element, get (y) amount of Spellpower for 5 sec. 5/10/15
Progression would be very similar, except for T5, which would have to update the DC's for the Unique Sorc spells.
Also, you'd receive the 2nd Spell-Like ability in T3, but it wouldn't be a spell-book spell, instead a class-specific spell to prevent balance issues.
Spell-Pen is also essential here.
- 1 {Active Spell-Like Ability} The T5 SLA should scale more with player level than a standard spell.
-- 2 Furious Magic {Enemies that would be immune to (x) damage can now be hit with said damage at 50% penalty}.
-- 3 {Active Spell-Like Ability} Element-Specific SLA. Should be a Level 7 Spell in Book. (or maybe 6?) scales with Level, DC = Sorc Level + CHA Bonus + Evoc/Transmute/Conjure Bonus . Earthgrab, Freeze the Blood, Immolate (FoD), Abundant Step (Air Elemental).
-- 4 {Choose +3 DC in a given school OR +10% Univ Spell Crit} The +1 DC is kinda garbage.
-- 5 {+15 Element Spellpower, +10 Univ Spellpower}
It's definitely a bit jank and unbalanced, but I still think this idea COULD work. With a lot of tweaking.