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Howdy! Phloat here from Argonesson. Here are a few details about my next-life Wisdom-based Tabaxi Staff Monk, using some knowledge from my Wisdom-based Aasimar Staff Monk.
Also, take a look at Strimtom's Strength-Based Half-Orc Staff Monk. It is quite powerful, but doesnt use T4 Falconry. Less Helpless damage, higher base damage.
Henshin is in a great spot, and has a higher base damage than handwraps, particularly while levelling. Add in THF feats, Adrenaline, and Cauldron of Flame, then BAM, whack someone for 100k damage at level cap. I have a few racial points, but will build it with only 80 AP. If you have some extra racial AP, sink them deeper into either Tabaxi or Shintao. AoE Jade Strike is good.
Let's get to it:
Max Wisdom
15 Strength for THF feats, 17 for GTHF
13 Dexterity for Precision
Max Constitution
Skills: (in order of importance) Concentration, UMD, Balance, Tumble
Heroic Feats:
1) TwoHanded Fighting
1) Monk bonus: Dodge
2) Monk bonus: Mobility
3) Completionist or Precision
3) Monk Philosophy: Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
6) Spring Attack or Toughness
6) Monk Bonus: Swords to Plowshares
9) Improved Two Handed Fighting
12) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
15) Greater Two Handed Fighting
18) Precision or Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
Epic Feats:
21) Overwhelming Critical
24) Improved Martial Arts
27) Epic Damage Reduction
30) Epic Will or Epic Toughness
Epic Destiny Feats:
22) Perfect Two Handed Fighting
25) Crush Weakness
28) Deific Warding or Doublestrike
Scion feat: Arborea or Ethereal Plane
These are a bit messy, given the number of racial points you have.
41 Henshin Mystic
26 Falconry
Some variations for the rest:
28 Falconry (gives T4 Bird attack and 50% fort bypass)
12 Shintao for Jade Strike (10% physical damage vulnerability)
13 Tabaxi for better Feline Ability and sneak dice (more speed and a bit of physical damage)
13 Trailblazer for Strikethrough and other goodies (though, better with racial points for T4 Wide Sweep and Fast Sprinter)
Epic Destinies:
T5/T4 in either Grandmaster or Fury. If you have more points, there is HP and Tactics in Dreadnaught.
Grandmaster of Flowers gives us a lot of utility and defense while levelling and at cap, great for solo-play.
Fury of the Wild is all about daaaaamage with Adrenaline.
I recommend trying both T5 and T4's out, and figuring which epic strike is your style. The Fury mantle gives more helpless damage (but just a smidge), while the Grandmaster gives more flat damage as well as added defenses while centered.
The Grandmaster Epic Strike is great while THF: the AoE stun and extra range/multiplier on the strike is great.
However, please try Adrenaline while in your Cauldron of Flame. It is.. a lot of damage.