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  1. #1
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    Default Tabaxi Movement speed boost

    I find this ability absolutely useless. Think about it, If you stand still for 6 seconds while another toon is running at normal speed, then you try and follow the other toon, you will never catch up with the other toon - even if you extended the boost to 12 seconds! So please tell me how this is a 'boost'? Even if you extended the boost speed to 100% base running speed, you would still lag behind other toons as you have to stand still for 6 seconds while the others are running. Who stands still in a dungeon for 6 seconds? The standing still for 6 seconds completely cancels any gains you would get from running for the same amount of time.

  2. #2
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avatar29 View Post
    I find this ability absolutely useless. Think about it, If you stand still for 6 seconds while another toon is running at normal speed, then you try and follow the other toon, you will never catch up with the other toon - even if you extended the boost to 12 seconds! So please tell me how this is a 'boost'? Even if you extended the boost speed to 100% base running speed, you would still lag behind other toons as you have to stand still for 6 seconds while the others are running. Who stands still in a dungeon for 6 seconds? The standing still for 6 seconds completely cancels any gains you would get from running for the same amount of time.
    well not completely - i see it a lot where i am talking to an npc or opening a door or on a ranged char attacking. then i get the boost and can go

  3. #3
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avatar29 View Post
    I find this ability absolutely useless. Think about it, If you stand still for 6 seconds while another toon is running at normal speed, then you try and follow the other toon, you will never catch up with the other toon - even if you extended the boost to 12 seconds! So please tell me how this is a 'boost'? Even if you extended the boost speed to 100% base running speed, you would still lag behind other toons as you have to stand still for 6 seconds while the others are running. Who stands still in a dungeon for 6 seconds? The standing still for 6 seconds completely cancels any gains you would get from running for the same amount of time.
    At top tier it's 18s I think - I should remember but I don't. I found it quite nice when zoning but if
    one is trying to deliberately proc. it, it gets very annoying. The whole tree feels kinda phoned in to
    me and it wasn't quite ready for release.

  4. #4
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    Then don't use it. There are plenty of racial bonuses that are practically inconsequential, but this isn't one of them.

    Under optimal zerging circumstances, you're not usually standing still for 6 seconds at a time, or even 3 seconds if you snag the upgrade. But under non-optimal zerging circumstances, it'll help plenty to make up lost time. Off the top of my head, a few include

    - Waiting for a party members for any number of reasons
    - Disabling traps; net xp boost for no lost time, and prevents the rogue from being left behind
    - Unlocking doors sans Knock / Melt Lock

    In some quests, there are mechanics where you need to stand in place briefly (or wait for a trigger) that this will cause a net speed increase
    - Standing on trigger plates (eg Necro 1, Xorian Cipher)
    - Waiting for an animation or cutscene (entire LOD chain)

    What about Archer's Focus? For max deeps, ranged builds need to stand in place. Tabaxi's movement speed boost might reduce the time between these locations (maintaining stacks better) or let you stand in a Strahd circle a fraction longer

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avatar29 View Post
    I find this ability absolutely useless. Think about it, If you stand still for 6 seconds while another toon is running at normal speed, then you try and follow the other toon, you will never catch up with the other toon - even if you extended the boost to 12 seconds! So please tell me how this is a 'boost'? Even if you extended the boost speed to 100% base running speed, you would still lag behind other toons as you have to stand still for 6 seconds while the others are running. Who stands still in a dungeon for 6 seconds? The standing still for 6 seconds completely cancels any gains you would get from running for the same amount of time.
    Just grab vault from acrobat t5 and you will leave everyone in the dust. Tabaxi is mostly garbage, but one ability surprised me was cat scratch.

  6. #6
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    missing the point! The tier 1 ability is useless. I'm not talking about the tier 4 ability! But if you want to critique the entire racial tree - then I would say the entire enhancement line is pointless, and garbage. The Dex to damage doesn't work - so right outta the box the best racial AP is broken, You mean to tell me that out of all of the hours of building a new race, they didn't have one person test all of the racial AP? I found the error in less than half an hour. They have more than one person paid to test new features or functionality! If I found the number one ability that Tabaxi has doesn't work, after mere minutes of testing the race, it shows pure laziness and incompetence on SSG!

  7. #7
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    I like the t4 movement speed boost quite a bit on my FvS caster.

    After zoning - run faster.
    After opening door - wait 1 sec and run faster for 18 sec.
    After standing still nuking down a bunch of mobs - run faster for 18 sec.

    Seems fine to me. Different from spending 6-8 points in Falconry for run speed boost. Better in some ways worse in others - but also cheaper in AP for someone with 15 racial points already.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  8. #8
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avatar29 View Post
    missing the point! The tier 1 ability is useless. I'm not talking about the tier 4 ability!
    It's not a t1 ability. It's an innate racial ability; costs zero points to get get the basic movement speed. And for a built in feat, it's still pretty nice even if it only situationally gets triggered from standing around long enough.

  9. #9
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I agree, the base level of Zoomy-Kitty isn't great and it takes some investment to make it better. Once the investment is made, it's really pretty useful. They're not going to hand out that kind of utility for nothin'.

    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  10. #10
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    .... Zoomy-Kitty ....

    Mem, you may have found the next best thing to Flumphs.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  11. #11
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Default Is a Nerf coming for kitty boost?

    Thus far from what I’ve seen it’s really good, maybe too good…

    All it takes is 3 seconds to gain 18 seconds of kitty-boost, which is really the amount of time it takes to open a door or flip a lever. Furthermore it appears as kitty-boost stacks in some really absurd ways as I’ve seen casters dropping click-boosts with it, reaching double speed. The Monks, Bards and Barbarians in our party looked like they were standing still by comparison.

    Can’t imagine how fast a Horizon Ranger with Misty-Step and kitty-boost would be.
    Last edited by Smokewolf; 05-03-2022 at 08:45 AM.

  12. #12
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokewolf View Post
    All it takes is 3 seconds to gain 18 seconds of kitty-boost
    0 seconds if you have a quarterstaff and Spring Attack (which is avail to Trailblazers in their tree for 1 AP) That 3-to-18 seconds of Zoomy Kitty wear off? Just hit the nitrous with Spring Attack, and keep on zooming - no waiting required. As a bonus, the 18 second version lasts longer than the Spring Attack cooldown. Heck, may be worth it for any TB build to pack a staff just for that.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  13. #13
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Tabaxi and Tabaxi Trailblazers now travel the normal distance with Abundant Step.
    It'll be bit less zoom after tomorrows patch.

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