So I started the game a few months back and really liked several different classes so I ended up making 5 alts, however as I played more I realized that it would have been better to maybe play 1 or 2 toons and just reinarnate of respec them as needed. I'm spread rather thin regarding my play time so the leveling is terribly slow. Anyone else end up this way? I was thinking maybe ya'll can look at my list of characters and tell me the ones that are no good so I can focus on the good ones. I need help!!
Meexo Bladeforged 14 sorc 2 pal
Mehne Deep gnome 16 wiz 2 rog
Veeyna Tiefling 13 brd 2 rog 1 barb
Vestani Shadar-Kai 7 FvS 5 rog 3 mnk
Xindii Sun Elf 13 clr 2 pal 1 fghtr
Zuggi Bladeforged 13 warlk 2 pal