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  1. #1
    Community Manager
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    Default Downtime Notice: Thursday, April 28th 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT)

    UPDATE: An issue came up overnight as we were working toward release, and we need to postpone the patch. We will have more information as soon as we can.

    The DDO worlds will be unavailable on Thursday, April 28th from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) to release Update 54.0.1. The release notes will be published on Thursday.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 04-28-2022 at 09:12 AM.
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  2. #2
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Update on this: The timing is likely to instead be 11am eastern - 3pm eastern. I'll have Cordovan fix the forum post here later.

  3. #3
    Community Member CymTyr's Avatar
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    Default Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Update on this: The timing is likely to instead be 11am eastern - 3pm eastern. I'll have Cordovan fix the forum post here later.
    Thanks for all the hard work. I know a lot of us are agro with the server issues, but the fact the game is still successfully running is testament to the love y'all have for it (and by extension, us). Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Default Same ol toutine

    I still find it amazing you launch a product with so many errors..not just one e, but every single it it possible that you folks can't launch a somewhat finished product? Please just give us a few good excuses or a look
    At your rationale the way, it's Thur now and no release notes

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by philoe View Post
    I still find it amazing you launch a product with so many errors..not just one e, but every single it it possible that you folks can't launch a somewhat finished product? Please just give us a few good excuses or a look
    At your rationale the way, it's Thur now and no release notes
    Also, why have downtime yesterday just to add your pre-sale to the marketplace (which is buggy as all get out for those trying to buy it) and then have another downtime the next day for an update. How hard is it to combine the 2 downtimes into 1 for the week?!?! I mean geez what was the thinking on this one?!?!

  6. #6
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by philoe View Post
    I still find it amazing you launch a product with so many errors..not just one e, but every single it it possible that you folks can't launch a somewhat finished product? Please just give us a few good excuses or a look
    At your rationale the way, it's Thur now and no release notes
    What scares me more is that with each patch/release/typo change, some completely unrelated bug sprouts from the ground. Like the In The Flesh bug someone reported already or ghost touch not getting applied from Eldritch Knight. Two completely unrelated things to what was in the patch got broken.

    This has been a very disturbing trend of late. One of these patches is going to release the wrong gremlin and the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.
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  7. #7
    Systems Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baahb3 View Post
    What scares me more is that with each patch/release/typo change, some completely unrelated bug sprouts from the ground. Like the In The Flesh bug someone reported already or ghost touch not getting applied from Eldritch Knight. Two completely unrelated things to what was in the patch got broken.

    This has been a very disturbing trend of late. One of these patches is going to release the wrong gremlin and the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.
    The EK stuff is because we redid how EK counts its dice and where the on-hit effect is sourced from in order to fix a longstanding bug where certain dice sources weren't counted correctly. One of the shifts involved moving the logic from your weapon to you, the player (which also makes weapon swapping juuuust a little bit faster, yay!) but that also meant that the weapon buff part that gave your weapon ghost touch ended up on you, the player, where it doesn't work because you're not actually a weapon in most cases! Thankfully, super easy bug to fix, I just had to make the base on-hit stuff on you also grant Ghost Touch (and delete the scripting that stuck a weapon buff to you) but this bug was not out of left field in the slightest. I could have caught this one, and for that I feel bad, but it was far from random.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baahb3 View Post
    What scares me more is that with each patch/release/typo change, some completely unrelated bug sprouts from the ground. Like the In The Flesh bug someone reported already or ghost touch not getting applied from Eldritch Knight. Two completely unrelated things to what was in the patch got broken.

    This has been a very disturbing trend of late. One of these patches is going to release the wrong gremlin and the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.
    The biggest issue is that the game engine is ancient, and patches after 15 years just adds more stuff to break. What they need to do is recreate the game using new programmingtechnology, replicate the missions and update and then go live and let people re-create their characters on the new game. If i ever win big with the lottery I will fund this, becuae it will be incredibly expensive.

    I wonder if it is feasable to do a SSG to do a kickstarter to see what sort of funds are available from the D&D crowd?

  9. #9
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    Any update on fixing the payment system issues?

  10. #10
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The EK stuff is because we redid how EK counts its dice and where the on-hit effect is sourced from in order to fix a longstanding bug where certain dice sources weren't counted correctly. One of the shifts involved moving the logic from your weapon to you, the player (which also makes weapon swapping juuuust a little bit faster, yay!) but that also meant that the weapon buff part that gave your weapon ghost touch ended up on you, the player, where it doesn't work because you're not actually a weapon in most cases! Thankfully, super easy bug to fix, I just had to make the base on-hit stuff on you also grant Ghost Touch (and delete the scripting that stuck a weapon buff to you) but this bug was not out of left field in the slightest. I could have caught this one, and for that I feel bad, but it was far from random.
    Strange your response actually makes me feel a tad more confident in the game because you make these sorts of changes all the time. Like nearly every patch or update there are QoL fixes. So how many potentially player facing bugs never reach players? because your usually very thorough when making these changes in the first place.
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  11. #11
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    Default Trailblazer issues 1, 2 and 3

    1) New Iconic not giving dex bonus to quarterstaff damage. On mouse over of the weapon, it shows dex bonus to hit but strength for damage. Yes, I selected the enhancement.
    2) I mirrored Trailblazer's Outfit and the result was an ugly grey robe. This same issue happens with the Deep Gnome iconic outfit and the cosmetic result is the same ugly grey robe. I have reported the deep gnome issue multiple times but has not been fixed or responded to. Please fix this or give me my mirror back.
    3) In the character sheet and examine, Trailblazer is showing up as Tabaxi and not stating the iconic anywhere I can find.

  12. #12
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    An issue came up overnight as we were working toward release, and we need to postpone the patch. We will have more information as soon as we can.
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  13. 04-28-2022, 09:32 AM

  14. #13
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The EK stuff is because we redid how EK counts its dice and where the on-hit effect is sourced from in order to fix a longstanding bug where certain dice sources weren't counted correctly. One of the shifts involved moving the logic from your weapon to you, the player (which also makes weapon swapping juuuust a little bit faster, yay!) but that also meant that the weapon buff part that gave your weapon ghost touch ended up on you, the player, where it doesn't work because you're not actually a weapon in most cases! Thankfully, super easy bug to fix, I just had to make the base on-hit stuff on you also grant Ghost Touch (and delete the scripting that stuck a weapon buff to you) but this bug was not out of left field in the slightest. I could have caught this one, and for that I feel bad, but it was far from random.
    I don't want this to sound patronising - I'm really not trying to teach you to suck eggs. It would help if every time you
    touch functionality it would be helpful to create a functional checklist so you can regression test your fix against it. I
    don't know how it is in SSG but it's desirable to have separate people (testers) creating tests against the functional
    specification, not the code. It would be too much work to build this from scratch for all functionality but it's manageable
    if you do it as you go. Analysis from where I work, where the developer usually ends up writing the unit test, is that unit
    tests always pass - because the person, naturally, designs the test according to the code they just wrote/changed.

  15. #14
    Community Member Amoneth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    I don't know how it is in SSG but it's desirable to have separate people (testers) creating tests against the functional specification, not the code.
    I think we've already established that WE are the testers for SSG!

  16. #15
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    so i wonder if the abyss aura for abyss pact warlocks is gonna get fixed correctly this time around???????

    the animation still drops when going from instance to instance. I logged my tankenstein build abyss pact warlock out in the harbor on Tuesday. last night i logged her in to grab IoD stuff. in the harbor she had the aura when i ran back to my airship, poof gone. its the red and black portion of the aura that is dropping. the white scrolling skulls on the shoulders and arms sticks around.
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  17. #16
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    I chuckle when reading criticism from people, outlining how devs should verify coding will work before release, yet they can't take the time to check their own spelling or sentence structure.

    Glass house, pots'n'kettles, planks in the eye, etc.

    I get being frustrated; I was in when the thirty-second-notice popped up each time, with a Sov xp pot burning and not chance to finish the quests.
    However, how can a person demand accountability of others when they can't hold themselves accountable to spell something correctly?
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  18. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerevth View Post
    I chuckle when reading criticism from people, outlining how devs should verify coding will work before release, yet they can't take the time to check their own spelling or sentence structure.

    Glass house, pots'n'kettles, planks in the eye, etc.

    I get being frustrated; I was in when the thirty-second-notice popped up each time, with a Sov xp pot burning and not chance to finish the quests.
    However, how can a person demand accountability of others when they can't hold themselves accountable to spell something correctly?
    please don't judge those that have a hard time spelling. it has nothing to do with how they feel about a product they have time invested in. I myself have a hard time spelling even simple words and accountability has nothing to do with that fact in any way just doing this my spell checker fixed 7 things for me some people it's just hard to keep the letters straight. i get that many are upset with yesterday's update issues but to attack someone for spelling is just childish and showing of your narrow-mindedness in general. thanks and have a nice day enjoy and good luck on the niffty loots

  19. #18
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    Default lol

    Quote Originally Posted by philoe View Post
    I still find it amazing you launch a product with so many errors..not just one e, but every single it it possible that you folks can't launch a somewhat finished product? Please just give us a few good excuses or a look
    At your rationale the way, it's Thur now and no release notes
    microsoft does it all the time. programing is never 100% complete and always over budget.

  20. #19
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HippieBallz View Post
    please don't judge those that have a hard time spelling. it has nothing to do with how they feel about a product they have time invested in. I myself have a hard time spelling even simple words and accountability has nothing to do with that fact in any way just doing this my spell checker fixed 7 things for me some people it's just hard to keep the letters straight. i get that many are upset with yesterday's update issues but to attack someone for spelling is just childish and showing of your narrow-mindedness in general. thanks and have a nice day enjoy and good luck on the niffty loots
    Honestly, I took a long look at the post I had in mind when I wrote this- before I wrote this. The post had spelling errors that aren't the result of speaking a secondary language; they were from striking a key next to the one they intended- let's say an R pressed instead of a T, as an example.

    I am not judging the person- I don't know the person. Nor did I infer that they were childish or narrow minded. I said, "I chuckle when reading criticism from people, outlining how devs should verify coding will work before release, yet they can't take the time to check their own spelling or sentence structure. Glass house, pots'n'kettles, planks in the eye, etc."

    I commented at the underlying irony that the lack of someone's proofreading shows when they are criticizing the work of others- simple mistakes that can be cleaned up before clicking "send".

    I'm not narrow-minded, but I am counseling one should get one's act together before criticizing someone else.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    An issue came up overnight as we were working toward release, and we need to postpone the patch. We will have more information as soon as we can.
    Well fork me... I logged off early to go do something else out of frustration that there was going to be 2 downtimes in a row and then come back to see it was delayed lol! Why do I feel like it was a late april fools day joke?! Anyway, I do like when SSG speaks up and owns about mistakes

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