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Hello DDO community!
I'm playing DDO for several years now and I love this game but I have a suggestion for reaper mode that I feel It would change this game for the better.
My suggestion is to lower the difficulty of r1 since its the new standard to match almost match the elite difficulty.
Just leave players dps as in elite, players like their big numbers.
Give minimal self healing penalty in reaper like a 10% penalty to hint that in reaper there is a self healing penalty but dont leave it 60% r1 is the 1st tier of 10 tiers shoudnt be that high i understand why reaper was made, to promote grouping but ddo doesnt have so many players to always have a group available...
In a few words, help new or returning players to get on the hamster wheel that Reaper, Past lives is and ddo population will IMO improve.
I cannot find any cons to this suggestion. Even if someone says that this suggestion breaks the whole concept of reaper I will say again that reaper is a difficulty of 10 tiers...
If you think is necessary make a small 5%-10% increase in rxp at reaper 2 and above since those difficulties will stay untouched...