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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default fix/Buff Quarterstaff!!

    Ever since the THF changes, every TH weapons got a attack speed buff, except quarterstaff. Why is that? I actually can't think of an answer, like if it's a bug, why does it only affect quarterstaff? you have to be horribly incompetent to forgot to buff a weapon that is affected by 3 enhancement trees. Or is it intentional? why? quarterstaff was never overpowered, I'd even argue that it is a bit underpowered if you don't take acrobat or henshin. So why is this still not fixed after a year? to rub salt on the wound, the enhancement (rogue acrobatics) is also bugged, giving 15% attack speed while ONLY STANDING, I know its not a big problem but why does it needs to be there?

    on a related note why is sweeping strike also bugged and not taking account of the character's trip stat? its bugged for years ffs. And then you put "no mercy" in this tree with no way to actually induce helplessness, since sweeping strike's trip is different from trip's trip can't you make it so it triggers helplessness so we can take advantage of "no mercy"?

    Off topic* Instead of pumping and rushing out new content why not take a sec to fix bugs or make quality of life change? how can you attract new players with all these annoying small bugs?

    In conclusion, fix the annoying bugs that's been there for years and buff the att. spd

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    After reading the patch notes for update 54, it must being a twist of fate, the iconic tabaxi is a quarterstaff focused character. And it's tier 4 enhancement "wide sweep" functions the same as the enhancement "sweeping strike" from the rogue acrobat tree, but it also should scale with "trip" modifier. Now wouldn't it be a kick in the nuts if a racial enhancement functions properly but not a class enhancement? Now it is your chance to fix these bugs SSG. You literally have no more excuse now. It's insane how some of these bugs lasted for longer than 6 years. Please SSG, the key to a great game lies in it's foundation, not just pumping out new content cash grabs.

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