I decided to mess around on my main account on <insert random server> on its highest level character. I think I just wanted to give that account some play time as its been a while...
So Ilogged on my lvl 20 pure-artificeur (I know.... What was I thinking) and decided to raid the feywilds chests for funky runearms and other cool gear.
I summoned up my longtime cormpanions, iron defender, VIP anniversary lion, owlbear, iron guardian, annimated scarecrow and feywinds bard, because why not?
I ran out, ignoring mobs watching the alert level going to "V" over and over, only stopping for chests, because "level five".
I decided to drink from the fountain of wonder with every run....and suddenly my HP is dropping and there is this angry buzzing with a timer of several minutes and I can't casr spells or spell like abilities and carry no pots.
And that brave little lvl 5 bard is doing his dangdest to fix me with his little CLW. The warforged cleric-healer is off chasing deer, or redcaps or crawfish or something and left me in his dust.
i watch my HP drop like an idiot and bees! So angry! Rage! No time to heal!
Most embarrassing for a level 20 getting picked off by a fountain that I didn't need to interact with almost killing me. Took me down to 10%. And then the guardian got tired of chasing foxes. And pixies, and satyrs. Or whatever.
So thats me, all hubirry and mighty, nearly falling to bees. And the only one standing up for me was 1/4 my level.
Anyone got a better shoulda/woulda/coulda story-almost died because you thought it would be easy story-or that time you headed into a raid with no Spell mats story?
Because if you don't, Imma gonna share allllll mine!