Quote Originally Posted by Lomizir View Post
  • Magus of the Eclipse
  • Fatesinger
  • Primal Avatar
  • Exalted Angel
I've tested Primal Avatar and Exalted Angel mantles, and while maxed they both state 1d6+6 per level in the description, but they do different damage.
It seems Primal mantle (fire + light one) does stated damage (it was doing exactly the same as my 1d6+6 EA epic strike), but EA mantle did much less.
It was around half or even slightly less, but it was definitely more than on live servers.

With caster level 25, spell with max caster level 15, around 540 light spell power (no metamagic applied), not including any crits and on EE:
  • on live EA light proc was doing around 400-450 damage
  • on Lammania EA light proc was doing around 850-950 damage
  • on Lammania Primal light proc was doing around 1750-1900 damage

Quick math for 1d6+6 gives average of 9.5 * 25 = 237.5 base, scaled with 540 SP should be around ~1550, which does not match anything above.
For caster level 15, it is around 910, for caster level 35 it is around 2130.
The spell I tested it with had max caster level of 15, so it looks like spell's max caster level influences the EA mantle damage.
For an epic spell with CL35 (and no MCL), EA light proc was around 1800-1900, Primal around 2200-2300 - all the numbers in theory should be completely equal for both mantles now but are somehow not.

I don't really know what exactly is incorrect here, but something seems really odd.
My guess is that some mantles take CL/MCL differently than others, but this is not stated anywhere at the moment.