dear sev, lyn, cordo, steel, and friends, i love ur game. but could u kindly undo (or at least partially undo) this heavy handed shiradi nerf, and fix "feywild attunement" which still doesn't add the 10 force spell power and 10 universal spell power.
as a ddo player of 16 years, with all past lives and capped reaper trees ... and as a player who runs hours of r10s and raids almost everyday on Orien with a large variety of other players, please allow me to give you a vet players perspective on dps caster (nuker/spammer) balance (since that's predominantly what we're dealing with in this shiradi nerf)
all the big dps casters that I'm aware of on orien are in draconic. For the most part, they are a mixture of sorc, alchemist and druid. again, they are ALL in draconic. i knew of only one ice sorc who was using shiradi frosty line, but she has since gone draconic since the nerf.
there was no big dps shiradi builds on orien ... at least not in the top 20. they were (and still are) all draconic.... every ... single .... one. if ur looking for balance, the top dps casters are the draconic sorc/druid/alch. alchemist is the top of the top ... so if ur looking for balance, kindly restore shiradi, and slightly ... perhaps 5%-10% .... bring down draconic and alchemist .... just slightly ... not massive nerfs ... just careful adjustments.
I wish you well in the ongoing development of your wonderful game