My Q-Staff user's Spear of the Mournlands seems to hold up quite well.
BTW, the Bladeforged in the picture is my Q-Staff user.
My Q-Staff user's Spear of the Mournlands seems to hold up quite well.
BTW, the Bladeforged in the picture is my Q-Staff user.
(not sure devs read this thread anymore after lammania preview ended)
but i really do agree with droid here..
why does a race in ddo have to be limited to starting in eberron or forgotten realms. could we get an option to start in the realm/plane of our choice? the tabaxi is not a race exclusive to eberron. could you let us choose where we start possibly with a slightly modified racial tree? or else offer it as a racial/planar variant?
yeah i hate being excluded from serving the deity of my choice.
(i also think it would have been interesting if you did have a deity option for tabaxi to serve the cat lord)
or bast even...
but i would have liked the favored weapon for tabaxi to be the wHip/cat o' nine tails with a special attack similar to/modified from the shadar-kai chain attack.
there needs to be a new cool wHip weapon for ddo.
Why not apply a Haste-like effect ? The engine should be capable of noticing that there is something climbable to start a climbing animation (happens with every playable race) - this flag could imho be used to apply some kind of haste effect with a faster climbing animation.
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
The Rogues of Argonnessen, picking pockets for a better Stormreach, relieving you of your clutter so you don't have to. Need something? Tell us where you saw it, how well it's guarded and when the current owners aren't going to be home. We will get you the exact same make, model and color, For a fee.
The Rogues of Argonnessen, picking pockets for a better Stormreach, relieving you of your clutter so you don't have to. Need something? Tell us where you saw it, how well it's guarded and when the current owners aren't going to be home. We will get you the exact same make, model and color, For a fee.
[QUOTE=Shedrakzo;6510552]Tabaxi Face Customization:
In the final release, will there be an option to change the snout color from its current unalterable white?
The Rogues of Argonnessen, picking pockets for a better Stormreach, relieving you of your clutter so you don't have to. Need something? Tell us where you saw it, how well it's guarded and when the current owners aren't going to be home. We will get you the exact same make, model and color, For a fee.
I Lamannia down? I shows play but when I click play it set there for 20 minutes with getting inline to connect
Is Lamannia server down? It shows play I clicked on play all it shows getting inline to connect
My thoughts real quick on Tabaxi.
Consider adding something like Rapier as a favored weapon or at least Dex to damage with Rapiers. These type of abilities would open the race up to the style of play that it seems to be written for rather than just being stuck with pre-existing Dex builds where several of it's abilities (deflect/evasion) are simply redundant.
A bit of the rest of the tree needs bumped up, certain parts fall short when compared to other racial trees. I would love to see a harder hitting Cat Scratch or Deep Scratches as well as stronger options for Feline Versatility, bump the offhand strike chance to 10%, DS/DS to 5% and Vigor to Greater Vigor.
The Iconic past lives are weak. A +1 save vs traps is simply worse than +1 Reflex save which we already get from Scoundrel, and the +1 Trip DC is just a very small bonus. I'd literally just double both the save bonus and the DC bonus to +2/4/6 to make them a bit more viable.
Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the next preview.
The few screenshots I've seen here make me wonder why the Tabaxi don't have any fur ?
Is the engine programmed so that any character models cannot have any texture applied to them, apart from facial textures ?
I wonder because no player character model apart from Warforged ones seem to have any textures applied to the body. All player character models I remember have a clean, almost hairless body. (Don't remember how Shifters are right now, need to look at that).
The only body models with fur textures applied to them I can remember are druid shape wolves & bears - and animals in general.
Edit : I totally forgot the Dragonborn ! Yes, they do have a body texture applied !
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
Instead of natural climber can they get the trip resistance of 4 legged animals of +4 or so that cats have in game?
I fully agree that +1 save vrs traps is very weak and should be boosted - a rogue past life gives +2 save and a damage bonus. I am not sure that I agree with the trip bonus is over powered as trip can be a very powerful ability and as it is an active ability it is selectable only applies to those classes that want it ( a +1 tactical might be a compromise boost).
[QUOTE=Steelstar;6510240]The Tabaxi Race and Tabaxi Trailblazer Iconic have been added to the game!
[*]High Places: After falling for at least 1.5 seconds, when you land you gain +2 Critical Hit Confirmation, +2 Critical Hit Damage, and +25% Armor Piercing for 20 seconds.
[*]Natural Climber: +50% Movement Speed while climbing Ladders and other climbable surfaces (such as Vines)
- (Known Issue: This ability is being cut for technical reasons, but has not been replaced yet in this build. We are open to suggestions on its replacement).
I do have to ask who thought these two would be a good idea?
High places - this seems like a complete trap and waste of AP. How many quests have a) a place to fall for at least 1.5 seconds and b) the need to fight a boss right away?
Maybe look into the remaining climbing bugs before adding climbing speed boosts?
This is a fantastic question, and hopefully you'll continue providing the support behind your reasoning - as in the shiradi nerf thread. Once we see the numbers, abilities and calculations you're referencing, we can help point out something that has been overlooked. This is way better compared to "X is over-performing or under-performing" Please continue, as this opens a valid discussion.
Huh? Aasimar of course. It is the only wisdom race.
As far as I know a handwrap monk puts 41 points in Shintao, 28 in Falconry 1 in Henshin and 11 in either vistani or ninja spy. I don't see taking anything in the racial unless you have racial AP, so for most it doesn't really matter what the tree could theoretically give. They'll go with the best race with 0 points invested and that's aasimar.
And if you do have some racial AP then +2 stun DC for 4 AP in the aasimar tree looks more attractive than any single thing you list there. So with a couple of rAP aasimar also wins.
Also, lay on hands, so with 5~7 points aasimar is nice.
And 10 prr, 10 mrr and 5% hp, or 10 MP, so for the racial completionist also aasimar.
I feel like I do not understand the question. Why would it be close?
Last edited by Rull; 04-19-2022 at 11:46 AM.
OK, so monk abilities are WIS-based, especially for wrap monks going shintao tree. Meaning, DEX is pointless.
Dodge bypass is nice, but mobs mostly have no dodge at all or have a LOT of it. 6% bypass is "nice", but not exciting.
2 SA dice and 6 attack is good, though.
Saves is fairly pointless, since mine are already high enough.
Movement while sneaking... nty, not doing sneaking on my monk anyway.
Ki is decent for levelling, but I do not see it as a problem for cap.
TS? Have it on gear. Or take it in falconry.
Incorp and concealment is decent, but tumbling and breaking combat is annoying. Tried that enough with my staff rogue. Way too annoying to keep up. Anyway, it gets reduced in reaper, so not giving me personally much, if any, value.
Fast running is definitely fun, but again, it gets tiresome to keep up.
So.... dodge bypass, SA dice and to hit.
Versus aasimar: 4 WIS, healing hands(!), +2 tactics DC (fallen), +40 heal amp, +3 hit+dmg vs evil, 10 Melee Power, built in vulnerability application.
As I see it, aasimar gives much, much better survivability, better DCs, and about the same DPS.
Corrupt A Wish: Healing Hands is removed with Tabaxi release.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.