Does the enchanting death effectively increase necro and enchant DCs by 3? Even with Spell Focus?
I have been searching for this item with no luck and was curious if its even worth continuing to farm.
Does the enchanting death effectively increase necro and enchant DCs by 3? Even with Spell Focus?
I have been searching for this item with no luck and was curious if its even worth continuing to farm.
It increases your caster level, not the DC. So you count as 3 levels higher, which means your spell penetration roll should be higher, and any durations will be higher as well.
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
Pretty sure he's referring to the automatically landed crushing despair that applies -5 to saves and if it applies before or after finger of death (ie, do you have to cast a necro spell to apply the debuff before the insta kill)
I don't know the answer to that question.