So I have this guild, Wild Scallions... had it for years. If you see someone on any server playing for that guild it is me.
Multiple accounts, multiple servers and my main on this account is the guild leader.

Imagine my surprise when I logged on to Wayfinder to find my guild message includes a word that is now illegal.

I like the fun involved as English profanity is "symboled-out" but Spanish ones are not! I got called a "jerk" one day by a new player but they used a different word, just because I was playing a new artificer... I used google to translate and had a small convo with them ending with me leading the player to Korthos island to portal out so he could find his non-newbie friends... Ah the things I do to shepherd the lost. The same day I managed someone who I think was speaking Chinese with google translate. I'm a helper. I like puzzles. I like things to make sense. I like rules applying to one and all. No freebies! Rewards based on merit. Help when you can. Don't sweat the small stuff. Read the fancy manual only when you need to. People easily blame computers absent knowledge etc.

So someone please help me out with this. My guild message on Wayfinder is... "noep! pots scrolls to celest /gogglesup on"
These are notes to myself, not to be too serious, which character is stockpiling supplies on that server and a helpful emote I use often.

The game tells me, "The text you entered is forbidden."

I only noticed because my guild message in the chat window upon logging on said
(Guild: The guild's Message of the Day is:
noep! pots @#$%&*! to celest /gogglesup on

The least offensive word in there is probably "scrolls" and yet that word is illegal. Please tell me that the game is not copywriting words so only the game can use them because seriously...I am forgetting to "noep!" here.

I do not know why this forum inserted a smiley up there. The text was cut and pasted from the game<shrug>.