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  1. #1
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Default Quick Cutter - FotW Epic Strike

    For those who have used the Fury of the Wild Epic Strike Quick Cutter, what do you think of it?

    Quick Cutter: Melee Attack (Epic Strike) 0/1/2[W] + 0/1/2 Critical Threat Range. When you use this skill gain the effect “Quick” which grants +2/4/6% Dodge for 9 seconds. If you use this skill again while Quick is still active you instead apply Cutter to your target. Cutter: 4d6 Bane damage per character level every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. Stacks 3 times and scales with 200% of Melee Power. Off hand strikes can apply Cutter as well. Requires a melee weapon to use. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

    I found the cutter DoT was stronger than I expected, and have been using Cutter vs Adrenaline of late on my TWF tempest. The DoT is wasted on trash but good for longer higher skull red named fights. The DoT lasts a long time.

    Still evaluating the value of "Off hand strikes can apply Cutter as well." Curious what people have noticed with this.
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    Still evaluating the value of "Off hand strikes can apply Cutter as well."
    Well that just means you're applying two stacks with TWF instead of one...which really just means you cap the ticks after 2 attacks instead of 3

    4d6 bane per clvl at lvl 30 is, of course, 120d6=420 base Bane damage, at 200 MP and 200% that's 2100 every 2 seconds = ~1000 unresistable DPS per tick, or ~3000 per sec fully stacked, for up to 36000 per 12-sec attack cycle (does it apply both Quick and Cutter if you already have Quick? Or does it alternate between the two?)

    Adrenaline gives 225% bonus damage, and can be used twice in that 12 sec interval. So the breakeven would be where it adds 18000 damage per use (or merely 12000 for trash mobs that would only get 2 stacks). Which means doing 8,000 damage before Adren - but that includes crit damage, and considering you're probably using Adren with Boulders Might or Fast and Furious (+W +2 crit mult) and pretty much guaranteed crit with Adren, that's probably not too hard a bar to clear

    The only mark in Cutter's favor might be that it becomes AOE with Dance of Death (assuming it does), where Adren only gives bonus damage to the first target hit...but like you said, its value is less vs trash mobs anyway

  3. #3
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    The only mark in Cutter's favor might be that it becomes AOE with Dance of Death (assuming it does), where Adren only gives bonus damage to the first target hit
    Is bane reduced by the reaper skulls reduction or effected by high mitigation on targets? Unmitigated damage is always interesting.

    I wasn't curious enough to test it because my current FOTW melee build does more total damage with Adrenaline than Quick can do and I really like the KD. It's THF not TWF, though. TWF has the lowest per hit base in game. Adrenaline won't shine as well with less to multiply and so Quick might win.

  4. #4
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quick Cutter is either bugged or the description is wrong, and the wiki is also wrong.

    The actual effect is as follows:

    • Must hit target.
    • 2/4/6% dodge.
    • Duration 9 seconds.


    • Must have Quick active.
    • Must hit target.
    • Does not refresh Quick.
    • 2d6/3d6/4d6 bane damage per character level (does NOT scale with melee power)
    • Triple hit attack when using TWF
    • Procs bane damage on hit when applied up to 3 times

    When fully stacked it will always tick for ~1260 damage every 2 seconds, + up to 3 additional hits every 12 seconds when reapplied. Resulting in up to ~945 dps from bane damage + the damage from the additional TWF melee strike every 6 seconds (500-1000 dps for most endgame TWF builds).

    Obviously this is way less than you get from Tier 4 adrenaline in addition to being unreliable and slow to ramp up, but it can be useful for early epics, or as a tier 1 splash in fury.
    If it was fixed to apply melee power, it would be better dps than adrenaline for most TWF builds, but likely still worse for THF.
    Last edited by Monkey_Archer; 03-29-2022 at 03:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
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    I tried to use quick and cutter before going to adrenaline but after I saw that with a thf it requires me to pause my attack to do kind of like a charged attack instead of applying the effect to my swings and not interrupting my swings. I saw this as ineffective and more of a problem than running adrenaline which just applies the effect to my swings and does not stop me from swinging.

    Honestly unless the effect has just an absolutely drastic effect I don't think it should be a charge to tax and I think it should just be applied to your swings as you're attacking.

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